@robbie23: My guess is that people were expecting a game similar in mechanics to MGS. Enjoying it too here, mainly because i was looking for something different to play, but even so it's not for everyone.
Liking it so far with 10 hours in. But this one is almost a "not applicable" when it comes to recommend it to others. it's divisive AF. I may have to recommend my friends to first borrow it from somebody.
@shadowwarrior4: Baldur's Gate, Vampire Bloodlines, Elder Scrolls, The old Fallout games, to name a few . We could also count jRPGs, even though they do their own thing.
Diablo is more an action game with RPG elements, not a RPG by itself. Even though they are not the same, you can see a similar use to different degree in Borderlands or The Division, for example, and those could not ever be called RPGs.
Warlord_Irochi's comments