@OrphanSlapper @Prats1993 It actually was in every way possible. The fact that you don't liked it is a completely different thing (Still acceptable of course)
@SteXmaN @DarkNeoBahamut Copypaste from my previous post (I feel lazy today):
Every GTA in the past was released for PC eventually (not a lot later) also the rest of their games (along with the only fully uncut version of Manhunt 2)
@Monsterkillah Every GTA in the past was released for PC eventually (not a lot later) also the rest of their games (along with the only fully uncut version of Manhunt 2)
@Psycho_truth You are wrong, The real scum of gaming society is people not caring about game as much as the system they run into. They are called "fanboys" and you are one of them.
@shingui5 A big number of people is interested in knowing if a game has online achievements and how hard they are since they do not depend on you, but also the rest of players.
An article is not "pointless" just because you don't know what is the reason behind it.
Warlord_Irochi's comments