I got SCV in the mail last Wednesday. It got here surprisingly fast (Kentucky-New Jersey in 1 day) The US Postal Service can actually be competent.
I must say the game is extremely fun. I unlocked all the characters and am working on the creation equipment and weapons. You can also unlock titles with Quick Battle mode, but the higher ranked opponents can be quite difficult.
Which to say nothing of Legendary Souls, the new boss rush mode. This mode is extremely difficult, I spent an hour on it and only got to the 4th opponent. (I quit) :P Whenever you get close to winning the enemy would spam low attacks or something similar. It can be frustrating, however when I finally won the fights I did complete it was extremely satisfying.
Online mode is way better than it was in SCIV. New lobbies and the ability to watch fights and comment on them is nice, plus the ability to set parameters helps prevent the overly aggressive people who played SCIV from p***ing you off.
Creation mode is incredibly deep. It takes some getting used to at first but the sheer variety is astounding. I was able to create a near perfect Darth Maul and a pretty good Chuck Norris. My bro made Faith (Mirror's dge) and Sephiroth (FFVII).
I gave it an 8.5 but thats just for the lack of SCII's team battle. Also story mode is largely told through storyboard pictures. It helps the aesthetic but more of the actual cutscenes (which look amazing by the way) would have been welcome.
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