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WerePaladin Blog

Battle of 1,000 Heartless...

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen - I hope this entry finds you all well out there in Gamespot Land... :)

Tonight, instead of writing up that general Journal entry that the Gamespot website decided to devour whole, kicking and screaming in extreme agony as it was brutally destroyed by the evil text editor... *ahem* (Sorry about that, still a lil' bit of a sore subject) I figured I would write up a bit about some of my recent Gaming. Yes Vash, you may start jumping about and making happy sounds, and I've been playing your favourite Game again. *grin*

Kingdom Hearts 2Yup, I've been playing Kingdom Hearts 2 again, and I've made some more progress, answered some questions, and generally caused a lot of trouble as I have waved my Keyblades around a whole bunch.  :)

*Spoilers Ahead*

Since last time we checked in, I've run through a few more Gummi mission things, and unlocked a few new designs - even managed to design my own ship with some kewl lil' wingmen dudes to help out.  Definitely makes it easier when you're trying to collect Medals or make the right amount of kills.  I'll modify it when I get some better Gummi module things (don't you like how I'm using all the correct terminology? :)) and see if I can make it even BETTER than it is already.

I've also discovered what the Organization is up to.  (At least, I think I have...)  Who woulda thought that all those Heartless I've been battling so efficiently are giving up their Hearts, only to have them snatched by the Dudes in Black?  I mean, how rude!  Makes me wonder why I bother, really - given that I seem to be helping the guys I'm trying to defeat!

I've also managed to unmask a few of those hoods, and find out lots of names with the letter "X" in them.  Was nice to discover that the dude I was battling all the way through Kingdom Hearts wasn't even the real Ansem though - good that I stopped him, but what the heck is going on here now?  So I stopped his Apprentice in the first Game, but now I have to beat him again in the second one - just beating up his Nobody now?

Prediction -  Based on current information, dress sense, tones of voice and a gut feeling...  I know who the real Ansem is.  It's the Dude in Red - Diz, I think he's called now?  Just because he's wearing a hood over his face doesn't mean I don't recognize the flair with which he wears his red scarfy thing around his neck.  Diz is Ansem the Wise - the real Ansem, and he's getting revenge (somehow - haven't figured that bit out yet) against his Apprentice and the rest of Organization XIII, and Sora / Roxas has something to do with it.

Interesting fact that I've noticed about people's names in the Organization.  First, you take the real person's name.  Then, you rip out their Heart and make a Heartless somewhere, to leave the Nobody behind.  Now, you rearrange the letters in their name and chuck an "X" in for good measure.  Now you have their name in the Organization.  Clear as mud?  Two cases in point - SORA's Nobody is RoxAS.  (Easy one, that one.)  The "fake" ANSEM's Nobody is now called xEMNAS.  I suspect it's gonna apply to the rest of them as well in some way or another, but I'm not sure yet.  Time will tell on that one...  :)

But the title of this entry is to discuss an event I faced after wandering through Space Paranoids a couple of times, and helping out my good buddy Tron.  On my way out, I finally managed to catch up with King Mickey (yay - only took me a Game and a half to catch up to him...  :P) and find out about the true Ansem.  But on my way out of the Castle part, I managed to wander down into the Maw outside of Hollow Bastion, and this is where I had a somewhat massive battle.

With One THOUSAND Heartless...

Kinda blew me away when I realized just how many of the lil' dudes I was fighting.  Even more amazing was how quickly I was carving my way through them.  Use a couple of Reaction Commands - there goes 10 of 'em.  Pick up one of them to use as a gun - there goes another 50 of 'em.  Sure, it took me a few minutes to wipe the floor with them, but I managed to take out a THOUSAND enemies...  by myself no less!  How kewl is THAT?  *grin*

I'm now wandering back through all of the Worlds for the second time, and encountering a whole bunch of Boss Monsters and Organization members.  Managed to slash my way through most of them without too much difficulty, which is good.  I'm currently trying to level up my Forms a bit (as my Master form is woefully low-level, and I'd like to beef up Valor and Wisdom some more as well), and working on giving the Moogles a bit more experience by making them make more stuff.  Usual grind that tends to occur in RPGs at some point or another while you're working towards 100% completion. 

Actually, I've had some weird Heartless-like Form show up from time to time - what the heck IS that thing?  Doesn't seem to use Keyblades, and I'm not sure how it's triggered, but it seems to jump around a lot and still kill the enemies, so I'm not too fussed about it so far.  Does NEone know what the thing is?

On a final note for this part of the Journal entry, I've managed to catch a few hints of Riku's trail.  Think I might've visited somewhere he's been recently, and it's looking like he's part of the Organization now.  So what's he doing there, and how is that gonna help or hinder me?  I dunno yet.  Kairi's still missing, but again it sounds like she's been captured by the Organization.  Still gotta track her down and do the rescuing Hero thing, I think.  Time will tell what happens with those two...

Back to the rest of my entry, I think.  Thanks for listening, guys.

*End Spoilers*

NEhow, I've gotta go back and try and finish up some DS Games I've been playing recently, and Anna looks like she's making some definite progress in Bejeweled 2, so I should prolly sign off here and leave you to the rest of your evenings.

'Till next we meet...


Quite Annoyed...

Well, I'm quite annoyed here.  I just spent the best part of the last half an hour (or more) bashing away at the keyboard here, entering a kewl new entry for you all to read - and then things went wrong.  The stupid editor for putting in our Journal entry things decided that when I was including a link in my post here, that it would not automatically close itself after I clicked Insert.

Problem there was that it also managed to position the pop-up window just high enough that I couldn't close it easily - or at all, in fact.  After several minutes of trying to mark the text I'd entered (as I suspected I was gonna lose it), I discovered that the open pop-up was preventing that, which kinda sucked. 

So, I eventually tried going back a page in the browser, hoping it would take the pop-up with it.  It did, but it unfortunately also took all that I had written, and I will now have to start over.  Point is, I'm too pissed off to rewrite my entry right now, so I'm gonna have to save that for another night.  Sorry guys.  :(

In the meantime, while I fume away at this stupid situation (shoulda marked and saved the text while I was typing - I knew something like this was gonna happen again...  :(), I hope the rest of you are doing well out there in Gamespot Land, and that you (as always) continue to:


Super WHAT?

Well, it's that time again.  (Actually, it was that time several days ago, but I've been a bit slack over the past couple of days, truth be told...  :))  Time to stand up tall and shout out loud what I've managed to achieve.  Time to make a big song and dance about not a whole lot, really.

What am I on about?  Oh, you know - the usual.  Yup, I've gone up another Level here at Gamespot (again).  They're slowing down a bit at this end of the Game - not quite the regular updates like they used to be a year or so back.  Still slowly but surely creeping up the ladder, but given I'm not terribly active at the moment, I'll say it's more of the former than the latter.  :)

You may now refer to me as WerePaladin the...

Super Bagman

Yes, I AM an escaped convict, and I love recovering bags of money from a mine (although why they're there, I couldn't tell you...  *grin*)

That'll do.  Back to work, you lot.  :P

Geeking Out...

Well, I've certainly had a busy day.  Just got back from watching TMNT, and have been to some dance lessons as well, given blood, done some work related stuff, and even got domestic around the house a bit.  How about yourselves?  You all keeping out of trouble out there in Gamespot Land?  :)

Even now and again, I like to pop all of my 360 Games in the Console and see whether there have been any Updates for them.  Usually there isn't much to see, with maybe one or two exceptions.  Today however, was a different story.  While wandering around Gamespot, I spotted News of an Update to Gears of War - so I figured I would check it out.  Whacked the Game in my Console, and downloaded a new play mode and some other tweaks.  At that point, I decided to go through and check some other Games too...

Nine Games and ten Arcade Games later, I had downloaded all the updates.  A mammoth amount of 'em for a change, which is kinda kewl.  Updates to Games such as Oblivion, GRAW 2, Perfect Dark Zero, Burnout, Zuma, Outpost Kaloki X, and a whole mess more.  And some big updates, too.  My problem is that I don't actually know what all the updates have DONE to the Games I love.  I mean, are they just some tweaks to fix some buggy bits?  Do they add extra content?  Are they there to modify how some weapons work in the Game, or do they add extra functionality to online Gaming?  How do I find out what an update does, NEhow?  Does NEone know how?

Marvel - Ultimate AllianceBut the main reason I'm writing tonight - and why the title is what it is - is because of a lil' Game known as Marvel - Ultimate Alliance.  As some of you know, I managed to finish that Game earlier this year, and began a second play through on the harder difficulty level.  Then I got distracted by some other Games (the usual story) and haven't gone back to it yet.  Until today, when I downloaded the update for it...

It appears that the new update adds a whole mess of NEW characters you can play in the Game.  Four new heroes, four new Villains.  All playable during normal Gameplay. from the looks of it.  Heroes such as Hawkeye, Hulk, Nightcrawler and Cyclops.  Villains such as Venom, Magneto, Sabretooth and even Doom himself!  How kewl is that?  I'm sure some of you are sitting there with a bemused expression on your face (like Anna did) and shaking your heads, wondering why I'm getting so excited about a Game, but C'MON people!  Eight new characters to play?  That's AWESOME!  (I mean, sure they're probably clones of other characters but with other skins loaded onto 'em, but that's not the POINT!  :))

What's not immediately clear to me is how you're gonna get these extra characters.  Gamespot seems to suggest that these will be bought with Microsoft Points (as with any extra content nowadays).  However, checking out the Live Marketplace, I can find no listing for these Hero and Villain packs, so I'm wondering if that's true.  What I'm kinda hoping (but not holding my breath about) is that you can unlock them during play like the other characters you find in Ultimate Alliance.  You meet Banner at some point, although the others don't feature prominently (with one exception...  *grin*), so I'm wondering whether there will be some extra content added within the Game as well, not just extra playable characters?

NEhow, I'm excited about it all, hence my Journal entry for tonight.  More of an update when I know more myself...

In the meantime, while I continue to amuse Anna by geeking out about this new stuff, make sure that the rest of you continue to...


The Mii-nvasion...

For those of you out with a Wii, you may have noticed something happen - particularly if you've handed out your Wii Number to other people.  You may have noticed some other Mii's appearing around the place and making some noise on your Console...  :)

Personally, I'm in the middle of a full-scale Mii-nvasion of Vash's Wii.  We exchanged Wii Numbers a week or so back, and since then, the Mii's on my Wii have made the dash across the world to cause some trouble over there.  Funnily enough, all the people who have played on the Wii have created their own Mii - so I got somewhere near about TWELVE of the lil' blighters running around at the moment.  All of them have been set to Mingle as well (and I selected the Travel) option for the Mii Plaza, so they're all gonna escape at some point or another...

Have any of the rest of you with a Wii seen this happen?  Or are you just not making many friends around the world?  Personally, I think it's kinda kewl that you can have other people's Mii's show up in Games you play, even if they don't do much apart from hang around and show their faces.  *grin*

On another note, if NEone out there would like to chuck their Wii Number my way, I will be sure to Mii-nvade your Wii Console as well.  :)

Just a quick one for tonight.  Off to watch some 24 and relax after the long weekend away.  In the meantime, don't forget to...


First Impressions...

Well, it's been a week or so since I had my rant about the PS3.  I now actually have managed to get my grubby lil' fingers on my pre-ordered Console, and I have calmed down somewhat since that time...

My first impressions?  Well, there's a few actually.

  • 1.  It's a HEAVY Console!  Compared to the lightweight Wii, the PS3 is a gargantuan beasty.  It's slightly bigger than the X-Box 360, but having said that, it does have an inbuilt WiFi adapter thingy, and the power supply is on the inside of the Console, rather than separate (as with the 360).
  • 2.  After my rant on the whole Backwards-Compatibility issue, I have calmed down somewhat.  After trying my PSOne Games in the PS3, I discovered that more of them worked than I expected.  Some of them were not on the list, but seem to be working OK just the same.  With PS2 Games, I am still somewhat disappointed as there are still a good number of them I can't play on the new Console.
  • 3.  flOw ROCKS!  :)
  • 4.  The controllers are quite light, and I like the fact that they are rechargeable straight out of the box.  Pity about the length of the USB cable - bit short for my liking, but it's functional.
  • Resistance - Fall of Man5.  I have also discovered that I need to work on my FPS type Games again.  I've been playing too many RPGs over the past few months, as I figured out when I got massacred by the Chimera in Resistance - Fall of Man.  Learning all the different weapons and stuff is kinda kewl, although I must admit that Gears of War has spoiled me somewhat - I want my Chainsaw Bayonet!  :(
  • 6.  I'm going to withold judgement on the Playstation Store and all the online stuff at the moment.  Haven't done too much there yet, so I'll see how it all works out over the coming weeks.

All in all, I'm pretty happy with my purchase.  Anna's been playing Okami through the PS3 quite successfully, and I've been mucking about with some downloadable content and hooking the PSP up to the PS3 for some Remote Play goodness.  I've managed to get a lil' way into Fall of Man, and even managed to achieve a few Skill Points - a fact I'm particularly impressed with, as they don't tell you how to achieve them like they do on the 360.  I'll get over the backwards compatibility thing (like I sorta have for the 360), but I sincerely hope that Sony updates their list a lil' more regularly than Microsoft does.

What about the rest of you out there in Gamespot Land?  For those of you with PS3's, what do you think?  You reckon you've made a good purchase, or are you a lil' disappointed with the Console that Sony has released?  I breathlessly await your reponse...  :)

Back to some other stuff around the house now.  My car is fixed now, so I'm a happy man.  Hope you are all doing great out there in Gamespot Land, people.


Why Sony? WHY?

Playstation 3Well, it's not long now until the PS3 will be released here in Australia.  In fact, the midnight release is happening in just under three hours now.  Unfortunately, I won't be picking my pre-order up tonight.  When I was budgetting everything, I forgot to factor in that even though in theory I get paid today, the money won't hit my bank account much before the weekend, so I'll just have to go pick it up Saturday morning.  *shrug*

(On an aside, has Gamespot improved the Journal entry screen or something?  This looks a bit different from what I recall...)

I've just had a look at the Sony PS3 backwards compatibility website thingy, in preparation for some serious Sony goodness on the weekend, and I'm kinda disappointed.  I mean, after all the hype with the 360 not being fully backwards compatible with X-Box Games, I thought Sony might actually do the right thing for us Gamers.  It appears I was wrong.  I mean, I've read that we in Australia are being given the short end of the stick by Sony, as our PS3's don't have the PS2 Emotion Engine chip in 'em, so we don't have hardware compatibility for our PSOne and PS2 Games.  (Kinda sucks that)

We're lucky enough to have Software Emulation for our Games, which seems to be a cheaper option for the great Gods of Sony, and unfortunately translates into "Your older Games just won't work" and ensures that I'll be holding onto my PS2 for a bit longer yet.  Sure, they'll update that list in due course - hopefully faster than Microsoft is updating the 360's BC list - but when's that gonna be?  I mean, the Wii is the only next-gen Console that seems to be fully backwards compatible, and there's nowhere near the selection available in Gamecube titles compared to Playstation or X-Box Games.  It's kinda annoying...

Actually, to be clear (having just gone through my entire PSOne and PS2 collections and comparing them with the current list on the Sony website), here are the stats I have with regards to the playability of my Gaming collection:

  • Playable Games (No Issues)
    • PSOne - 3
    • PS2 - 24
  • Playable Games (Issues)
    • PSOne - 3
    • PS2 - 15
  • Unplayable Games
    • PSOne - 6
    • PS2 - 22

Final Fantasy XIIThe big problem is that some of the Games that either have issues on the PS3 - or are just not playable - are actually really good Games!  I mean, Guitar Hero (either version) isn't playable at all, neither are any of the Ratchet and Clank Games, or half of the Final Fantasy Games from the PSone.  Sure, Final Fantasy XII is playable - but with some issues - and the same applies for the awesome Game of Okami.  Where's the justice in that?

Now sure, I can just hang onto my PS2 for a while and hope they update the list so that issues are fixed, and that new Games are made playable, but that's somewhere near 50 titles.  Yeah, I'm sure some of you out there (particularly if you're in America with a fully chipped up PS3) are saying "Just hold onto your old Console and don't worry about it - then you can play your older Games whenever you want".  OK sure, that's kinda true - but it's not the POINT here!  The PS2 was backwards-compatible with the PSOne - big selling point, as you didn't have to hold onto the other Console unless you wanted to - and Nintendo has gone to the effort with the Wii, but the other Console companies don't seem as interested in meeting that specific need. 

Yeah, I know I'm kinda ranting about it all, and I'll prolly be happier once I've got the PS3 hooked up and am fiddling around with it and checking out exactly what sort of Issues that my PSOne and PS2 Games will have on the Console.  Guess I'll just have to wait until Saturday to find out what's what, eh?  *shrug*

OK, I'm done ranting.  We now return you to your regular scheduled programming...

(Oh, and while I'm at it...  GAME ON!  :D)

Howl of Victory...

How do you Howl in a Journal entry, NEhow?  Should I be attaching an MP3 of a wolf howling or something similar, or including a video clip or something similar?  NEway, you're probably trying to figure out what I'm going on about, so I guess I should be a lil' clearer...

I finished Okami.

I am on such a ROLL here at the moment, as that's something like five Games I've completed this year already.  And looking back (since I started this list NEhow) I only managed to complete six Games in the whole of last year!  I must be getting better (or at least more dedicated) at all of this Gaming thing, eh?  :)

*Spoilers Ahead*

Like I mentioned in my last Journal entry, I finished up Okami by fighting some big evil dude called Yami.  But before I got to fight him, I had to wade my way through battles with five of the previous Boss type figures from the Game.  Including (yes, you guessed it) Orochi.  AGAIN!

That's no less than THREE times I've had to fight that dude.  Seems a bit repetitive, really.  (Although I must admit I've gotten much quicker at taking him down by this third time)  OK sure, I've fought two different versions of the serpent demon, but the tactics for taking him down have basically been the same.  Why do you need to fight the same guy three times in one Game?  I'm confused...

I eventually gave up on trying to catch that last fish and finding the last piece of Sun Fragment thingy.  I had spent a couple of hours looking, and with no luck in finding them decided to move on to the last section of the Game and just finish it up.  Didn't take too long to take down all the bad dudes and then get to watch the end credits and stuff.  :)

After completing the Game, I had the option of saving again and using stuff in a new Game.  Managed to keep all my upgrades based on my Praise levels, and even kept most of the Divine Instruments and pretty much all of the items I'd accumulated during the Game.  Even got some kewl new stuff for completing the Game and maxing out all my achievements - so I was pretty happy.  Played on in my new Game for an hour or so before deciding to try something different.

*End Spoilers*

So, having taken care of that Game, it's time to wheel out my list again - seems to be popping up quite regularly this year, don't it?  *grin*

  Malkav's Completed Games List (tm)

We Love Katamari - 25th February, 2006

Tomb Raider: Legend - 15th of April, 2006

Me and My Katamari - 6th of May, 2006

Guitar Hero (Easy Career) - 12th of June, 2006

Guitar Hero (Medium Career) - 24th of July, 2006

Guitar Hero II (Easy Career) - 4th of December, 2006

Lego Star Wars II (100%) - 21st of January, 2007

Guitar Hero II (Medium Career) - 21st of January, 2007

Gears of War (Hardcore) - 7th of February, 2007

Marvel - Ultimate Alliance (Normal) - 19th of February, 2007

Okami - 19th of March, 2007

Actually, Anna's been talking about wanting to give Okami a go, so you may actually end up reading about it in her Journal as well over the coming months.  We'll see how that pans out, eh?

Now, on to other things...  Vash, you will be pleased to notice in my Now Playing list a new Game.  Yup, I've finally gone back to try and finish up Kingdom Hearts 2.  It's been a while since I've played that Game - even though I picked it up on its release date here in Australia.  So, after my recent stint of playing lots of RPG Games, I figured I would continue and make a dent in KH2 as well.

So far, I'm only about 10 hours in, so I suspect I am still in the very early stages of the Game.  Haven't really figured out much of what's going on, but I'll do my usual and update you all on how things are going once I've seen some more, K?  :)

I'm also thinking about going back to finish up a couple of other Games I've gotten a fair way into as well.  The Games in question are Psychonauts and Shadow of the Colossus.  I reckon I must be getting near the end of Psychonauts, and I know I've only got one or two more Colossal creatures to taken down in Shadow - so I'm wondering why I haven't yet?  That's the problem I have with my Gaming, as I tend to play a Game for a while, then wander off and play something else, and never quite finish the one I started.  (Hence my membership with Geeceepass, really.  :))  Given my recent successes in completing Games, I figure I should go back and knock those two off...

NEhow, I should get back to fiddling around with my Other Profiles that I've discovered I've got because of my Gamespot membership.  Having a wander around there is proving kinda interesting.  I'll write some more about my Gaming stuff anothr night, people.

In the meantime, don't forget to...


In Search Of... Fish.

Well good morning to one and all - I hope this message finds you well and happy out there in Gamespot Land.  :)

It's about that time to update you all again on what's been happening for me in the world of Gaming, and I'm pleased to announce that I am now really close to finishing Okami.  I've managed to work my way right through to the end stages of the Game, and I only have a few things left to do...

*Spoilers Ahead*

Well, since I last updated you all, I've managed to track down all of the Stray Beads, and I might add - some of them were a bit tricky to sort out.  Some of the fights involved a HUGE amount of creatures, wave after wave, including fighting some of the Boss figures.  All this just for one bead - crazy eh?  :)

Also managed to find one of each of the Treasures (most of the last group were hiding out in Wawku Shrine), and have since sold them all off for lots of lovely money.  Some of those items were quite valuable, so that was kinda nice.

Managed to find all of the Animals to feed as well.  One problem I've had is that the Animals only tend to show up when you're quite close to them, which makes it easy to miss them if you're not careful.  Spent ages looking for a lost cat before I realised I'd run past it a number of times already, just not close enough...  :(

The problem I'm having at the moment?  I can't find one of the Fish from the Fish Tome.  I've fished at all the main areas, and managed to catch myself one of each of 'em (and some of them were kinda difficult - the Oarfish in Kamui particularly) and add them to my tome.  I'm spending a bit of time today trying to catch whichever one is the missing one, but I haven't had any luck yet.  So this is getting a bit annoying, really.

Also looking for one piece of Sun Fragment, to up my Solar Energy to maximum before I start the final area on the Ark of Yamoto.  Having trouble figuring out where it's hiding, and what part of the Game I missed it in.  I'll keep looking for this one for a bit as well, but I'm not sure where to start - fish are easier 'coz there are only three areas I can fish in, but Sun Fragments could be ANYWHERE...  :(

From the sounds of what's happening in the Game, I've gotta go up against some dude called Yami, who sounds like he's the king of all the bad dudes I've been fighting during the Game.  Actually, did I mention that I've fought Orochi again?  That makes twice now - so I was right that I'd be battling the evil snake demon later.  However, even then it wasn't the end of the Game - weird, eh?  Fighting the listed "Big Bad" twice, and it turns out he's not even the Ultimate Baddy...

*End Spoilers*

I should have finished the Game either today or tomorrow, so expect to hear back from me again at that point.  In the meantime, make sure that you continue to...


What the...? There's MORE?

I recently had one of those experiences where you think you know what's going on in a Game, but then it sorta takes a left turn on ya and suddenly you realise you don't know what's going on...

Okami - The Painting Game (starring a White Wolf and a Bug)The Game in question?  Okami.  As to what's going on?  Well, I'm still not sure.  I'm gonna air some thoughts in this entry, so I have to put up the big sign warning people about plot-related stuff shortly.  So if you haven't gotten much into Okami (or even played it at all), and don't wanna spoil any of the windy and twisty story, then go and read someone else's Journal for a bit, K?

*Spoilers Ahead*

I'm now almost 24 hours into the Game.  I've managed to accumulate myself a fair amount of kewl stuff, including some kewl Divine Intervention type weapons and quite a number of kewl Brush Techniques.

I'm also working my way through my Stray Bead list, and managed to discover about a third of them so far (I think).  But given where I am in the Game and how many I still haven't found - I don't think I'm as far as I thought I was in the Game.  And that's the issue, really...

Thing is, the Game's story talks about the big evil snake demon Orochi as the bad dude.  He's back from the dead, having being released from imprisonment by some unsuspecting dude.  H's cursed the land, and is a big part of the reason that you have to run around cleaning up all these Cursed Zones.  So he's the BIG BAD you see in most Games.

The funny thing is...  I killed him already.  Yup, beat him about 10 hour's back.  Big fight - lotsa carnage.  Bad dude is dead.  But the Game didn't actually finish there at all.  I'm still running around, cleaning up Cursed Zones and beating bad dudes.  So what's going ON here, eh?

Hence my confusion.  I'm thinking there must be another Big Bad out there behind the first one, or possibly I'm gonna fight him again, in a souped-up form or something.  I must admit to being a bit surprised when the story started leading me to the Moon Cave, and here's me with a whole bunch of Brush Techniques still missing.  And then it was all over, and I figured the end credits would run - except they didn't.

Right now, I'm clearing up the evil in the Capital City, and working to uncurse a whole bunch of trees before I go looking for a way to get a Water Dragon on side and use it to go to some island to defeat the source of the monsters - or something like that.  Is there an end in sight or am I just worrying too much about who the bad dude is...?

*End Spoilers*

NEhow, I've voiced my concerns now, so I'm gonna go and watch some more of Season 2 of 24, and then relax some more for the evening.  I hope you're all doing well out there in Gamespot Land, and I'll catch you all another night.  In the meantime, make sure you all...