He makes a point, drops a small joke, and you react with insults like an animal? Talk about "prejudiced towards Americans" you are not precisely making it change...
@iamoverrated4gs But nothing beats the stupidity of insulting people on the internet over the preference on a system ;)
But yes, PS4 has more power! who cares about games and exclusives? the only thing important is having power regardless of having games to use it with; that is completely secondary lol
Isn't it a bit soon for this? in fact... why people so obsessed. Just for your information since some of you may not know: the console that sell less will not, I repeat: WILL NOT be banished from earth and all his units taken from the shops and burned down.
Also, the followers of the "winner" console won't be getting paid for publicity nor given war medals (nope, no free cookies either, sorry :/ )
So chill, be mature and recognize good games regardless of the system they run into. Feels a lot better than trying to pick up a fight (if you can call "fight" to what you get on the internet, that is).
Will wait a bit more. Right now I'm only interested in Dead Rising 3 and I'm not buying a console to play just one game. When they release enough exclusivities I'll be happy to buy both of them.
@sammoth The same way you care for it "looking better" some people do not care that much about the game looking perfect in every little tiny corner of the screen and the reather have a machine in which you put the game and it works, without the need of extra configurations.
Let's thank all those pathetic fanboys here that nor video-games nor its comunity are ever taken seriously by the rest of society. Hope you are proud of you zealotry, little kids.
Warlord_Irochi's comments