Always supporter of free speech inside art, even when it hurts. But I would not put in a demo something that without it's context becomes directly wrong.
Is like puting a video of a guy assaulting somebody in the street and kicking him in the head; It is wrong. Now put the context that the guy getting his ass haded actually murdered the agressonr's wife and he attacks him in a moment of rage. Does it make it better? nope! but it gives it context and some sense.
Bottonline. If they had kept this outside the demo there would have no problems at all.
(Hell, "Dragon Age Origins" has an off-screen rape in the city elf storyline and nobody ever mentioned it)
@zzamaro In that case the background is too unrealistic. Limbo is too untied to reality. This was a very bad move anyway. How come GTA does not give them the same trouble?
"but the minimal difficulty and dearth of levels ensure you'll finish the game in only a few hours"
That0s how the games were in the 90's. You had no saving feature in 95% of cases, so game could not last bore and 2.5h most of the time. it was all about replay value.
@Def-Trex Did you miss the "I play on PC (quite the collection in Steam)" part?
I also play TLOU, Tales of Xillia and all quality exclusives released on console. I have access to more games than those who limit their play option to a system due to kindergarten system war fanaticism.
Warlord_Irochi's comments