This is the main part of my idea. I couldnt fit it all into one post.
Across the worlds there is hundreds of CPs (command posts). Each of them are linked liked to the nearest ones kind of like a web. They are linked by supply lines. These supply lines allow the ammo, health, and repair stations to work for the team that controls them, kind of like BF2s stations. So if a cp is neutral nothing will work there.
Instead of being able to spawn at these cps you can only spawn back at the main base. Now that causes players to be more careful when fighting, also really brings meaning to those supply lines and makes transportation a vital role.
Back to the cps. Cps are very important because you can set up defenses at them and launch attacks. Also you can set up teleporters to CPs that are a certain distance from the front line of neutral CPs. Making transportation a bit faster.
Now you probably have a few questions but before you get all upset I haven’t explained how the point system is going work or the credit system.
The point system is how you will rank up. You get points by killing enemies, repairing vehicles, healing allies, taking cps, destroying enemy vehicles, transporting people from place to place, and what not. These points will be accompanied by medals which you will have to earn if you want to be a really high rank. So like a person can be a sniper forever, if they want all the medals they will have to do other things.
Next the credit system, this is extremely important. Credits are what will run the war machine. A player earns credits by fighting the war. If you kill a person you get a certain amount of credits, it works kind of like the point system if you know what I mean. These credits can be used to purchase anything in the game. You want a new weapon, you have to buy it, you want a vehicle you have to buy it, you want better base defenses you have you buy it.
Ok I will talk about that later but now onto the vehicles. As you know Halo is know for its fun and easy to drive vehicles. Halo MMOFPS will be no different. But instead of randomly spawning vehicles you will now have to purchase them at the main base and somehow transport them to the battle, and teleporters won’t work for them.
There will be your standard array of vehicles. The Scorpion tank, the ghost, the warthog (gauss or machine gun) and every other vehicle short of the Scarab. All these have to be purchased at the main base. On top of these vehicles there are an array of transports like Human drop ship and Covent Drop ship. These will work just like they do in the pervious games, they carry a certain number of guys and they can carry one large vehicle or two smaller ones.
Because the Vehicles were so well balanced in Halo 2 they will not be changed much. The only really thing I can see adding is the plasma machine guns to the Wraith. Also there will be two types of Banshees, one with plasma bombs which will be extremely expensive, and another without which wont be as bad. That should even them out.
A player can buy all sorts of stuff with credits. They can buy weapons, air strikes, mounted weapons, covenant shields and other armor plating for temporary bases and defenses. Mounted weapons can be taken with you and brought everywhere. To even out them though the will have ammo and you will have to have somebody go reload it when it runs out. Otherwise it disappears after a certain time. Evens them out you know.
CPs can be upgraded so to say. Permanent upgrades (as long as they aren’t destroyed). A player can spend his/her credits on upgrading each CP. For example a player can place mounted machine guns on top of sandbags or walls in a CP area and they wont go away. A player can buy trenches and obstacles. If a lot of players get together they can build entire walls. They can buy artillery and anti aircraft weapons and place them in bases. Fully upgradeable/customizable bases.
This brings me to the actual game play. First I will start off with the Humans because I know a lot of you people want to be humans.
When you start off you have to pick your character class. In other words you can just spawn and pick up all these weapons. It will sort of work like Battlefield 2 in a way. There will be the medics, there will be the engineers, the assault the special ops, the usual.
Everybody is a Marine. There are very few Spartans. To become a Spartan you need to achieve the highest rank which will be extremely difficult and cant be achieved by working with friends, you need to be good. Before you can become a Spartan you need to be okayed by mods, to make sure you a legitimate player.
When you first start up you join a certain battalion of men, or a division of men. They are all player made and player controlled. In that division you are put into squads. The squads work like in Battlefield 2 only on a much larger scale. A standard squad is eight players large with one commander so 9 players total.
Because it is a FPS you need headsets to communicate. It will work something like Halo 2. If you are close to the people anybody can hear you but you need to use your radio to talk to everybody in your squad. Also squads can link communication so like up to 10 squads can all be on the same radio frequency. Also you can have different radio channels. One may talk to everybody in your squad another may talk to your fire team and one more may talk to every person in your group of squads.
As I said all of this is player controlled so all the planning is done by players back at HQ. They are higher ranked officials who have spent their time fighting and want to lead. They give commands to the division leaders who give commands to the squads.
To complicate this and make it more realistic you need to use a radio pack/station to be able to talk over long distances. Like if you are attacking on Delta Halo and you need to talk to a guy back on Earth you actually need to find a radio station/backpack to get a hold of them. And they will have to be on the radio as well on their end.
Also Marines don’t have shields they have health. Yes they will need to get health packs and medics to stay alive.
So that is kind of how the human side is going to work. Now the Covenant.
Because the Covenant weaponry isn’t as powerful as the Humans, as we all saw in Halo 2, they need to be evened out.
When you become a Covenant player you can choose between a Jackal or a Grunt. Jackals lead to Drones. Grunts lead to Elites and eventually Hunters.
If you choose a Grunt you are placed under the command of a player Elite. This is mainly to familiarize yourself with the game and then you are bumped up to Elite. The good thing about Elites is that they are giving a squad of A.I. Grunts to command. They can upgrade the Grunts weapons and whatnot.
Elites do have a shield, but it is a bit weaker than in previous Halo games. This evens them out with all the Human weapons and makes a good balance.
If you choose Jackal you can become a variety of guys instead of just a fighter. Jackals are the medics, the engineers, the snipers, and all the little things that can earn you points.
A player can have a Jackal and an Elite character and can swap between the two at any time. Both of the different characters share credits. Also when you swap you don’t move at all. You cant leave a Jackal back at HQ and bring your Elite to Earth, it doesn’t work like that. Elites are really not good for anything but fighting and that is not where the credits really are. Jackals aren’t for fighting but they are the ones that make the credits. Also in terms of health, both elites and Jackals have health meters. When you swap characters your health stays where it is at when you leave one character. So you can’t heal yourself quickly.
The squads and divisions work just like the Humans so there isn’t much to talk about there.
Ok now the Flood. I don’t want the Flood to be a huge part of this game at all because I really want to focus on the Covenant and the Humans war but the Flood will be a general annoyance.
The Flood are all computer controlled. They attack randomly on Delta Halo and on earth because the flood is spreading. They can be stopped and contained. When the flood attack there will be a flood spawn point that appears. To stop them the spawn point has to be destroyed. Also the flood can only take over a certain area around this spawn point so they don’t destroy the world we set up.
If you get killed by the flood you become a flood dude yourself. You lose points and rank if you become a flood guy. To gain back these points you have to convert other people. It is not a lot but just a few. If you get killed as a flood guy you spawn back at base with the point loss. Also if the spawn point is destroyed all people who were converted spawn back at their base with a half point loss.
Also if you are killed as a flood and don’t want to waste your time you can take the point and credit loss.
This would make the flood a general annoyance and would allow the war to continue without being interrupted.
Next about the locations and the transport between them. Because they aren’t touching there will need to be someway to land troops on the planet or Halo. I think this is where space fleets come into play. You need a transport to travel across space. You can transport instantly so you don’t have to fly but you still need a transport.
Yes it’s the Navy’s turn. You know how players can buy transports to fly between the two battlefield (well be instantly transported then have to be flown to the actual fight). These supply lines across space can be cut off by large battleship fleets.
These fleets are bought and manned by players. A player can buy a destroyer, a battleship, the carrier. One person cant fly these things. They need a crew. Not a monstrous crew, but a crew (weapons, repairs, and flight). The carrier needs men to fly the little interceptors/banshees.
Between Delta Halo and Earth there is this huge space. Players can fly across this open space and land anywhere on the planet/Halo. You can fly across in Transports, Banshees, or fighters (human).
Large fleets can engage each other. Also fleets can carry large amounts of transports and troops across space at one. Possible huge invasions, I think it could get quite interesting.
Ok now how about actually FPSing. In Halo 2 the action was fast paced and unrealistic. You could jump high and not take damage from falling. Also you have the whole shield thing.
Well now more realistic combat is brought to the table. Elites and Humans aren’t superheroes here. I mean Spartans can move like MC but the normal Marine and Elite cant. The action is still fast paced and a bit more on the arcade side, but it allows for different fights. No longer can you jump from on top of a building into a fight or climb on a wraith and shove a grenade into the cockpit.
Also grenades are different. There is no quick grenade button, you have to select it from your weapon select and pull the pin and throw. These changes are not to take away fun, but make it so that people don’t end up killing each other off.
In these battles you wont see people suicideing themselves as much. In Halo 2 when two people fight then end up whipping grenades at each other and end up both dieing. Or when there is an assault there is only one or two people who survive and many people die.
This is not how real war works and that is not how the game is going to work. You don’t have the luxury of respawns anymore. This is going to change Halo. The action will still be fast paced but it wont be like Halo 2 at all. It will be more like Halo:CEs story, minus the Master Chief.
This is a big change for the world of Halo. You can not have a MMOFPS like Halo 2, it wont work. You have to change the entire way of playing the game. This will decrease the number of fans greatly. But good fans of the series will welcome the change and it will be really fun.
Last I have to talk about the environments and the graphics. We are going to see a mix of urban and other combat here. I mean on the Halo you have open fields and mountains with snow. On Earth you will have cities, fields, deserts, and whatnot.
All the buildings will be destructible. That really brings in some new elements. This allows for players to completely destroy entire city blocks to get to their objectives. And will make the game more intense.
I would imagine the graphics of this game not to be as good as other games. There will be a lot of stuff going on and you would want to see a consistent framerate. I can see better textures and more detailed environments from Halo 2, but not much more. The character models were good and considering the size of this game that is pretty impressive. The Xbox 360 will be maxed out for this. XBL would really be put to the test.
Also if one side would happen to win, which will happen eventually, a new game starts and people again can choose sides and whatnot. There will be a little time between games to get everything organized and all updates done. Between these times there will be a practice mode kind of like battlefield just so people can play.
So that is my idea. Post any comments if you have them, and any more suggestions. This is not Halo 3. Instead this is a MMOFPS set in the Halo world that is controlled by humans. The outcome is by the players.
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