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Farewell, Edie Britt

Blog 342.

Tonight may have been the final episode of Desperate Housewives in which Edie Britt is still living. It was so good! The episode was very intense and then the part where Edie confronted Dave was so powerful! I like how Orson played a part in what may be her death. Nicollette's acting was excellent! I just feel bad for her character. :( Excellent, amazing, powerful, CLASSIC episode!


Blog 341.

First off, I'd like all you readers to know that I've fallen short. I will not be making every blog through my 399th a different color. I just gave up on trying to find a different color for every blog. But I made 40 blogs different colors, which is still pretty cool.

Now that the end of middle school is approaching, things are getting intense. And not just hormones. We have a timeline project due tomorrow, which I didn't complete, because I didn't know what to put, so I will just look to see what other people did tomorrow. Then on Wednesday, for the same teacher, we have to hand in a poster. Mine is coming out awesome. Then next Monday, March 30th, is the due date for the five page music project. I still need to pretend to listen to 57 more minutes of music. Then I need to begin work on my science project by Tuesday, and it is going to be nearly impossible. I need to find white purified sand, and the closest thing is the sand from the artificial beach in my city, leading into the Hudson River. It's a project on whether plants grow better in water or soil, and it takes like seven weeks. Plus, my literature teacher, the same one who was generous enough to assign the two projects due this week, is assigning a book report or something this week sometime. Plus, I have Confirmation on April 25, my class trip on May 8 (to Madam Tuso's and Planet Hollywood), finals on May 26-28, and graduation on June 6. Plus there's a bunch of other things in between. At least I have Easter Break from April 8 until the 20th. Grr.

Popular Series Ending Next Season

Blog 340.

In my 340th blog, I would like to discuss the series that we know are definitely/most likely ending in the 2009-2010 season. Many of them are extremely popular hits.

There are some definite finales next year. They are:
  • Lost (Season 6)
  • Supernatural (Season 5)

That's just what we know for sure so far. But other popular hits are most likely ending next year as well. They are:
  • Smallville (Season 9. It's been nine years and most of the cast is gone. Supernatural, it's Thursday night partner, is set to end next year, so keeping this would be overkill.)
  • One Tree Hill (Season 7. It's been seven years and there have been complaints about the show's quality since the four year jump. Also, several cast members reportedly want out of the show.)
  • How I Met Your Mother (Season 5. Renewal this season is likely but the show's story cannot possibly extend more than five years without overdoing it.)
  • The New Adventures Of Old Christine (Season 5. If the show is not canceled in 2009, then cancellation for 2010 is definite. Ratings have been a factor and the series has been in danger since season three, the latest.)
  • Heroes (Season 4. There have been complaints about the show's quality dropping since season 1 ended. Although season 4 is a definite, the series is in danger if it doesn't shape up.)
  • Til Death (Season 4. Ratings have been an issue since early on in the show's life and the fourth season is guaranteed, but it may be the last, due to ratings and character departures.)
Of course, not all of these series are going to end next season. But these are all that I know of that can possibly end next season. But the good news is that there are other shows that have been renewed for several seasons, such as The Simpsons, Family Guy, The Big Bang Theory, and Two and a Half Men.

CBS Renews Two Series

Blog 239.

CBS made two big renewals recently. The Big Bang Theory, which is finishing its second season in May, has been renewed through it's fourth season (2010-2011). Two and a Half Men, the number one comedy series in America, is currently in its sixth season. CBS, however, renewed the series through its ninth season, which will air from 2011-2012. That will most likely be the end of Two and a Half Men.

I went on my retreat today, which I needed to attend in order to make Confirmation on 4/25. It was pretty fun. It was from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Mass and confession were included.

Science Project: Help Requested!

Blog 338.

OK, so my 8th grade science fair in on April 28th. However, I need to tell my teacher what my project is by Monday. And I need help. I can't find any good projects. Can anyone recommend a project and how to do it, or give me a link to either that project or a website containing age-appropriate projects? In seventh grade last year I did a density project and I got a C. LMAO. Any help is appreciated. Thank you! I will be blogging again later.

Because We Belong Together

Blog 337.

Kelly Clarkson's song "My Life Would Suck Without You" is awesome. The blog title is lyrics from that song. However, I didn't enjoy Kelly's appearance on Oprah today. She looked good, but I think she's sick because she didn't make any high notes and sounded like her throat was a little sore when she came close. I also didn't like that she just sang one verse of "Because Of You" and "Behind These Hazel Eyes."

Graduation Countdown: 78 days.
Ring Turns: 144 turns.

No School Today

Blog 336.

I had off from school today. It was a professional day. I had to buy ink for my computer printer, which is a Dell 720. So, the black ink cost $28 and the colored cost $33. Plus, this tub of Swedish Fish cost $8. So, I ended up spending $72 including the tax. And I already had about 100 Swedish Fish. They're the assorted ones, and they're really good. Haha.

I gained 4% overnight. Grr. I'll be gaining at least 6% tonight, which is pretty cool. I'm already 73% through the level, and 27% will be mine within less than a week.

I'm going to work on some homework later, because the teachers in my school have no lives and they like to assign 5 freakin' projects at a time.

All Is Not Well In New Jersey

Blog 335.

OK, so today, March 19, 2009, was a VERY dramatic day. First off, in school, four people rejected my proposals! (Five if you include the kid I asked through a text message after school.) One of them was Anthony. I'm like, "Will you marry me?" And he's like "No thanks, Mike. I don't go that way." He didn't seem to mind though, which surprised me. Eh, oh well. Plus, we're going to have five projects due! We need to do a science project for the fair on April 28. We also have to write the music report for March 30th, we have to decorate a poster for Wednesday, and we have to make a timeline for Monday. Plus, next week, my Language Arts teacher is assigning us a book report or something.

Then, after school, I was walking with six friends and we all witnessed a car accident. A mother with her baby in the backseat crashed into the back right side of a car with three 50-something year old ladies inside at an intersection. I'm pretty sure the one with the ladies was speeding, but the mother had a stop sign. We thought we should wait and talk to police, since there was a minor shoulder injury and a baby involved, and they wanted us to wait. However, two of my friends decided not to and started walking. The (sexy) cop let us go a little while later without asking anything, because my friend's dad came. So we decided to play a trick on them and say, "Hey, we're at the police station getting questioned." Meanwhile, my friend is in the background yelling, "I was raped! I have a disability!" LMAO! They didn't realize it was a joke. So, we called a few minutes later like, "We just got out, we'll meet you at Starbucks." So, of course, they went to the police station to look for us... But when they realized it was a joke they told their moms, who got angry. I don't care. Haha, it was worth it. They got pi$$ed, though. We couldn't find them, and they were waiting in Barnes & Noble... Neither of them reads! What the heck were they doing there?! But there's one of them I don't want to be fighting with, and the other one I can't stand. Grr. Dramatic day. Think about it! 5 rejected proposals, a car accident, lies, "interrogation," strained friendships, all within about four and a half hours. Hehe. ;)

RIP Natasha Richardson

Blog 333.

45-year-old actress Natasha Richardson has died. She was in a skiing accident on Monday, March 16th. She was taken off life support, today, March 18th. She died shortly after. May she rest in peace and I sincerely hope that her family makes it through this difficult time.