Blog 335.
OK, so today, March 19, 2009, was a VERY dramatic day. First off, in school, four people rejected my proposals! (Five if you include the kid I asked through a text message after school.) One of them was Anthony. I'm like, "Will you marry me?" And he's like "No thanks, Mike. I don't go that way." He didn't seem to mind though, which surprised me. Eh, oh well. Plus, we're going to have five projects due! We need to do a science project for the fair on April 28. We also have to write the music report for March 30th, we have to decorate a poster for Wednesday, and we have to make a timeline for Monday. Plus, next week, my Language Arts teacher is assigning us a book report or something.
Then, after school, I was walking with six friends and we all witnessed a car accident. A mother with her baby in the backseat crashed into the back right side of a car with three 50-something year old ladies inside at an intersection. I'm pretty sure the one with the ladies was speeding, but the mother had a stop sign. We thought we should wait and talk to police, since there was a minor shoulder injury and a baby involved, and they wanted us to wait. However, two of my friends decided not to and started walking. The (sexy) cop let us go a little while later without asking anything, because my friend's dad came. So we decided to play a trick on them and say, "Hey, we're at the police station getting questioned." Meanwhile, my friend is in the background yelling, "I was raped! I have a disability!" LMAO! They didn't realize it was a joke. So, we called a few minutes later like, "We just got out, we'll meet you at Starbucks." So, of course, they went to the police station to look for us... But when they realized it was a joke they told their moms, who got angry. I don't care. Haha, it was worth it. They got pi$$ed, though. We couldn't find them, and they were waiting in Barnes & Noble... Neither of them reads! What the heck were they doing there?! But there's one of them I don't want to be fighting with, and the other one I can't stand. Grr. Dramatic day. Think about it! 5 rejected proposals, a car accident, lies, "interrogation," strained friendships, all within about four and a half hours. Hehe. ;)
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