[QUOTE="WAIW"][spoiler] Nathan Hale dies in the end of Resistance 2 so he SHOULDN'T be able to be in 3 [/spoiler] I just hope that the next ratchet game has better platforming than a Crack in Time. The platforming just didn't seem like it was much of the game, for me atleast it felt like it was focusing on combat more than the platforming.(I know there was platforming but it seemed like most of the platforming was for optional items) [spoiler] If they ever make a sequel they'll probably figure out some way to bring him back into the mix. They don't really have any other main characters to replace him. Plus, it's fiction. [/spoiler]I'm fine with that. Ratchet > Nathan Hale any day.
WAIW's forum posts
I'm fine with that. Ratchet > Nathan Hale any day.
Evil imperialistic governments have way too large a presence in JRPG's. It feels lazy and never draws me into the story. One of the worst examples of this is what I'm playing now, Dragon Quest IX. It's like they went out of their way to include a warmongering empire, even though it was entirely suprefluous and tacked on
Cool. Still not buying it.
Gamespot is too afraid to give out 10s now. A skateboarding game would never ever be considered for a 10 today, no matter how good it was.Cherokee_Jack
How so? Gamespot's given out almost half of their 10's in the past two years
Majora's Mask and the Oracle Zeldas, but the former especially. Collecting those masks was an addiction
[QUOTE="siLVURcross"]Didn't GiantBomb name it their GOTY last year or something?h575309No that was Uncharted 2 I think they gave it the 360 GOTY or something then
Yea, who are they to advertise their product and emphasize what makes it different from the competition? :roll:What Bethesda needs to understand is that Japanese like structure and that linear story driven JRPGs ... happen to be very popular in Japan. Why would you advertise in a way that sets you apart from what the market wants? Western arrogance I guess.
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