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Wanderer5 Blog

Nintendo and Sony Press conference

Well the Nintendo Press Conference is over and while it wasn't bad I was very disappointed. The good things were, Animal Crossing look good, through I probably not going to get it, the Wii speak look pretty cool and hopefully will be the start of voice chat, the add on thing for the Wiimote(forgot what it was called) seem to make the Wiimote more fun to use, Wii Sports Resorts look pretty fun, Call of Duty look a lot better than CoD3 Wii, and finally Wii Music look fun too.

However the rest look lame to me, there was too much sales talk(too boring) and I am so disappointed that the big game seem to be Wii Music. I was hoping for a new Zelda game or Pikmin 3. I like this conference a tad better then Microsoft, but I hope Sony won't be as disapointing.

So overall I give Nintendo conference a 3/5(I will give Microsoft a 3/5 also)

Now let go to Sony Conference, and it better, no 10 times better then the other two. I was impress with most of the PS3 stuff. Most of the games like Resistance 2, Infamous, and Little Big Planet look great. Then there was the God of War III trailer which look exciting.:D And also of course the movie download thing they talk about and the 80GB core pack for $400, make me want to get a PS3. I probably won't get it in a while, but if it was between the 360 and PS3, I would go to the PS3.

Now let head the PSP stuff which was the biggest reason why I watch this. And I am please on what they show. First off Resistance PSP look amazing. Valkyria Chronicle, a PS3 game that I been interesting in, is coming to the PSP.:D And then there also Patapon 2 which look good.

However the PS2 part wasn't that great. They show many upcoming PS2 games but not Persona 4?:| And another Bundle pack?

Overall I will give Sony conference a 4/5.:D Well that it for all three. I post another E3 blog tomorrow.

Microsoft Press Conference

Well today is the start of E3 and Microsoft press conference ended a couple of hours. Overall it was kinda good. FFXIII IS COMING TO THE 360!!! Man that kinda a blow on Sony, but don't worry it still coming to the PS3. Banjo 360, Gears of Wars 2, and The Last Remnant looks good(through TLR trailers was a little short). The Last Remnant was confirm to have a PC version which is good news IMO, since it look like a good game. And then The first Banjo game is coming to XBLA.:D

However there were some things which I didn't think look great. First off I am kinda piss that Portal: Still Alive is a 360 exclusive(or that what they said). I hope Valve create a PC version. I also think most of the casual stuff look lame. The avatars look like a Mii/second life rip off, Lips and Scene it doesn't look bad, through they don't look anything special. Finally, Your In The Movies look very lame and a eyetoy ripoff.

So that my impression. After this I may get a 360, but whether I decide to get it or the PS3, I probably won't get one of them for a while. Anyway I can't wait for Nintendo and Sony conference tomorrow.

E3 and the two GF games

Well tomorrow will be the start of E3. It going to be huge, and I not going to miss it. I hope there be a lot of info about some of the game I am excited for and I hoping for a new Zelda game or Pikmin 3 to be announce. I give my thoughts on E3 during the next few days.

Anyway now on to my two games I have from Gamefly. One is Trauma Center: New Blood. So far I like this kind of gameplay, and the Stigma look creepy(I just did the first one stigma surgery). I also like the story. As for Monster Hunter Freedom 2 it not bad, but it not as good as I hope. The gameplay isn't great IMO and there way too many loading times and a lot of them are like around 15 seconds long.

FFIV DS gets AAA on GS and new games from GF

Wow I just can't believe it. FFIV DS get a 9.0 on GS! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I very very very excited for this game to come out. I see if I can get this on the first day.:D Anyway now then I also got two new games from GF which are Monster Hunter Freedom 2 and TC: New Blood. So far I am enjoying them both.:D That is all. Through since FFIV DS got a 9.0, now the wait is probably going to be longer.:cry:

Oh did anyone see the Sigma Harmonics trailer?

Look awesome.

The wait is so long...

Man I wish the Dark Knight and FFIV DS would come faster lol.:P Anyway well at least E3 will be coming soon so maybe tomorrow I make a blog about it. And now about other stuff. I am creating my next banner, which I really going to put more work into it then my previous banners. The theme is going to be Persona 4, and I will put it up early next month. Lastly I have been enjoying a new anime show(came in april), Vampire Knight which is based on the manga series, through I kinda piss that it only going to be 26 episodes. Does anyone else watch it?

OMG I just learn that there going to be a Patapon 2:


Persona 4

Well it look like I may get one more PS2 game. I been interested in Persona 3, but I been kinda busy with other games. So I going to wait for the next Persona, which if you haven't heard yet, Atlus announce that Persona 4 is coming to the states on Dec. 4th 2008.:D I probably want to get it for Xmas, plus I am more excited for this one, mostly because I am interested in the setting which is a retro murder mystery type, which I like that kind of setting. Plus I won't being seeing the characters shooting themselves in the head a lot lol(they seem to breaks these cards in this one).:P Oh and for my review for Alone in the Dark(Wii version) will be posted tomorrow or Monday.

July and AitD.

Well first off I decided that since I finished Alone in the Dark(I been playing it a lot, and it wasn't that long of a game) I going to review it. All I can say is that it not worth the $50 and my rating for it is going to be one of my lowest. I going to make the review in a couple of days. Okay, now then, July is going to be exciting. First off I can't wait to see the Dark Knight, which is my most want to see movie this year. And then Final Fantasy IV DS is coming on July 22nd, which I pretty excited about too. Then today there been some great news. Chrono Trigger is coming to the DS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!!!!!!!!!! I wanted to play this game, and now I can finally play it.:D Oh thank you SE!!!

Wall-e and gamefly

Hello.:) I going to be quick here since I be busy tonight playing... well I explain about it in a second The first thing about this blog is Wall-e. I saw it a couple of days ago and I enjoy it. It was cute, funny, sad, and has a good story. Pixar does it again.:D Second thing is I be able to use Gamefly for two months. So far I rented Alone in the Dark and Endless Ocean. I going to be playing them tonight. I give my impression on them tomorrow.

Okay maybe I not that busy.:P I have play both games a little, but I still give my impressions tomorrow.