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WBMike Blog

I'm Still Here! Hello!

Well I'm not really here anymore. Unfortunately I left TV.com because its been over run by kids who gets all emo whiney when you say bad things (aka CRITIQUING) about their favorite shows and characters. As if they'll somehow lose all hope to live if you believe Shadow is a terrible character because... Danny Phantom is a horrible show because... Seriously it got to point where some idiot said, "HOW WOULD YOU FEEL IF TAILS SAID THOSE MEAN STUFF ABOUT YOU"  :cry:   Yes Tails is real folks and he's comming to ring your doorbell right now! Although this happened a year ago, I don't know the current state of Tv.com. I'm not sure if it got better or if it got worse. Reintroduce me if you have the time. I'll be on Gamespot or should I say GameFaqs in the Nights Journey of Dreams and Nights into Dreams and Phantasy Star Universe + Ambition of Illuminus Boards.

I also have my OWN website which is too boring for kids but if you want to read my blog its now located at


I would like to get into Animation Blogging also but its a tough niche, not because its hard to get a good rank in search results, but because people pay more attention to you if you work for an animation studio. Otherwise I'll have to say controversial things like Spongebob is a horrible show and thank god it got cancelled... BRB I think I hear the Doorbell..

Blog is Down | Aim Wiki

Blog is Down. Irresponsible Cousin!

In the meantime. Learn Aim through Aim Wiki
More detailed than Wikipedia. And yes people ask me these questions over and over and over.

Where have I Been?

Well Tv.com isn't all fun it used to be when we had less people, and a little more cliques, but I'm still here, I'm not leaving.

I have been busy with Blogging about AOL + MYSPACE
I have also been busy blogging to over 18 only, while teaching Japanese.  HOW CUTE.

Well Upcomming Reviews are

Squirrell Boy, Jake Long 2.0, Avatar, Minoriteam, Ben 10, Tom Goes To the Mayor. KTHANXBI

Chuck Norris Karate Kommandos Reaction

Wow.. This show has some trippy music. Its really retro, to the point of never downloading it ever. I dislike how they portrayed Pepper. She's this woman with smarts, a scientist, a technician, yet when she opens her mouth, the dumbness spreads forth.

"All it needs is a woman's touch"

"Why Walk when you can DRIVE"


Poor Pepper, I feel sorry for you, your personality is a dead as Wonderwoman in superfriends. You have no real emotions, just there for your looks. Token..

Super Ninja, I feel as if Cobra wasn't getting any dates, so he asked for the help of Queer Eye For The Straight Guy, and Voila! Beautiful Strands of Hair.. But his voice unfortunately suffered from too much cigarettes.  

Too Much, I feel so much hatred towards you. You take over from PEPPA's Dumbness, and say Too Much at awkward situations. But its not your fault, the people who made you that outfit needs to be fired.

6teen Reaction

Intermission Over, Back To work.

I missed 6teen, it seems to be replaced by Drake & Josh, which I really don't like watching any live action shows...

I'll do a reaction post for each show I review for other things I wanted to say.

6teen, I don't know but it caught me into it. Maybe its the vector style, and I'm very much a fan of that style. I'm reading the negative reviews and so far, some aren't really legit, instead of reviewing the show, they just review the message it portrays. I see some good points brought up in negative reviews, but I  like fair reviews, so please review also why you don't like it and what can it do to improve itself. But I think this show first problem is that its on Nick, and I absolutely agree that this show shouldn't be anywhere near Nick. Plus CN always give their shows some good airtime atleast. Well I expect it to be canceled by Nick anyway. I'm back with nothing to watch this summer.

Character Development Part 2

I write this under the jam of Quantic Soul Orchestra. Even though i don't like traditional jazz. So I'm writing about a 5 episode script for a show I named "Frenetic Hyper" or FH. I take a long time to create a show, usually it takes about a year for it to fully develop. I have to create these meaningfull characters. Its hard to convey their feeling on paper than when voice acting. So I have to write in extra dialogue to explain whats happening, which I feel is inefficient and boring. So we come up to Character Development. A previous post explains what characters to avoid, so now I'll show examples of characters made. Realistic vs Stereotype We had a good discussion on this in the animation board about characters being stereotypical. I have written a script where I try to make the characters as realistic as possible but its not the greatest for entertainment. It works well in Gilmore Girls. So I'd usually recommend characters to avoid the stereotype but we still need it to define a character. EMO: In FH, I used this lifestyle for a character. So Its generally a lanky sort of tall guy with puffy curly hair and constantly looking down(sterotype). Who is easily startled (realistic?) when things don't go his way, and the world changes from what he's used to... Then he often gets fustrated at this problem, but he doesn't show it publically (realistic) So this is a brief short description on how he acts. Using EMO as the basis for his actions, and shyness and fustration and stress to make him more realistic. Now not many cartoons have joined in on this character type, since its fairly new (cartoons get a 3-4 years in development so they don't catch up as quickly) Notes: My Gym Partner is A Monkey has one character that can be stereotypically considered emo, but not realistically emo.
Wild Crazy Guy: In FH, Frenetic, is a character who generally acts unpredictable (realistic) and will do things without thinking (cliché?). He has a mysterious past, which will probably not be uncovered much (cliché). He will flirt with anything that walks (realistic/stereotype) and often times thinks he's the best looking in the room (stereotype). He doesn't act concieted or cocky though(realistic), just confident. Now almost every cartoon/anime has this type of character. Its really the wild ones who are generally dumb, or have one set stereotype that they must follow. Notes: Eddy from Ed,Edd,Eddy, typically isn't considered the crazy guy but sometimes is wild enough to do anything for a profit.(stereotype) His whole purpose for money in every episode is to buy jawbreakers.( overused plot element) Inuyasha, from Inuyasha, is pretty spontaneous and gets jealous quick (realistic) but is torn between two lovers (realistic). He often does things out of impulse and gets into fights really quick (stereotype) then fights often (stereotype), then is often seen as the dumb one in the group (stereotype) because he will just go into a battle without analyzing the situation. (overused plot element)
So from these two examples, its better to mix stereotype with realistic elements. If you leave a character in one stereotype all the time, you will get one plot element they must fulfill in every episode (ed edd & eddy) that can get redundant. In Any case If your working on a original script for cartoon/anime send me a episode.

Annoying 13 Year Old Girls Quotes

Well ever since I've been helping people with AIM Problems I get the most random IMs every minute from 13,12,11,10 year olds, snobby 16 year olds, and n00by 18 year olds. So for the most part, they all IM me with "Hi,HI,HI,hi,hi blah blah blah ASL PIC, im bored what do you wnat to chat about". SO for the most part I avoid their questions and ask them if they need help with aim. After that they just become evil. They curse me out, they don't believe me when I say I'm 21, they just bash me, and all I can do is sit and laugh at how serious they take it. The thing is I don't have time to listen about them whine about not having a bf/having a bf, getting in detention, how boring their life is. I mean if you really want to talk to me you got to take control of the conversation. Whenever they IM me they feel like I'm supposed to bring up topics for them to talk about and carry the conversation. But to be nice I'm not going to block them except in the case of this stalker girl who still believes I'm 10, and somehow I appeared on her buddy list by magic. ----- annoying: how old r u me: 21 annoying: no ur not ur a lyer, why wud a 21 yr old have pokemon pic me: its not pokemon, who judges a person by their icon anyway? annoying: w/e you suck. (*curse*) U (*curse*)...

Create A Cartoon (Characters to Avoid) Part 1

So While your creating your own cartoon or anime... You need some characters. Lets start with characters to avoid. 1. The Stupid Character. Ditzy and Cluless dumb blonde is ok. Characters who say one word, or they are incredibly mentally challenged should be avoided. Don't pick them, they get annoying fast. 2. The Hero with no flaws. Watch out for overpowered characters, they need emotional and physical flaws too. Serena the leader from Sailor Moon was perfect. Thats a kind of character you need as a leader. 3. 300 Co-stars. A Show I'm making suffers from this, too much leader characters can create confusing times, for example Digimon. Their faces are so similar, and learning their names took a while. You really want characters to stand out. If you have a group, limit them down to 3 or 4. When you have alot, they get bunched into One Personality per character. The snobbish rich guy would always be the snobbish rich guy. Kids Next Door suffers from this alot, and sometimes the characters blur with each other. Numbah 3 and Numbah 1 blur together that if it wasn't for the accent, I wouldn't be able to tell them apart. 4. Relatives. When you have stars who are relatives, things easily get dumbed down into the I hate my sister/brother. Its a tired formula, and its prevelant on almost all Disney Channel shows. When relatives have conflicts, make sure their conflicts are valid, or funny. Family Guy's Meg And Chris suffer from this, but because the show puts Meg in this Daffy Duck situation, everyone at one point hates her or don't care about her.
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