Hey, all. I just built my first PC this fall and I've ahd a PS3 and Wii sice their 2007 debuts. However, for some reason I've never gotten a 360, evem though I like some of their games. Lately, as the holidays start approaching I've been really tempted to buy Gears fo War 1 and 2, Fable 2, Halo 3, Crackdown, Lost Odyssey and the arcade games on xbox live.
So, my question is: Is the 360 worth getting this X-mas or should I spend the money instead on games for the PC and PS3 and wait till the next xbox comes in a couple years?
Also: Will the games I mentioned above ever go cross-platform to the PS3 or PC? And should I get the 20gb, 60gb or 120 gb xbox model?
Thanks for reading and I would really appreciate any opinions.
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