@gamerbum: I think you missed all this months that Game Pass has been getting praise pretty much everywhere. Are you sure you are not the one being biased?
@Pyrosa: the 3rd one has SOME (just some) redeeming factors. I think we can give the movie some slack for being released in the early 90s, when the MPAA was censor-happy and oversensitive to gore.
Those were also hard years (commercially speaking) for horror in general and I suspect the movie suffered greatly from that.
Deader and Revelations script were not even Hellraiser scripts either; they were recycled because, apparently, the production company had to release two more movies due to contract obligations. So, indeed, they were rushed.
After so many years I'm conflicted about Hellworld. Don't get me wrong: the aesthetics and the effects are excellent, but after all this time I feel like the script and the dialogues are sometimes nonsensical. Does not prevent me from watching it regularly, though.
So they took the souls-like game from Suda 51, a weird game whose tone is a mixture of dark and ridiculous but interesting, as a basis... and with it they made yet another multiplayer survival battle royal like another 300 that are currently flooding the market. The trailer is pure cringe also.
Warlord_Irochi's comments