@graffitiheart: Radicals on both sides need enemies to justify their rhetoric, so they invent "agendas" and "lobbies" to blame when reality doesn't fit their ideas.
@wheepitup: Nope, I'm a conservative, in fact. But one educated that reads and values the use of logic over ideological dogmas and the real situation of the world over the believe that an evil lobby is ruining everything.
I said "over-conservatives", like, for example: your average alt-righter. Read slower next time.
And you proved my point, in case you didn't noticed: you disagreed with me and directly, without knowing anything about my ideas or sexual life (both none of your business, before you ask), you already branded me a "degenerate liberal" and a "SJW".
And the funniest part of all: for somebody that "doesn't base his self worth on how many times he gets laid" you still use promiscuity as a something to judge and attacks other's worth. Does such a contradictory dogma work for you at all? Add to that such obvious tendency to take literally what it's just a piece of slang and man... that's stressful just to think about it.
I also saw it in your (mostly insulting) posts: "You libtards have no facts to ever back up anything you say, just ad hominem attacks." Because "libtards" is TOTALLY NOT an "ad hominem" attack.
Think before you write :)
And as a bonus in American history: "Liberals are anti-american" calling other "anti-your country" is what is really anti-American; it was the argument European fascists in the 30's-40's and Stalinist used in their speeches. Your ancestors went to war and died fighting those very same people that you are now imitating, so you people could be free to all levels now. Don't insult them writing this kind of crap, have some respect for your fellow compatriots.
LOL you people are funny. For you everything that is not your exact ideas is a "SJW Liberal agenda".
And a SJW is just a moron ranting (kinda like you do) online to look cool and doing nothing practical. Jesus, man: It's just a shit movie. Period. You over-conservatives need to get laid and stop seeing politics and shadowy non-existing SJW lobbies on the shadow.
Although reading your comments of "more gay propaganda. Black people don't support this at all." and "This video is gay" I don't expect much from you. I feel safe in a world where both your kind and the "SJW" are equally irrelevant. Because the truth is: people's opinion is changing, people can make this movies, people who go see this movie still notice that they are crap, and the homophobic and racial slur that some of you alt-righter puke into the internet is just not accepted.
See? there is no such thing a SJW agenda: There is just people who hates xenophobia. And that people is giving people like you the middle finger.
Now go play some games, and try to read more history and less Breibart News.
Warlord_Irochi's comments