This is a great time to be a PS3 owner so glad they had that price drop it's exactly what I was waiting for. Plus now there are so many great games coming out that completely validate the purchase.
Yeah after looking at Warhawk's gameplay video's I think I am getting that one now for sure, thanks to everyone who read this post, please feel free to still voice your opinions.
I just wanted to know who is getting Warhark, I am thinking about getting it day one or so and wanted to know are a lot of other PS3 people pumped for this game and if so how many?
Ok here's the deal I like Madden 08 for Wii a good amount and I could buy it (I have it rented from GameFly right now) or I could get Warhawk when it come out which has been slowly creeping into my head and making me want it more and more. I need some peoples opinions here might just help sway me one way or another, so which one Madden 08 for Wii or Warhawk?
I am definitely getting it, I did get it last year cause I had played the PS2 version of the game way before the Wii version came out, but I have been waiting for Madden Wii 08 since then and can't wait to finally get to use the Wii controls in Madden. Plus this year with all the awesome Mii Mini-games and Online play it's bound to be even better then last year's.
Yeah I know, I can't find a review for it anywhere on the net, which is amazing I even made another topic about it and nobody else seems to know. Anyway I will ask again is the game anygood, anyone?
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