I really hate these so called "studies on video game violence." This study on had 2,278 people for the study. That barely represents an entire country that has over 300 million plus. Is it that hard for parents to keep an eye on what kids do?
@Trickymaster As a console gamer, can I ask you a question? For certain titles that's exclusive to consoles, why does some PC gamers complain about it? This does sound like a good game for PC. It might be ported for PC later if sales are strong.
Why can't Activision have a separate developer to make a Spyro game that's move towards the original? We been waiting for that since after the year 2000.
So according to this guy, I'm a violent American gamer who needs to feed myself with the lust of more violence in video games? I do play M rated games, but the most recent games I've been playing is Spyro, Crash, The Unfinished Swan and Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch.
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