Since I have no Wifi or internet connection on my Xbox360, I wonder if it is possible for me to download a patch for a game, store it in a USB and install it on the Xbox360(PAL) ?
Hello. I'm having major issue with my internet. Very often my browser doesn't work and other games such as WoW doesn't work because my internet connection is "offline". But the odd thing is that Skype works?
So it takes some few minues even 30 minutes before it goes back again and I can surf through browser and play games online.
And if I reset my hub, the internet will start working after some few minutes. I don't know what is wrong, we've replaced our hub and the problem still popping.
So what you guys are saying is that there's nothing to worry about? He said that the safest way not to get "caught" is using VPN, so you can visit sites more "privately" without registering or being monitored by "the other".
I spoke to a friend on Skype yesterday and he told me about a new mechanic that has been implemented to internet and phones. It is said that you are being monitored 24/7 of whatever you are doing. For instance, he said that he recommended me to start using proxy servers, since whatever sites I am on for instance, say a adult site or download site or whatever they register it (And I don't know who "they" are). I am not sure if he is trolling or not, but it doesn't seem official or new to me.
Seems simple to me, you said you don't want to be the person sitting there waiting for someone to ask them; so ask someone first. hockey73
It's really complicated if you saw it through my eyes! But I can understand how you think as if it was simple. The issue is that many of the people in my class are so comfortable that they probably have already formed a group while I still sit here pondering about who wants to group with me or who I can group with? Maybe I am overthinking this too much!
I know what you are going through, i personally hated having to have partners to do work i preferred to work on my own, plus i was very shy in school so that was even worse, but what i did was i went up to people and asked if they wanted to work with me, the worse case scenario is they will say no and if that is the case then go ask someone else don't give up,but you should not sit there and wait for them to come up to you just go up and ask them
I concur.. Working alone is the best thing since you can then decide what you want and how you want it done. But guess I'll just have to get used to rejections, and man up to people screaming NO to my face.
[QUOTE="Welis"][QUOTE="Chojuto"]Pick smart people who you know will pull their weight, but not so smart that they entirely outclass you. Chojuto
The issue is that I am not that intelligent, and my self esteem is lacking too. The worst possible scenario could be that they reject me? Alright well if you're afraid of rejection, go find the most average people in class and ask them. Or if you want to play it safe, just find the dumbest people that you're still willing to work with. Just make sure you secure people who you know will do some work, because nothing's worse than having to do ALL the work yourself. Well I guess that's the only option. But I'm not sure if them "average" people would like to work with me either. The worst thing is that I might END up working with the worst people in class and it is kinda humiliating.
If the number of people in your class is a number divisible by three then wait until most of the groups are made and you see a group of two people and that's where you belong.Darthkaiser
But that's the worst... I mean.. Being the last and all that. We're 25 people in class by the way.
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