@Gryn89. Since you are apparently in bed with these anti used game folk, could you mention to them maybe start making video games that are worth $60? Not sure if this is true but I think America pays the most in video game prices. Simply put: I do not want to put money down for a crap game, not even a little crap.
Yea I always would laugh at the Gamestop people when they would be like "Better pre-order now, we could run out of copies," and when I went to pick up my copy I always would point out the unopened boxes of supply the next day after the midnight release.
I loved the Dead Island trailier, though I too agree with Merex760. But back onto the subject of the Dead Island trailier, I liked the game and wasn't dissapointed. It didn't need to be in this article, IMO.
@flashn00b... LMAO okay so you're blaming social games like FarmVille '@Wartotehlock What good hardcore PC games have been released recently besides Mass Effect 2?' You're just a idiot, you're making no sense... its okay to be upset at the what I guess you consider a failure that is PC gaming? But don't run around blaming something really that not big of a deal such as these Social games on effecting PC or just any gaming for that matter just because you find nothing better then ME2.
@Flashn00b... How would this kill pc gaming... or just gaming for that matter? That's like saying music will kill gaming.. WTF are you talking about....
This is just retarded, happy to not be paying monthly for this website to look at some article about a pointless argument between systems when all you can see (but just are not admitting it because you're a fanboy) one is dark the other brighter.
Wartotehlock's comments