Can't comment on MAG but I actually preffered BF:BC to COD4 particularly online! And can't wait for BC2 looks cool can't wait to collapse houses on damn camping snipers!
Yeah EA Sports finally seem to be making a real effort to improve their games year on year as opposed to the history of yealry lacklustre "updates". Goona get FNR4 and immensly looking forward to Fifa 10 now that it seems to have taken the mantle from PES/WE series!
It was COWmageddon after E3 2006 with some of the biggest ownage seen in system wars history! Cows were an endangered species in here until MGS4 arrived andgave them hope and in the months since then they have grown in confidence (KZ2,inFamous etc)and numbers and are once again becoming the most annoying faction in system wars! The circle is almost complete!
[ does that sting? to know that people are apparently very interested in this product? that people applaud it everywhere it's shown off?
That can't be correct results i really don't think more ppl have discussed beatles rock band than left for dead, unless i've been missing news feed coverage and petitions for Beatles Rock band. Plus what people are talking bout doesn't really prove anything, i mean loads of people talk about big brother and that is crap!!!
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