2007 - Wii wins in sales. 360 and PS3 struggle to compete despite the obvious superioty of the PS3.
First half 2008 - Wii fad begins to wane. Fanboys realises it's just a GameCube. Wii sales plummet after several flops (Mario Galaxy is a rehash, Brawl is a rehash, Corruption is a reahash).
First half of 2008 - XBOX 360 suffers sales decline becuase people decide to buy a PS3 which has gone down in price and Blu-ray has won the war
First half of 2008 - Many hyped 360 games flop due to unrealistic expecetations of fans
Mid 2008 - PS3 releases mega titles that pummel the 360 and Wii into dirt
Mid 2008 - PS3 sales pick up dramatically and the true potential is realised.
2008 - onwards - PS3 reclaims its rightful title as king of the consoles.
Ps3 will not win.
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