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Wanted23 Blog


Blog 534.

I've finally returned to TV.com. My computer crashed the night I posted my last blog, July 30. So, I was without a computer until my cousin did a Windows XP reinstallation yesterday.

So, I actually don't really have any updates, but I will post two more blogs later. However, I did reinstall AIM on my computer, which is cool, but it feels like my Sidekick is going to waste.

Here Comes Your Man

Blog 533.

I just rewatched the season 6 premiere of Degrassi: The Next Generation, in which Sean returns to Degrassi and runs a man over from street racing. It was pretty cool.

Blah, this morning I was having problems with my computer and it wouldn't start up. It's better now, though. My building was wired for FiOS this morning, and when I tried to turn my computer on, it wouldn't start up. So, I called Verizon, and they said I had to contact Dell. I contacted Dell, who tried to tell my that it was a problem on my hard disk, and that all my data would not be able to be recovered. I said the F-word and the lady said that we would have to end the call if I used that language. You just ****ing told me I lost five years worth of data, you ****. But, anyway, my mother called Verizon again, and they told me to restart my modem, which I was going to do, but I didn't think it would work. But I did, and Verizon somehow fixed the problem. :)


Blog 532.

The time has finally come! It's my one year anniversary on TV.com! I'm pretty excited, and I've made MANY friends over the past 12 months. I've done a lot more besides that as well. So thank you to everyone, and here are my stats for the past year. :)

Level : Level 33 (4%).
Blogs : 532 Blogs.
Posts : 5390 Forum Posts.
Reviews : 580 Reviews.
Links : 3 Submitted Links.
Contributions : 283 Accepted, 2 Pending, 82 Denied. 367 Total.
Editor : 0 Shows, 2 People.
Trusted : 0 Shows, 0 People.
Friends : 305 Friends.
Tracking : Tracking 178 Users.

Below are all the emblems I've earned over the past 12 months. :)

Thank you to everyone for everything over the past year. I definitely plan to be here for my two year anniversary next July. :)

"X-Men Origins: Wolverine" Announced

Blog 531.

"X-Men Origins: Wolverine" stars Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds. It is a prequel to the current X-Men trilogy. The movie hit theaters as a smash hit on May 1, 2009. The DVD and Blu-ray will be available on September 15, 2009. Since the movie's release, "X-Men Origins: Magneto" has been announced. The movie is in it's very early stages, but there is no guarantee it will be made yet.

Level 33

Blog 530.

I officially became Level 33 today, on my one year anniversary, which will receive its own blog later. I'm now ranked as a "Borg Queen." Here's the emblem:


I'm excited. :) I'm just gonna post the stats I've made over the past 12 months. That won't be coming until later, though.

Once More With Feeling

Blog 529.

I'm watching Episode 6.07 of Buffy (Once More With Feeling). It's so good. I'm not crazy about the Dawn/Sweet song, though. It's not entirely bad, but it's the worst out of all of them. I liked Buffy's "Going Through The Motions," Tara's "Under Your Spell," and Spike's "Let Me Rest In Peace." It's a good episode so far.

My 530th blog tomorrow will be the one that reflects on my 1 year anniversary. I'm really excited. :)


Blog 528.

Well, now all my old blogs are back (all 505), but the newer ones aren't. Pretty soon they will be, though, and all my blogs will be here. :)

Tomorrow's my 1 year anniversary! :) I'm really excited! I'll probably be Level 33 by then, but I'm not sure. It can go either way.


Blog 505.

So, today I lost my keys. ****ing joy. Last week it was my wallet. Except I got that back. I don't even know where I lost them, but it was outside. So of course, my parents had to gang up on me immediately. I hate them. They automatically blamed my friends and my stupid father thought I was wrestling with them. That ****ing idiot dreamt he was wrestling and fell out of bed and split his ****ing toe open. Looks like he ****ing lost that one... Plus he said I "had to be doing something bad." How ****ing stupid does he sound?! When he lost his cell phone, that MY A-HOLE MOTHER paid the bill for, what the **** was he doing bad? Then that **** took him to get a new one right away that she would pay for too! He was freaking 70 at the time! I think he knows how to pay a bill! Not that he does anyway... It's only when I make a mistake that they decide to turn on me. He was mocking me because I'm telling him that I'm 14 and I can go out by myself. He's 73 and he's still not capable! And it's not just today, there's plenty of much deeper sh*t that I'm not going to share on the internet. Yet. They don't deserve to be parents.

Also, note, if you're going to give me a lecture or tell me how parents are the greatest thing in the world, save it, because they're not. Thanks.

My Addiction

Blog 504.

I have a serious addiction I thought I needed to share with someone. I didn't think it was serious at first, but it's progressed. I'm addicted to "Shine" by Anna Nalick. But I think my iPod is broken. :( The songs are unpausing themselves and skipping to the next ones without me choosing it. I'm going to get some more music now. I think I've gained my 5% for today. :)


Blog 503.

I'm watching season five reruns of One Tree Hill on SOAPnet. I saw 5.13 before, and I'm watching 5.14 now. Pretty cool episodes.

I might watch Buffy later. I saw the first four episodes of Season 5 yesterday. Plus, I wrote 7 reviews, made 1 contribution, and wrote 1 blog. I gained 8% overnight. I am now 10% through the level. As long as I gain 5% a day, I should reach the next level before the 28th. :)

I only have 49 songs on my iTouch. I wanna put more on, but I'm too lazy. I will have it for a month on the 10th. I will probably have a few more songs on by then. Plus, this is my first iPod, so it's not that bad, right? I wanna put on some songs from Bethany Joy Galeotti and Alexz Johnson. Any song recommendations?

Halloween II - 53 days.
Ring Turns - 171 turns.