Ok im not sure if its a stupid question or not but can you use the band hero microphone with other singinggames??and the same with the guitar you must be able to use that with guitar hero right??
A mix of them allwould be pretty cool..like all fightingtogether or else like a parting between all the heroes and you can then choose..like a superhero RPG :)
Ok my girlfriends birthday is in a few days and she wants a sims 3game.its really too bad nightlife isnt out yet..but she wants one of the other two..Does anyone have any idea which one i should get her??I know gamespot gave world aventures a better score but the ambitions game is the newest out..If anyone could help and tell me which one to get it wouldbe great..thanks :)
Ye some ppl just dont care that much..they just want to have some fun and sit back.they arent takin it that serious that they need to shout commands and act like its a real life war or whatever
I got my one free of them cause it was the first ones??maybe they will do same for you..but that one did break pretty quickly again..they were chargin me quite a bit but thats only to like fix it or something so i decided it was better value to buy the new slimline ones that are all better and you get a game with it too...might sound silly but in the long run it could save you cause it wont break too easy or anything
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