@triplebullet: A review is just a reviewer's opinion. For him story is more important than you, so he gave it a 6. Plus, if there are "Too few opportunities to flex your superpowers with short combat sequences" in a game where combat is the main selling point, well... that doesn't look good.
@Thanatos2k: I play on PC, little angry man. Also, kind reminder that you don't represent the PC community (or gaming community as a whole, for that matter) so skip that "we".
Game releases in a different game launcher and people go review bomb. In consoles, you need to buy a 300-400€ machine when this happens, here people only need to download a launcher.
@RicanV: (Edited the comment, since I did not get your sacarm the first time, sorry)
By his logic, they also paid all the independent reviewers in blogs and youtube, all the people writing in reddit and every single one positive comenter here.
Maybe they'll have to accept that Ubisoft FINALLY released a complete game on day 1 (took them 10 years, though) and not only that, but they also add one year of free DLC to the mix. I think that is far more plausible that believing that Ubi is some kind of Illuminaty corporation that has bought absolutely everybody out there.
But jsut like you said: We are asking for a bit much in today's current climate. People are so eager to hate that they forgot to be glad that a publisher is starting to do things right.
Warlord_Irochi's comments