Not really sure... if they want to reach the same consumers they did with the Wii I doubt they will get another chance. Recoverin their traditional fanbase could prove really hard too.
And the hardcore gamers will have a PS4 at only 400$/€ at their grasp...
@KustomCulture @Warlord_Irochi Nothing wrong, just a bit on the edge due to all those fanboys writing. Nevermind my comment.
Just disagree with current gen Ips. Sure something good will come from next gen and myabe this one is not as brilliant and ps2/gamecube one but well... we still got Stuff like Mass Effect, Assassin's Creed and Last of Us, for example :)
@KustomCulture "nextgen games are gonna eat current gen games out of the pool of history"
Either you are new here or quite superficial.
I 'm not going to explain it to you; seeing how people remembers Mario Bros and how many games get re-releases on current gen consoles should have given you a hint already...
@Ripper_TV @Yulaw2000 Oh yes... We are now "forced" to pay 5$/5€ per month because of a service we were already paying on our PS3 and getting 2 to 3 free PS3/VITA games for that.
@Grimkillah @malofflebehemit And I got both, and I'm enjoying both. You no longer enjoy the 360? well, it happens. You took the right decision considering your statement. Only 12 y/o make statements like the one from this @malofflebehemit guy...
@malofflebehemit We will. It's called being a REAL GAMER who cares about games, not platforms. You will learn about it when you grow up and get rid of that imaginary zealotry of yours...
Just in case: You know what? No company knows that you even exist and they do not give a damn about you. So how about enjoying games and stop with the kindergarten?
Resident Evil is doing fine... let's turn it into the action games so we loose old fans and do not win new ones because, guess what! they are already playing other games...
Oh, that didn't work.... how about doing the same with MVC3?
Uh? that failed too? Lets try again with Dead Rising!
Warlord_Irochi's comments