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WerePaladin Blog

Petty, but Satisfying...

That was quite the vague title for this Journal entry, I know.  But given the Game I'm talking about, and the particular story behind it's purchase - it's quite accurate for my behaviour at the moment...

I seem to be playing a LOT of Role Playing Games at the moment.  Those of you who have followed my previous entry know that I've been checking out Paper Mario a fair amount recently, with a good degree of success.  I have since added another RPG to my list in recent days, and have become addicted.

A Turn Based Strategy / RPG for the GamecubeThe Game in question?  Fire Emblem - The Path of Radiance.  A nice lil' turn based RPG for the 'Cube.  I'd seen it around in my local Game store, but it took a know-it-all idiot to convince me to buy it last week.

I was in paying off some more of my X-Box 360 pre-order and a couple of Games I'd put aside and chatting with the staff there.  (Always good to stay in their good books.  *grin*)  While we're chatting, in walks this guy who wanted to know if Fire Emblem was out yet and whether the Game store had a copy.  Turns out they had one out the back, which the store owner said would probably still be there in a week - so this guy would be pretty safe coming back in then to pick it up.

Now this guy then starts sprouting off about how there aren't any good Games on the 'Cube and how certain other Console producers are just industry whores, and other suc h rubbish.  He also starts raving on about the Resident Evil Games on the 'Cube and N64 and how much money he spent purchasing one of them on the N64 once.  I have - by this time - decided this guy is a bit of a toss-pot, but am chatting with him just the same about the 'Cube - much to the relief of the store manager   and trying to convince him that there ARE good Games on it just the same, only that there are fewer than other Consoles.

Eventually, I just had to leave as this guy was really starting to get on my goat - particularly when he starts claiming that there is no real difference between the graphics on the X-Box and the new X-Box 360.  So I left and did some other shopping.

However, on my way back through the shopping centre, I stopped back in to have another chat to the owner.  Thankfully, Mr. Toss-Pot had left by now - which was kinda nice.  I then decided to do something a lil' petty, but satisfying just the same (see?  Back to the title now...  *grin*).  I decided to purchase the store's only copy of Fire Emblem, for two reasons...

1)  I actually wanted the Game, and it was there, and...

2)  Because it would really piss off the idiot we both had to deal with for so long that day.

Petty?  You betcha!  But it's a GREAT Game just the same, and I'm glad I purchased it.  I'll actually talk about it some and the progress I've made in another Entry here.  Just felt the need to confess my sins and then move on.  :)

So until next time boys and girls, don't forget to...

GAME ON!  :)

It's Only Wafer Thin...

You know how sometimes you just get a craving to play a Game?  You sit there and think "I haven't played that one in a while...  Perhaps I should drag it out for another play...".  I'm sure you've all experienced it at some point, and it tends to mean you drag out some weird and wonderful Game, dust it off and chuck it into the relevant Console to check it out again.  :)

Did that last night with Paper Mario - The Thousand Year Door.  Started it a while back, but haven't really played it for a while.  Yesterday while I was sitting around at home, being a bit mopey, I dragged it out for another go - managed to get a good way into it, too.  *grin*

*Minor Spoilers*

I think when I'd last looked at the Game, I had only just found the first Crystal Star in Hooktail's Castle, and so was only in the very early stages.  I had my friends Goombella and Koops to help me out, and was learning all the intricacies of their special skills.

Last night, I put in a few hours of Gaming and managed to find not one, but TWO more Crystal Stars before I got really tired and had to sleep.  I also managed to acquire myself a couple of new friends to follow me around - Madam Flurrie (a gusty thespian who loves the stages) and Malkav (a Yoshi who was bouncing around in an egg for a bit). 

I've fought Gladiatorial combats, cleaned out large trees of X-Nauts, and beaten up Bowser at least once.  I've had my own personal Punie army, danced with a rather emotional computer, explored the depths of the Pit of a Thousand Trials, and even traded star pieces for kewl badges.  I've even dabbled in Oil futures, care of a large green rat.  In short, I've had some fun.  :)

I'm about to head off to Twilight Town (or a name similarly spooky, at least), to go in search of the fourth Crystal Star.  Perhaps I'll get cursed again so that I can fold myself up into a Boat or something similar?  *grin*

*End of Minor Spoilers*

Let's see what the future holds, eh?  Might not play it again for a couple of months, but I had fun with what I managed to achieve last night.

Game on, people!  :)

Chock full of Persian Goodness...

Well, a while has passed since I've talked about the Games I've been playing, so it's time for a Part Time Gaming Update (tm)!  :)

Most recently, I've been helping my mate Stan's son play through some of Pursuit Force.  Not the soon-to-be-released watered down US version either.  I'm talking the relatively difficult PAL version that we saw here in Australia a couple of months back.  He's six, so he's having some trouble with some of the levels.  It's just as well his Uncle Matt is there to save the day, eh?  :D

Also played (and finished [again]) Prince of Persia - The Sands of Time.  Good fun for a few hours, although this time I made the effort to max out my Dagger of Time.  Got close too, although I must have missed a couple of Sand Cloud thingies, so didn't quite make it.  Enjoyed the run through the Game again, which took me just over six hours.  Great Game - check it out sometime if you've never played it before.  Very stylish, and not too difficult either (unless your name is Ken.  :P)

Working my way through Prince of Persia - Warrior Within.  Lil' bit darker than the first one, with lots more ways in which to wreak painful death on the unsuspecting servants of the Empress of Time.  Just managed to escape the Dahaka the first time, so I'm still early in the Game.

Taking a break from Prince of Persia - The Two Thrones at the moment.  Wanna finish the second Game first and then pick it up again once I've got the whole story sorted.  I've enjoyed the bits I've seen of Two Thrones so far, but I'll cope without it for a lil' while.  Don't wanna finish up the trilogy before I even see the middle of the story...  :)

I'm also suffering some cravings for some Ratchet and Clank at the moment.  I finished up the original some time last year, and I've been working on the second Game from time to time.  Might have to drag it out and enjoy some of those Clanking noises again, I think...

Game on, people!  :D

And another one...

I know, Tinoshke.  I know.  You've told me about this before, but since when have I paid enough attention to what you tell me?  Oh go on, roll your eyes - you know you want to!  :)

The time is coming - real soon now - when a new Console will be released in Australia.  Yes, I know you've had your moments of chaos and panic in the States, in Japan and I'm sure some other countries as well.  But soon it will be our turn here in the wide brown land of Austalia.  What am I talking about (he asked them knowingly...  *wink*)  Why, I'm referring to the X-Box 360!

The X-Box 360 Cordless Controller...In early March, the 360 will be released here, and of course I've managed to pre-order one.  And not one of those rubbishy "Core" Systems.  I'm talking a proper 360, with the hard drive and cordless controller and stuff.  Given the good working relationship I have with my local Gaming store, and how early I've managed to pre-order one (which I actually did a couple of weeks back), I've got a pretty good feeling about managing to pick up my new Console on it's release date.  :)

Perfect Dark Zero - the 360's Halo?Along with the Console, I've also managed to pick up the VIP Premier Pack thingy (as of last Thursday actually), which apart from having another cordless controller in it, also had a funky looking face-plate for the 360, and a copy of Perfect Dark Zero.  Having read through the manual, and checked some stuff out about it online here at Gamespot, I already wanna play this Game!  Patience has never been my strong point, and I have just under two months to wait until the X-Box 360 comes out here, so I may get a nervous tic or two prior to that time...  *grin*

Having checked out some other Games arriving at the same time, I've also managed to pre-order the following three Games, which should all be out at the same time as the Console release:

An AWESOME looking RPG for the 360Burnout - Revenge (traded in my X-Box copy of the Game for this one...)

The Elder Scrolls IV - Oblivion


And I'm thinking about ordering Kameo - Elements of Power in the near future...  :)

For those of you out there who already have your X-Box 360's, are there any other Games I should be checking out?  There's a couple coming out down the track that I'm interested in, but I figure these four Games should keep me amused for quite a while.  And adding in the fun and games involved with X-Box Live, I think I'll be quite busy.  *grin*

Now all I have to do is sort myself out a suitable modem and arrange some broadband for my place prior to March.  Fun fun fun.  :)

There's only one downside to the whole 360 experience.  Something I personally found quite disappointing.  The LACK of backwards compatibility with many of my existing X-Box Games.  I went through my list of currently owned Games, and discovered that only six Games (out of twenty four that I own) would work on the 360.  Not so good, Microsoft.  Does NEone out there know (and understand) the reasoning behind this seemingly quite strange decision on behalf of the X-Box 360's designers?  I'm sure there is a reason, I'm just a bit disappointed there wasn't a few more Games that would work on it.

(Actually, I'm not the only person disappointed.  My mate Stan was going to inherit my X-Box once I got my 360.  Unfortunately this won't be happening, since I won't be able to play most of my X-Box Games if I do that.  Shame on you, Microsoft!)

Big update for today, but I thought I should mention what was what with the 360 for me.  Nothing unexpected for those of you who know me, but nice to be clear about just the same.  *grin*

Game on, people!  :)

Where's My Katana?

You ever had one of those moments when you look around and suddenly realise that you've been missing something - but can't quite put your finger on what it was?

Well, I've just had one of those recently.  While I wasn't looking, I seem to have misplaced my Ring.  It's gone now, but since then I seem to have acquired a new Rank here at Gamespot.

I now seem to suffer from:

Nobunaga's Ambition

You may henceforth refer to me as Samanosuke.  I shall be donning some heavy and funky looking armour and hunting an evil dude in Ancient Japan, OK?  :)

Game on, people!  :)

Flight of the Flutter-By's...

Erm, got a quick question for those of you in the know... 

Was it just me, or did I see some Butterflies appear in our Profiles again for a brief time?  I could have sworn I saw one in mine a couple of days back.  Musta been some dirt in my eyes or something, 'coz it's gone again now. 

What was going on there?  Weird.  *shakes head*

(Edit:  It appears that the Butterflies are back again again!  Or at least at the time of my writing, I have one back in my Profile.  Curiouser and Curiouser...)

The Aging Population...

And by "population", I of course mean myself.  :)

Well, it's happened again.  The stars have aligned, and the cosmic forces of the Universe itself have contrived to bring about an event that some people dread...  I'm talking about the celebration of the day I was born - my Birthday. 

Yes, as of yesterday I got another whole year older.  I am now the ripe old age 0f 32, which doesn't make me the oldest member here by any stretch of the imagination - but I'm most definitely not the youngest here at Gamespot either.  *grin*

Was quite a nice day, all things considered.  Had to get up at some unreasonable hour for a Working Bee, which Kate and I were kinda late for...  Then managed to go and visit the Cuzman for a bit and do various horsey things for a lil' while.  Back to Kate's place for a while to ride out the stinking hot weather - given that she has air conditioning and I don't.  Finally, off to my parent's place for the evening and the traditional Birthday dinner that we celebrate as a family.  Very pleasant day.

As per normal, Birthdays and Christmas are the times of year I receive new clothes, and I managed to score a couple of nice shirts, a t-shirt, some shorts and a new pair of jeans.  Plus some kewl books, some BBQ tools (to fully realise my Tong Master-ness) an evil spherical jigsaw puzzle, and a Wallace and Gromit - Curse of the Were-Rabbit Interactive DVD Game.  Lemme tell you, that is a KEWL lil' Game, although I'm not very good at it.  In two attempts, Kate kicked my butt twice - although in the second time, my attempts at playing the game helped more than hindered her victory.  :(

It's been a couple of weeks since my last update here, so I'll prolly make a couple more over the coming days, but that should do for the moment.  So until next time...

Game on!  :)

Greetings for the Season...

Well, it's that time of year again, isn't it?  The time when we all groan about how much food we've eaten, or how many presents we have had to buy for relatives we don't know, and how poor we're going to be in the New Year.  It's a time of Joy and Happiness all round, really...  :P

I swear that sometimes we miss the point of the whole day, people.  Now don't get me wrong - I'm not gonna get all religious and start quoting chapter and verse from the Bible to you all - but Christmas is more than just about giving presents and eating FAR too much food.

Having just gotten back from Midnight Mass, I have just seen one side of what Christmas is all about.  The religious bits involving Joseph and Mary and Jesus.  Christmas Eve is one of the only times in the year I go to Church, and over the past few years, I've enjoyed the Mass and the Carols that go with it.  This is part of what Christmas is about...

The other part I plan on doing in about eight hours.  Spending time with and enjoying the company of family and loved ones.  Later this morning, I plan on going over to my parent's house to spend time with my Mum and Dad, and also with my sister (Shorty) and her fiance (Mr. Mike).  People I love dearly and with whom I plan on spending my morning.  The afternoon I plan on spending with my lovely girlfriend Kate and her family.  They have welcomed me to their family celebrations - something for which I am quite grateful.  :)

For me, Christmas is less about the presents and food, and more about the people you spend it with.  I shall be in the company of people I care for and respect, and that means I plan on having a GREAT day.  :D

For ALL of you in Gamespot Land - wherever you may be on our lovely planet - I wish you a safe and Happy Christmas.  May you spend time with those you love and enjoy your day, whether it be a massive family get together, or a quiet day with your partner.  May you have enough food to eat, and possibly even receive some special gifts from those around you.

But in all, make sure you relax, have fun and have a MERRY CHRISTMAS, people!  :D

(Oh, and don't forget to Game on!  :))

Nintendo Goodness...

Ahhhh...  There's nothing like managing to track down a Game you've been trying to find for a while.  Sometimes you've gotta do some digging around in Game Stores.  Sometimes you gotta look around in the Game Trading type places.  Even other times, you have to resort to online sources, such as E-Bay.

Four great old school Games in the Zelda Universe...Well, for me, it was the last one to find my latest lil' treasure.  The Legend of Zelda Collector's Edition is a lovely collection of older Zelda Games for the Gamecube.  I haven't managed to find myself too many Gamecube Games worth hunting down over the past couple of months, so it was nice to find this one when I did - just in time for Christmas.  Since I've only just gotten home and found it delivered, I can't make any comments on the Games themselves, but I will once I've had a decent go at them, of course.  :)

Metroid Prime PinballThe other Game I've been looking at for a lil' while is another Nintendo offering, but this time for the oft-forgotten console, the Nintendo DS.  The Game in question is Metroid Prime Pinball.  Now, for any of you (like myself) who pre-ordered a DS, you might recall all the advertising around another Metroid Game on the DS - Metroid Prime Hunters

The mysterious Game that may never be released...Now, I seem to remember seeing the case for Hunters sitting on the Coming Soon shelf at my local Game store for many months before it was finally removed.  Now given that this Game was one of the reasons I bought a Nintendo DS, having it delayed so often was somewhat of a disappointment.  It seems we might be seeing this title sometime in 2006, but I have to admit - I'm not holding my breath.  :(

Which is why it was nice to get hold of Metroid Prime Pinball.  I managed to play it for a while before the battery on my DS went flat (it's charging right now), and what I saw was kinda fun.  I can't say I own too many pinball Games, but one making use of Samus Aran's Morph Ball as the ball racing around on any given table is an interesting move.  I've only managed to check out a couple of tables - based on various stages from Metroid Prime - although I must admit, the ability to move between tables as you play the game is a nice touch.  :D

I'll fill you all in on some more details on both Games once I get more of a chance to play them.  For the moment, I'm off to get myself some dinner, watch some TV and cover some more of my books - something I find kinda relaxing.  *grin*

Enjoy your days and evenings people - depending on where you are on our lovely planet - and don't forget...

Game on!  :)

Winding Down...

Ah...  Let me just put my feet up here on my desk.

*crashing sounds*

Ahem...  Sorry about that.  I guess my chair just isn't built for me to be able to lean back on it far.  Not a good way to start your holidays, really.  Yup, you heard me right - holidays.  :)

As it happens, one of the perks of being permanent in at work is that they give you time off - and they pay you for it!  It's nice to have some annual leave accrued again, after dealing without it for so long.  Casual employment pays well, but the lack of paid holidays is not so fun...

The good news is that I am now - as of nine hours ago - on holidays until the 9th of January.  That's the best part of three weeks off, which I plan on enjoying as much as possible.  Of course, there's Christmas, New Year's and my Birthday in there somewhere - so there's plenty to look forward to in that time.  But just having the opportunity to sleep in and slob around a bit is kinda nice too.  :D

Here's hoping the rest of you out there in Gamespot Land have some form of holidays up your sleeves as well, and that you enjoy them as much as I plan on enjoying mine.

Game on!  :)