Since I probably not going to be on the comupter for most of the day tomorrow, I going to say that I hope guys have a Merry Xmas. Hopefully I will have a good Xmas also.:P Can't wait for tomorrow.:)
So to end this blog:
Since I probably not going to be on the comupter for most of the day tomorrow, I going to say that I hope guys have a Merry Xmas. Hopefully I will have a good Xmas also.:P Can't wait for tomorrow.:)
So to end this blog:
Well it only a couple days away till Christmas, and I can't wait.:) Guess that it other then my Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 review. Other then that biased K&L review I made,I haven't review a game since May.:o Finally I made a review for Heroes 2. It may not be one of the best users review for this game, but I sure it still has strong points about the game.:P
Well yesterday(and also today)is a dark day for GS. Rumors have been flying around that Jeff was fired because of his K&L review.Sound like Eidos hated his review so they pressure GS to fired him. Now it seem like it true. And not only that but Gamespot was almost in ruins for these days. GS users attacking Eidos forum, users leaving GS, and users giving 1.0 reviews to K&L. I have to admit I am one of those people that give 1.0 reviews, but now I feel ashamed and foolish. I really shouldn't have done that, so mods you can delete it if you want, as I am sorry for what I did.
As for a lot of people on GS I think we need to calm down now. I agree with you guys that this is insane and all, but let not make this more worse then it has now. And if Jeff is not coming back then let just deal with it and move on.
Well I haven't been a online multiplayer fan. Other then a couple races in MK DS online and one battle in MP:H I haven't really play online multiplayeruntil now. With Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 I been having fun with it online multiplayer(through I need to aim better).:P I deiciding to put pros and cons on Heroes 2 multiplayer:
It very fun.
Hardly any laggy(at least for me it isn't a problem)
All mode are great(Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, and Capture the Flag)
The maps are pretty cool...
...but it would have been nice to add more.
Lack of voice chat: Even if I haven't use it before, it a shame that this game doesn't have it. With it it would have been much easier tocommutate to others in your team. Hopefully nintendo will put voice chat in some Wii online games in the future.
Another thing I kinda don't like is that once a game that your are in is over you are put into yet another game that is chosen for you. I don't really care about this problem sometimes but other times I wish that I can choose which game to go in. I not sure if this is true(it just look like that to me), so correct me if I wrong.
Well even if it has flaws,and it probably not as good as games like CoD4 or Halo 3 it still a good online multiplayer for the Wii.:)
Oh and my name in MoH: H 2 is Breaker5591.
Well I got the game that I choose(I deciding to get the Wii Zapper for Xmas instead) but I had to sacrifice a few games. I went to try the trade in values at gamestop and for the four games I trade in I gotaround $50. It wasn't really a big loss IMO as these games were either something whichI didn't enjoy after playing it for a little bit or I pretty much compted the whole game. Here are the games I traded in:
Super Paper Mario, R&C:UYA, Wii Play(thank godI got rid of it), and MP2. And I trade these games for
Medal of Honor: Heroes 2. I know that kinda sound like a rip off, butI think it worth it. Heroes 2 is so fun. I can't wait to try it online.:D
Well 07 is going to come to an end soon.But before it end there is Christmas. For this Xmas I probably only getting one game. It pretty much goes down to these two games which I have been thinking of.
Lost Planet(PC)
Out of the few 360 games that I was interested in, Lost Planet was my number one 360 game(that I was interested in) for a while. There were actually a few times where I was thinking of getting a 360 for this game.But I went to the Wii instead. I had a slow computer by the time the PC version was release, soI still couldn't get it.:( But now thatI have a new computer I just was thinking about this game again. I don't why I was so interesting in this game.:P Maybe killing bugs rocks or something. Even if this game(PC) didn't get great review, I sureI can enjoy it.
The other game is:
Medal of Honor: Heroes 2(Wii)
Well I had eyeson this game for a few reasons. I like WWII games andWiimote controls look fun.I could also try it online multiplayer(for some reason the only online multiplayer I do is on Nintendo systems).I could probably get this, but I probably be busy playing SMG instead.:P
Well those are the two I am looking at. It kinda a hard choice, through I was thinking of getting LP. What do you guys think?
I love Call of Duty. And it was a shame I can't get COD4(PC) yet because of the M rating... until I learn that the SP 5 hours long. I am really disappointed with this. I know FPS games aren't really the kind of games to have really long SP, but 5 hours is ridiculous. I will probably won't enjoy COD4 long, beacuse I not really a online multiplayer fan which was focus a lot for this one. Maybe I could this game when it $20 and I could enjoy online multiplayer by the time that happened(and when I old enough), but I couldn't see myself getting this game this year even with a teen rating. I glad it got great reviews but I wish it got a longer SP.
Well this week I got two gamecube games, and both are great games. The first I got(from the LA county fair) I gotten Tales of Symphonia. So far it pretty good. It has a nice anime type style, funny dialogue, and a very fun battle system.
The other game I got is Timesplitters 2, and what a great game it is. The single player is good and the map editor rocks. I haven't try multiplayer yet, but I heard it possibly one of the best multiplayer on consoles. At first I rented it(the GC version), then just today at a gaming store I saw it for $10, so I got it. This game is probably going to be the best FPS I play.:P
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