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WerePaladin Blog

Combo Things...

Well, in recent months I've been having some traumas in the audio-visual department here at Casa Paladin. Just before Christmas, my VCR - which had served me faithfully for many years of taped TV shows - gave up the ghost and stopped working. Since Christmas, my DVD - which has served me faithfully for not quite so many years of played DVDs - decided it would get a lil' glitchy with a couple of DVDs I had purchased recently. So things were looking a lil' glum for me...

Today, I finally managed to pick myself up a combination DVD / VCR doohickey, and I am most pleased. Not only does it play (quite happily) those problems DVDs I have, but it will also enable me to catch up on the backlog of television I have not yet watched from last year. AND, since it made by the same company that made my TV, I can use the remote to control both items. No longer do I need three remote controls to work the TV, VCR and DVD player. Now it can all be done with one wonderful control.

So I'm a bit chuffed really, as you may have noticed. :)

Now that that has been sorted, I can look ahead to later (much later) in the year, when I sort out my big screen TV, and a Recordable DVD thingy. But before that, I need to sort myself out with some Broadband here at home - the X-Box Live starter pack has come down in price and I think I will be picking up one of those around the same time as the DS comes out here in Australia - late February. Hang in there, Znuggles! I'll be helping you cause mass-destruction in Burnout 3 in no time, mate! :D

The Challenge... (Part 2)

Well people out there in Gamespot Land, how ya all doing tonight? I know you're all breathless in anticipation to find out how the challenge between myself and my mate Stan has been going. So, a quick update...

I didn't actually manage to play Need for Speed - Underground all day today, like I hoped. I had bills to pay, and shopping to do, and meetings to attend. (Oh, and sleep to have as well... *grin*) So as it happened, I probably only managed an hour or two on the PS2 during the day, and about half an hour after I got home. So I haven't advanced as far as I would have liked... :(

Having said that, I know understand what Stan was talking about with the kewl headlights and tail-lights you can buy for your ride. I now have some kewl looking ones put on, as well as some nicely dark tinted windows, and some kewl pulsing neons for underneath my car.

Where am I at? Well, I just finished Race 65, and am looking to advance on that over the week. So at last check, I'm now only three races behind Mr Stan. :P

Stan, would you like to update everyone on where YOU are in the game? I wanna know how much ground (if any) I've made on ya, buddy...

Quote Quiz - Bizarro Style...

I think it's time for something a lil' different. Znuggles and I were discussing recently our frighteningly large number of similarities (oh, except for that progressive rock thing... :P) and it came up in conversation that I may in fact be "Bizarro Znuggles". Now, personally I think it's the other way around - I think that he is "Bizarro WerePaladin", but that's just me. *grin*

NEhow, the whole thing got me thinking, and I decided to try a backwards and upside down version of the Quote Quiz. This also stems from a comment made by a certain lady, who suggested she was much better at guessing Movies based on the Actors, rather than from quotes. So, in keeping these things in mind, we have this alternate version of the Quote Quiz. Here's how it works...

I'll list three actors from a given movie. The challenge is to name the movie in question. One point for guessing the movie. Bonus points this time around will be for linking a quote I will be supplying that was made during the movie to one of the three actors listed. Fairly simple, right? So let's give it a try! :D

The three actors are...

Gary Oldman

Luke Perry

Chris Tucker

And here's the quote...

- "Voila! The ZF-1. It's light, handles adjustable for easy carrying - good for righties and lefties. Breaks down into four parts, undetectable by X-Ray - ideal for quick, discreet interventions. A word on firepower - titanium recharger, 3000 round clip with bursts of 3 to 300, with a replay button (another Zorg invention) it's even easier. One shot, and Replay sends every following shot to the same location. And to finish the job, old Zorg oldies but goodies. Rocket Launcher. Arrow Launcher - with explosive or poisonous gas heads - very practical. Our famous Net Launcher. The always efficient Flamethrower - my favourite. And for the Grand Finale - the all new Ice Cube system."

Let's see how you all go on this one, people. Clues supplied on request...

Quote Quiz Leaderboard...

Well, the Quote Quiz has been running for a lil' while now, and I've been promising to update you all on what the leaderboard looks like from a points view. I've gone through all of the previous editions of the Quote Quiz (including this most recent one, which is half over already) and tallied up the points. Given that only three of you are curretly participating in the Quote Quiz, it's a short list. :)

Quote Quiz Leaderboard

Tinoshke - 6 points

Znuggles - 4 points

Bam - 3 points

Congratulations, Tinoshke! Now if we can just stop you from using the Google Gnomes all the time, I think Bam will be a lot happier. :P

NEhow as you can see, it's still fairly close in the big scheme of thing. Points allocated for each game (including bonus points from extra questions in each entry) have been counted and re-counted. For each new Quote Quiz, I will be explaining how many points are up for grabs, although it usually will be just the two.

The Challenge...

Well, you all probably remember the mighty struggle between myself and Bam when we were going head to head to see who could finish Lord of the Rings - The Third Age first. As it happens, the challenge itself encouraged both of us to actually finish a game, and we had some fun along the way. (Well I did - I think you did as well, didn't ya Bam? *grin*)

NEhow, it's take to take up the challenge again. As of a few hours ago, I managed to remove my lily-white glove, and slap Stan across the face with it, before throwing it violently to the ground in front of him - CHALLENGING him to take me on in Need for Speed - Underground. Have at thee, foul varlet! :P

So now, Stan and myself are both trying to finish this somewhat stylish racing game before the other. He's got a lead on me, having already made it to Race 57, but I'm trying to catch him and have managed to finish up to Race 46 of 111. :)

More updates as they present themselves. Feel free to cheer and holler as we repeatedly crash into things and flip our cars (which, while this is a good thing in Burnout 3 - Takedown, it's kinda bad in Underground. *grin*) and generally get quite frustrated, but keep on coming back for more.

Winner takes all, my friend! :P

Quote Type Things... (Part 6)

Well, I haven't been watching too many movies recently, so it's been a few days since my last Quote Quiz, I know. However, I've got a couple of challenges for you tonight, people. Let's get started with the sixth installment of the Quote Quiz.

Same rules as always people. Three quotes from the one movie. The first person to guess the movie scores themselves a point, and a bonus point is available for naming the characters who spoke the lines listed. (Quote Quiz Leaderboard will be going up later tonight... *grin*) Since the Google Gnomes are now safe back at Bam's place, this should be a more level playing field for the latest Quote Quiz... :P

Here we go!

- "My 'Them'. Every paranoid schizophrenic has one. A 'Them', a 'They', an 'It'. You wanna hear about my 'Them', don't you?"

- "It's about The End. To everything. And it starts here in this place, with an evil that returns and takes over Hobb's End - piece by piece - starting with the children. It's about people, turning into things. Creatures that aren't human anymore."

- "You can edit this one from the inside, looking up. It's funny, isn't it? For years, I thought I was making all this up. But they were telling me what to write. Giving me the power to make it all real. And now it is. All those horrible, slimy things, trying to get back in - they're all true. Come, see the instrument of their homecoming, what you have come looking for - the new Bible. It starts the change, helps you see..."

Let's see how you all go with this one. Clues availabe upon request, as always...

*singing* Advance Australia Fair

Well, it's a special day here in Australia people. It's Australia Day here, our national day. As such, I think it's appropriate for us all to join in and sing the national anthem of Australia. (And no, it's NOT "Waltzing Matilda", regardless of what you all may think... :P)

Are you ready? Then let's GO!

Advance Australia Fair

Australians all let us rejoice
For we are young and free
We've golden soil and wealth for toil,
Our home is girt by sea:
Our land abounds in nature's gifts
Of beauty rich and rare,
In history's page let every stage
Advance Australia fair,
In joyful strains then let us sing
Advance Australia fair.

Beneath our radiant Southern Cross,
We'll toil with hearts and hands,
To make this Commonwealth of ours
Renowned of all the lands,
For those who've come across the seas
We've boundless plains to share,
With courage let us all combine
To advance Australia fair.
In joyful strains then let us sing,
Advance Australia fair.

And you wanna know the scary thing? The number of people in Australia who actually KNOW all of the words of this anthem aren't as many as should do. It's not like in America, where you all get taught the national anthem from birth practically, and sing it every day... :P

NEhow, to all the wanderers on Gamespot from the Land of Oz, I bid you greetings and salutations! Happy Australia Day, people! Hope you had lots of lamb and cracked a beer or two while you were at it. :D

Avast, ye land lubbers! (What's a "Lubber", NEhow?)

Yes, I weakened again. I installed Pirates! and had a look. Just a teensy tiny little look. Just to see what it was like you understand. Not to PLAY it or NEthing. Not to get wrapped up in it or NEthing. Just to have a look. A look that lasted somewhere around 7 HOURS! :P

It's just like I remember both of the previous versions of the game, and yet so much BETTER at the same time. I mean, you get in a ship and sail around wreaking havoc. I've gone Pirate hunting and found (and beaten, and then stolen the ships of) most of 'em. I've dug up some buried treasure, I've wooed some fair (and not so fair) maidens. I've sacked some towns, and installed some new Governors. I've hunted down some common Pirates, I've fought the Spanish. I've fought many a swordfight and danced with many a maiden. I've become the most feared pirate in the Caribbean. I've tracked down some information about lost siblings, fought (and beaten) my Nemesis - the evil Marquis de Montalbain. I've fought battles on land and sea. I've been made a Duke in nearly all the major power groups in the game. I've found items weird and wonderful, I've snuck into towns, and I've sailed the length and breadth of the Caribbean.

In short, I've had some fun. I'd forgotten how much fun an open-ended game could be. It might sound like I've done most of what you can, but I still haven't found ALL the buried treasures, or any of my lost family, or Montalbain's secret hideout. I haven't gotten married at all, and there's still a Top Ten Pirate out there I haven't hunted down and removed from being my competition. I've still got a way to go before I'm happy to restart again, but I'm enjoying the ride just the same. :D

If you haven't played either of the previous versions, then I suggest you experience Pirates! in it's newest incarnation and have a blast. In fact, even if you HAVE played them previously, I suggest you get this game and have a go. In fact, just GET IT, willya? :P

DS Madness

Well, it's happening again! I'm adding to the list of gaming systems I own...

Years ago, I used to play all my games exclusively on the PC. Then about four years back, I discovered the wonders of the Playstation 2. Christmas in 2004 was when I was exposed to the X-Box, and now I am finding myself (yet again) interested in another gaming system.

No, Tinoshke and Znuggles - not quite getting a Gamecube yet. But I AM going to be getting myself a Nintendo DS - same company, different system. After a lengthy chat with a staff member at Electronics Boutique, and doing some research here at Gamespot, I've decided that the system I will enter the handheld market will be the DS. Why that and not the PSP?

Well, I'm planning (down the track) to acquire myself a Gamecube (or the next generation version - the Revolution or something), and I've always been interested in how the Gameboy Advance and 'Cube can hook up to do various things. I figure the DS will be able to do much the same in the nearish future, so I'm planning ahead for that. Plus it can play all the Gameboy Advance titles that are already out, so I have a large amount of games to choose from, from the very beginning. These are good enough reasons for me - the wireless connectivity and chat, the dual screens, the stylus used on the touch screen, these are all added bonuses, really.

It comes out here in Australia in a lil' under a month, so I'm hoping to have put away some games for it by then - Super Mario 64 DS and Warioware Touched! are both looking pretty good, as is Metroid Prime - Hunters. I'll let you know what I think of the system once I pick it up. :D

I Feel the Need...

(I'll leave you to fill in the rest...)

As it happens, I've been playing a few racing games recently. You've probably already read my entry on Burnout 3 - Takedown previously, so you know I've been playing that on and off. Well, more on than off, actually. :)

Another game I've had on my Now Playing list for a lil' while is Need for Speed - Underground 2. Now, I was having a look at my list a week or so back, when I suddenly realised that I'd never actually finished the original Need for Speed - Underground. So, I figured I should update my list slightly, and put the Underground racing scene to the test once more.

Turns out I hadn't gotten very far at ALL through it when I played it last, so I've been putting some time in to try and finish the game in the next week or so. As it happens, I'm now about one third of the way in, and having some fun whilst modifying my car (a Mazda MX-5) and racing against the rest of the city. I'm hoping to put in time to finish a couple of races each day, so I should be finished in a couple of weeks. Then it's on to number 2, for more of the same. :)

More as I get further in the game...