world of warcraft is a lot of milkage
Walker34's forum posts
I guess according to OS the ps3 is better.
I still can't get my larger xbox 360 to go away. Why would i want a smaller one?
none. this gen is all hype and no substance that is half the problem. although the ps3 did have a few games i enjoyed that went that extra mile. mgsiv, mlb the show, heavy rain to name a few. GTAIV on the xbox and oblivion live up to the hype somewhat. halo and gears have to be 2 of the most overhyped games ever. these games are not that good and wouldn't even be in my top 500 games of all time.
[QUOTE="Walker34"][QUOTE="themyth01"] It's rather pointless to judge based on graphics of current games, first because it's a subjective matter since games look very similar technically. Second, one game can look better than other pushing less polygons and doing less calculations by using a good art style and smart pre-computations (see KZ2 texture-mapped shadows). Third, it depends on the developers, certain developers will make better use of the hardware than others even if such hardware is less capable graphically. Asking people here will also get you nowhere. I rarely find anything slightly technical on this board. themyth01
The whole reason I started this thread is because this gen has been frustrating to me in all honesty. I h ave a 360 but teh games have been lacking something imo. I'm also not saying the ps3 is better on the other side of the fence. But i have considered buying it. I'm still undecided. I tend think you have 2 consoles sharing a market here where each has their pluses and minuses which isn't overly great as far as being a gamer unless you want to go out and buy both and a pc and spend $2000 dollars.
I honestly don't know what is better. I do think the ps3 has stretched the bar in certain regards as far as variety and creativity. I also think the best the ps3 has to offer in it's exclusives maybe pushes things a bit more. But I also know it has it's drawbacks.
I think if both were maxed out (code developed as optimized as possible) the PS3 could do more technically because of the SPEs, but not by a large amount. I have both a PS3 and a 360 and playing Gears of War 2 next to the PS3 playing Uncharted 2, the difference isn't that big, in some cases I like how U2 looks better and others I like how Gears 2 looks better. If you think getting a PS3 will be a big jump in graphics over 360, you'll be disappointed, the difference is negligible. What I have noticed though is that some PS3 exclusives are indeed very creative and have some impressive sequences, but not for the graphics but more due to the presentation overall.that's what i'm thinking. I'll go back to my mlb 2k10 vs the show comparison as far as processing sound, having working scoreboards and video within the game. This adds to the experience imo. I think the 360 struggles with this kind of stuff because of it's limitations as far as disk space and the spe's. The Show is just a much more polished game. Am I wrong here? Or even ratchet and clank for example. There seems to be more going on as far as gameplay is concerned. Like I said this wasn't supposed to be a graphics thread. I'm more talking about games and the overall experience.
I don't know where i'd be happier. That's why I asked. I'm not the type of person here who buys 2 consoles and has a high end pc. I'll play starcraft 2 on my pc but that's about it. I like the 360. Don't get me wrong. I think what it offers as far as the controller and services is excellent. It's a double edged sword.
[QUOTE="Walker34"][QUOTE="jalexbrown"] I'm sorry, but you made a thread, and in your OP you made both the statement that the Cell is the most power CPU, and then also claimed that Uncharted 2 and Heavy Rain look better than anything on the PC. I don't doubt your credentials, but they don't mean much if you make a thread with such ridiculous claims and no solid evidence to back them up. If you're so intelligent on the subject, why was your OP nothing but shallow junk claims that are always getting made by cows who know nothing about what they're talking about? Also, I'm thinking that just the quote that I posted from you came off as more arrogant than every post I've made in this thread combined.themyth01
I actually asked the question. Because i find it interesting as far as what is being marketed and what really has the most potential. Like I said I understand both consoles have their advantages, but if you really delve into how these consoles are going about things an argument can be made for each. I do find it interesting that if you ask most people they will set the bar the with the ps3 as far as graphics. I'm not making that up or imagining it. But the 360 seems to find that middle ground. i'm also not saying people who post graphic kings even understand what is actually going on from a technical perspective. They take screenshots but I'm more concerned with what a game is actually doing to make it a game and the most enjoyable experience.
It's rather pointless to judge based on graphics of current games, first because it's a subjective matter since games look very similar technically. Second, one game can look better than other pushing less polygons and doing less calculations by using a good art style and smart pre-computations (see KZ2 texture-mapped shadows). Third, it depends on the developers, certain developers will make better use of the hardware than others even if such hardware is less capable graphically. Asking people here will also get you nowhere. I rarely find anything slightly technical on this board.The whole reason I started this thread is because this gen has been frustrating to me in all honesty. I h ave a 360 but teh games have been lacking something imo. I'm also not saying the ps3 is better on the other side of the fence. But i have considered buying it. I'm still undecided. I tend think you have 2 consoles sharing a market here where each has their pluses and minuses which isn't overly great as far as being a gamer unless you want to go out and buy both and a pc and spend $2000 dollars.
I honestly don't know what is better. I do think the ps3 has stretched the bar in certain regards as far as variety and creativity. I also think the best the ps3 has to offer in it's exclusives maybe pushes things a bit more. But I also know it has it's drawbacks.
I'd love to be able to just choose one and know it's the best of all worlds but we don't have that here. Unless someone wants to tell me otherwise.
[QUOTE="Walker34"][QUOTE="jalexbrown"]As a third-year computer science major with a specialization in hardware and programming, I think that the only person in this thread besides myself who might fully grasp what any of this really means is Teufelhuhn. The rest of the thread population seem to make very drastic assumptions based on a very loose understanding of the topic at hand.jalexbrown
I have a CS degree. I've also worked in information technology for 20 years. I learned C, C++, Perl, Fortran, Assembly basic etc. Computer architecture. Actually it's the other way around I think. Just because you are in school doesn't mean you know everything. I understand theory and concepts very well and have been around. I'm your boss in other words. I understand how things work. What I'm saying is actually very similar to what the person who designed the chip says. As a matter of fact. I'd show you the article because I said the same things before I even read it. Being a code monkey doesn't mean **** I'm sorry or that you know anything about the real world. I'm happy for you that you are "3rd year computer science major", but that doesn't mean you know anything really. No offense. But saying you know everything and the rest of the population doesn't because you are a 3rd year computer science major pretty much speaks volumes for your lack of actual intelligence actually. I know a girl she is going for a doctorate in sociology and thinks she knows everything about people. The fact is she is probably the most clueless person i have ever met when it comes to people. Because she has never applied any of it.
Saying you are a "3rd year computer science major" and know more than anyone in a 40 page thread is probably the most arrogant, ridiculous statement I have ever read.
I'm sorry, but you made a thread, and in your OP you made both the statement that the Cell is the most power CPU, and then also claimed that Uncharted 2 and Heavy Rain look better than anything on the PC. I don't doubt your credentials, but they don't mean much if you make a thread with such ridiculous claims and no solid evidence to back them up. If you're so intelligent on the subject, why was your OP nothing but shallow junk claims that are always getting made by cows who know nothing about what they're talking about? Also, I'm thinking that just the quote that I posted from you came off as more arrogant than every post I've made in this thread combined.I actually asked the question. Because i find it interesting as far as what is being marketed and what really has the most potential. Like I said I understand both consoles have their advantages, but if you really delve into how these consoles are going about things an argument can be made for each. I do find it interesting that if you ask most people they will set the bar the with the ps3 as far as graphics. I'm not making that up or imagining it. But the 360 seems to find that middle ground. i'm also not saying people who post graphic kings even understand what is actually going on from a technical perspective. They take screenshots but I'm more concerned with what a game is actually doing to make it a game and the most enjoyable experience.
One more thing to put into discussion is that, if Cell is sooo good, then why the heck did Apple dumped all their PowerPC for X86? One thing for certain, price:performance ratio.
yeah but who's controlling that. Mr. Bill Gates. I know people tend to overlook all the lawsuits going on but it's not like microsoft has exactly been the kinder/gentler company. They've put themselves int hat position where they control what has the best price:performance ratio. where other companies are forced to play by a certain rule that isn't exactly the reality you think it is. Market share and control plays a much bigger role than you think. Like i was saying the ps3 outsells the 360 suddenly it's not that hard to develop for. Who writes the rules. Who writes the truth and what is the reality. The emotion engine is looked at as an ingenius processor. The fact of the matter is it wasn't any easier to develop for than the cell. It just happpened Sony was the only console and controlled the console market.
Have you ever asked yourself why PC games are suddenly being released without Online play and the pc market is being overlooked. MS wants you on a console where they can control your mind and your wallet. You have to agree to their terms of use. You have to pay $50 to play on the internet to MS. Licensing. Control. When did the internet cost an additional $50 to play online? Why is Datel sueing MS because they can't release memory units that are cheaper? Why is that. Why do I have to pay MS if I want to install a different harddrive in my xbox that isn't microsofts brand that costs less? Price:performance is all relative. I'm speaking from a gamers perspective... ARe you really paying less for what you are actually getting?? M$ will play this off as the greater good and a fight against piracy but that's a load of ****
Yup, you got it. Microsoft has sold billions of copies of Windows by duping people into it, not by offering a product that fit their needs. :roll:Teufelhuhn
That's not what i'm saying there. I know microsoft fits peoples needs. Like I said I own a PC and an xbox. Ive never owned a mac in my life. I also don't own a ps3. I've thought of buying one though but i'm hesitant. I did develop on unix systems and did learn linux but that's a whole other story. No they weren't easy but some of the things they offered were different I will say that. I'd even say they were much more efficient in certain ways if you know what you are doing. The problem is not knowing what you are doing creates inefficiency. I'm very aware microsoft caters to the masses.
In that case I'm sorry, I misinterpreted what you posted.
I was developing on DEC alpha's in college. I also learned AIX, Sun Solaris and SCO Unixware. We also had a Vax system running VMS which I learned some basics. Different world and this stuff is obsolete in a lot of ways but it does have it's advantages. I learned a ton in school just because I experienced certain things that people haven't. NOvell was big when I was in school as well. We still had networks that were token ring. Yeah useless information but it does give you a different perspective on things is all I'm saying. I even learned fortran man.... lol. It's been a while but I wouldn't trade some of that stuff for the world because it does allow you to see things differently and how things really can be done.
Was developing on this stuff easy? Hell no. I barely graduated. But I learned a lot.
microsoft are smart business men and it goes deeper than that. Just look at the amount of lawsuits and stuff that goes on. MS has put themselves in position where they control a certain portion of the market. They control the pc business in a lot of ways that I can't explain here. It's like Linux vs Windows. Is windows really a better OS than Liinux at it's core or has MS pulled the rug over peoples eyes and Windows has just become the most commonly used and supported OS which ultimately makes it the best. Bill Gates himself when he started MS was never concerned about specs or hardware or what it can and can't do. He built his empire on spinning things to be that through marketing, good business savvy and just coldhearted greed in a lot of ways.
Yup, you got it. Microsoft has sold billions of copies of Windows by duping people into it, not by offering a product that fit their needs. :roll:
That's not what i'm saying there. I know microsoft fits peoples needs. Like I said I own a PC and an xbox. Ive never owned a mac in my life. I also don't own a ps3. I've thought of buying one though but i'm hesitant. I did develop on unix systems and did learn linux but that's a whole other story. No they weren't easy but some of the things they offered were different I will say that. I'd even say they were much more efficient in certain ways if you know what you are doing. The problem is not knowing what you are doing creates inefficiency. I'm very aware microsoft caters to the masses.
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