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WerePaladin Blog

Wii are getting excited...

Well, it's been a lil' while since I've posted here (again), so it's time to make some noise once more.

Quick update on my life first, so bear with me...  Still in the throes of moving - I had no idea I had so much stuff around the place!  I've managed to pack thirteen boxes of Books, DVDs, RPG stuff, Videos and Games, and I'm still going!  I've got most of my stuff I wanna hold onto here at home now, but I've still got at least three boxes here to unpack, and prolly another couple to pack back at my place.  It's kinda crazy, but I think it's ALMOST done.  :)

Gaming-wise, I've been a bit busy, but I'm really just hanging out until December the 7th at 0001 hours.  At that moment, I will be in the possession of a brand spanking new Nintendo Wii - and I will be a very happy man.  OK sure, my friends (and my fiance) are making fun of me about the name of the Console - but I figure that I'LL be the one laughing when they all wanna have a go at it, and I mock them about wanting to play with my Wii.  :D

NEhow, getting all set to transfer my Gamecube to my mate Stan and his kids, so I just gotta pack it up and wrap it up so the kids can have something kewl to unwrap on Christmas Day.  Managed to track down a copy of Need for Speed - Most Wanted on the 'Cube as well (which wasn't easy, I might add), so that'll go in with the rest.

Trying to get as much sleep as possible between now and the 7th, so that I'm all set to pick up the Wii and maybe even have a go on it - without impacting work too much.  Or so goeth the plan.  Let's see how it works out, eh?

Better get back to sorting things out.  Got some work stuff to do, then bills to pay and even some more packing to do.  I'll give you all a Gaming update on my newer Games and which ones I've been playing in a future Journal entry, K? 

Hope you're all doing well out there in Gamespot Land, and that you're playing as many Games as possible, my friends.  In the meantime, don't forget to...


Organisation XIII?

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen out there in Gamespot Land.  How are you all doing this fine evening?  In the throes of moving stuff around and packing boxes of books (which lemme tell ya - they're heavy), I figured I'd sit down for a few minutes and let you know what I've been up to, Gaming wise...

In the past few days, I've actually managed to play a bit more of an amazing Game, called Kingdom Hearts 2.  I've actually managed to make a bit of progress since we last spoke, and am now playing as Sora in Proud mode.  This is giving me a bit of grief, as some of the enemies I'm fighting are kinda tough - but I'm managing just the same.

Currently, I believe I've got Sora up to Level 15, and I'm quite enjoying some of the new features.  The Forms seem kinda kewl (working on levelling up my Valor form - the only one I have so far), and even the Limits with the other characters from different worlds are kinda kewl as well.  I quite like the use of Reaction commands, and fighting with TWO Keyblades at once?  AWESOME!  :D

I've actually had a few combats where I've kicked in a Limit with one of my new friends, snotted the enemies (usually a Boss) for a while, and then switched over to Valor Form and caused some carnage.  Is it just me, or do they throw far more enemies at you in KH2 rather than in the first Game?  Might be wrong, as it's been a while, but still...

I'm also liking the new style of Gummi Ship stuff as well.  Quite liking the fact that you don't have to fly the course between Worlds so often, and that there are challenges for each section.  Been replaying some of those with better Gummi Ships to see if I can unlock some of the bonuses there, so that's kinda kewl.

Now on to some stuff that involves the use of the words:

*Spoilers Ahead*

Remember kiddies, that lil' warning just above means that if you don't wanna read NEthing about the Story in the Game, which may spoil stuff for you - then look away NOW!  :)

For the rest of you (including those who have finished the Game), I have some comments on where I am.  Currently, I've managed to complete three worlds - Hollow Bastion, The Land of Dragons and Beast's Castle.  Just about to head in Pooh's Storybook at my last save.  So I've only just started the Game really, as I still haven't figured out much about what the heck Organisation XIII is up to.

On those dudes in black, I have some questions to muse about out loud.  I'm suspecting that Ansem's renegade apprentice people are some of those who make up the Organisation, but that takes care of only about half.  I'm also gonna add Ansem himself, Riku and Sora to that list, but that still leaves me with about four members to come up with.  I'm sure I'll find out who they are in due course, but it's still interesting.

I've met (and defeated several times) Axel, and just recently made acquaintence with some dude called Xaldin.  Now I don't know if they're the apprentices Ansem mentions or not, so I'm not sure where they fit in the list.  I'm also starting to suspect that there are several different factions within Organisation XIII itself, which I hope to see confirmed as I play on through the Game.

Another point to mention.  King Mickey shut himself in the darkness with Riku in Kingdom Hearts, right?  Riku (who hasn't officially shown up yet, although I reckon I might have seen him several times) is part of the Organisation, and King Mickey has been seen (several times) wearing a black robe - like the Organisation XIII members do.  But I've previously (in a flashback) seen thirteen members - some hoods down, some up - all sitting down in some sort of meeting.  So is Mickey part of the Nobodies group now or what?  Should it be called Organization XIV now?  :)

I'm also wondering whether Namine is Kairi's Nobody or not.  If you recall, Kairi lost her Heart (if I recall correctly) back in the original Kingdom Hearts.  By the explanation given in KH2, she would prolly have created a Nobody because of it.  This would fit with why she has such control over Sora and those linked to him - given how strongly Sora feels for Kairi.

Finally, I'm wondering where the plot is heading.  To my eyes, where the evil forces (under Maleficent - who seems to be back again...  How'd that work out?) were trying to capture and use the Princesses in the original Kingdom Hearts, I'm thinking the Organisation seems to be trying to increase their Ranks (or steal the Hearts of, at least) the Hero type characters in each world.  Just a gut feeling so far, so we'll see whether I'm right or not as the Game progresses...

NEhow, that should do on my musings for the moment.  More on Kingdom Hearts 2, and various possible plot elements, as time goes on.

*End Spoilers*

Well, that should do me for the moment.  I'll get back to packing now, and hopefully managed to pack another couple of boxes before I head home.  In the meantime, make sure that you all...


Wii Will Rock You...

Ah, another terribly clever name for a Journal entry, eh?  :)

Hope life is good for you all out there in Gamespot Land, people.  I'm kinda excited, personally.  Got my tax check back last week, so I've gone and spent some of it paying off some of my pre-orders at my local Game store.  Sure, I'm poorer - but I have the joy of knowing I'll be getting my pre-orders when they come in.

The Wii - and let's not forget the Wiimote...  :)So what the heck am I talking about?  Well, I'm talking about the upcoming Console from Nintendo - the Wii.  Yup, I'm all paid up now, with my Wii Console, a Wii Play Pack, an original Gamecube Controller for the Wii, and even the Game I've been waiting almost two years to arrive - the Legend of Zelda, Twilight Princess*grin*

Horses?  Werewolves?  What the...?I dunno about you lot, but I've had a copy of Twilight Princess on pre-order since about the beginning of 2005 - when it was first announced on the Gamecube.  Since then, I've suffered disappointment after disappointment when the release date was pushed back time after time.  A faint ray of hope shone out when I heard that the Wii would have the new Zelda Game, so I've hung in there.  Now, it's not too far off, and I'm kinda excited.  Dunno exactly what to expect, but if it's anything like some of the previous entries in this series, then it's gonna be GOOD!  :)

Sounds intriguing...There's been another couple of Games that have caught my eye, such as Red Steel - a shooter on the Wii - and a quirky lil' Game called Elebits.  The premise is kinda weird, as you need to go searching around the house looking for lil' electrical creatures called Elebits and capture them.  Why?  Well, duh!  Because they power everything (including your Capture Ray thingy, it appears) that's about, of course!  So you have to find them, moving things that they might be hiding behind, and then zap them to complete a given mission.  Sounds simple, but I'm hoping it's kinda fun just the same.  Worth checking out, I reckon.

NEhow, I haven't played much on the 'Cube recently, so I'm looking forward to trying out some older Games on the Wii.  Also looking forward to some of the Classics that it sounds like I'll be downloading.  Space Harrier II?  The original Legend of Zelda?  Super Mario 64?  Sign me up, willya?

Hoping (this time) to be able to pass on my old 'Cube to my best mate (and Best Man) Stan, who has a couple of kiddies.  Looking to pick up a new Game for them on the 'Cube (prolly Need for Speed - Most Wanted), and then wrap it all up for the boys on Christmas Day.  Hopefully they'll enjoy the new Console, and Uncle Matt can bring around some great Games for them to enjoy.  So goeth the plan, NEhow...  *grin*

Well, time for me to finish up here and do some more paperwork.  Anna's cooking a pumpkin stir-fry tonight, so I better go see how that's going I think.  Have fun out there, people, and never forget to...


The Fall of Night...

Evening people, how ya doing out there in Gamespot Land?  :)

From reading the title of my latest entry, I reckon a few of you could make a fairly educated guess as to what it's about...  Yup, I've activated my latest access key for Guild Wars - Nightfall, and am now able to access once more the Land of Elona, with all it's mysteries and monsters.  Needless to say, I'm a happy man.  :D

As it happens, I've been playing a bit of Guild Wars over the past couple of days, and trying to pick up where I left off a few months back.  I've deleted a character or two, and am planning on starting up a couple now that I've got the new Campaign all loaded and running.

The first Campaign...Actually, been back in the original Prophecies campaign over the past night or two.  I've created myself a Monk character (Tanith Darksoul) who is looking to add the secondary profession of a Mesmer, so that he can become a serious Buffer / De-Buffer type character, and an important part of any adventuring party.  Getting the hang of fighting from the backlines as well, which is useful for the Monk types.  Still early days in the Propecies Campaign, but we'll see how I go.

Adventuring in the Land of Cantha...Also visited Cantha for a while last night.  I thought it was time to revisit my Assassin / Elementalist, and see if I could come up with a better Build for Senka Rhiannon, my slightly more lethal character.  She's currently heading towards a Temple somewhere I think, although I haven't finished my latest Quest.  I'm quite liking the updated AI for the Henchmen, as now they seem to be useful, and I don't have to do most of the fighting when I'm not adventuring with some other real people...  :)

Saving the Land of Elona from the Fall of Night...But my latest character is a Dervish that I created during the Nightfall Preview Event.  Not sure what Secondary profession I'm gonna chuck at this one, but I'm leaning towards a Ranger to better snipe those evil Corsairs from a distance, I think.  Again, still early days for the latest Campaign, but I'm enjoying the Quests and storyline so far.  Might have to knock out a Paragon as well, just to see how well they play.

Actually, it's kinda nice having all three Guild Wars Campaigns.  Not only does it mean characters from any Campaign can visit the other Lands (my Dervish can go to Tyria, my Monk to Cantha, and my Assassin to Elona), but I also now have EIGHT Character slots to play with.  Which means I can fire up my Ritualist some, and even recreate my Warrior dude, and experiment with a couple of PvP characters as well - particularly with some of the goodies I've been unlocking from the PvE storyline.  It's gonna be a fun couple of months.  :D

Still looking to put together a band of merry adventurers, so any time you wanna join me in Cantha, Elona or Tyria - drop me a line and lemme know.  I've got a fair selection of characters I'm building up now - so I reckon I'll be able to slot into just about any party in the near future.  Stan, Vash, people like you - come join the party and we'll smash some monsters together and save the known Universe before dinner.  Sound like a plan?  *grin*

NEhow, I should head off to bed.  Gotta work in the morning, and my future In-Laws are staying over while they're down in Adelaide.  Anna's off at a conference somewhere, so I'm having to entertain them myself while she's gone.  (They've gone to bed now, which is how come I can get away with sitting at the 'puter for a while...  :))  Hope you're all doing well out there in Gamespot Land, and enjoying whatever Game you may be playing.

Just don't forget to...


Journeys to Kombat during Guild Wars...

Yes, I agree.  Not a terribly clever title, but it does help in clarifying my Gaming movements over the past week or so.  How's everyone doing out there in Gamespot Land - keeping out of trouble, I hope?  :)

I'm still in the throes of moving stuff around, so I haven't had a whole lot of time to play Games, unfortunately.  I have still had the resources to purchase and store Games, which is something at least...  In recent weeks, I have managed to find myself a sequel to an amazing adventure Game, pick up the latest expansion to an MMORPG, and even the latest (and even older) editions of a great fighting series.

Dreamfall - The Longest JourneyFirst up, Adventures.  Some time ago, I managed to track down a copy of the classic PC Adventure - The Longest Journey.  Since then, I've heard bits and pieces about it's sequel, a Game known as Dreamfall - The Longest Journey.  It's been out for a while in Europe (and of course the States), but for some reason it's taken a while for me to find it here in Australia.  After ordering a copy, it took more than a few weeks to show up, and then the Staff at my local Game store forgot to tell me it had come in.  Ooops!  :(

Thankfully since then they found it and let me know, and I have now only to install it on the new 'puter and then I can play it.  My 'puter is still at my place, but my darling mother will be inheriting that soon, just as soon as I manage to remove all the stuff I need from it.  In the meantime, my PC Gaming is done on Anna's 'puter, which is better than mine NEhow.  Kinda kewl really, but I haven't installed many Games on it yet.

Guild Wars - Campaign 3On to other PC matters...  It appears my good working relationship with the aforementioned Staff has paid off.  Today, I managed to get my hands on a copy of Guild Wars - Nightfall*grin*  Now, I can't actually PLAY it yet - at least until the Servers go online officially - but I have it in my sweaty hands, to read through and drool over.  Having played through some of the pre-release demo of Nightfall, I'm looking forward to starting up a couple of new characters and adventuring once more in Guild Wars.

Still going in the other two Campaigns, but haven't finished either yet.  Actually created a couple of Prophecies characters, a Monk and a Warrior - both of which I'm gonna try and carry through the entire series.  My Ritualist and Assassin are still going strong in Factions, and I reckon a Paragon and a Dervish should round out things nicely.  Just gotta decide on the variety of secondary classes I want, and all will be hunky dory.  :D

Finally (in this rather large update), I move on to Console matters.  Been picking up various things on several Consoles over the past couple of weeks, but both involve the great fighting series - Mortal Kombat.

60 Fighters to play, eh?  :)Firstly, on the PS2.  Managed to pick up a copy today of Mortal Kombat - Armageddon.  Now, I've heard some average things about it - new fatality system, only two fighting styles per character to name two - but I'm excited by the opportunity to play some of the older fighters missing from later editions of the Game.  Given that my entry point in Mortal Kombat on the Consoles was Mortal Kombat - Deception, I missed out on some of the originals.  So I'm hoping to try and experience some of their greatness in this latest Game.

Secondly, on the X-Box 360.  I've also managed to download Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3, which is looking pretty good too.  Now Anna has played a few of the older versions (she complained about it being 3D when we played Deception), so she's excited by playing a 2D version of the Game.  We'll have to check it out after Criminal Minds tonight on TV.  I'll let you all know if she kicks my butt a lot when I write here again...  :)

I also managed to download a few Demos (including Lego Star Wars II - which is looking pretty good fun), and another couple of Arcade Games from X-Box Live (Lumines Live, Doom and Dig Dug) to check out over the coming weeks.  I don't know whether I'll upgrade to the full versions or not, although Doom IS kinda tempting.  We'll see how I go, eh?

More another time, peope.  Criminal Minds is on.  Don't forget that in the meantime, you all need to...

GAME ON!  :)

Moving - An Explanation...

Well, good afternoon ladies and gentlemen - I hope this Journal entry finds you well.  I'm home for the afternoon, after a particularly early start for a course today - had to be at work at 0700, so I've been up since just after five this morning, which isn't much fun...  :(

NEhow, on to the reason why I'm writing today.  In my past couple of Journal entries, I've made noises as to being quite busy in my real life, what with moving and all and assorted other business.  Mr Znuggles has picked up on this, and has been seemingly a tad miffed that I have not been clearer as to what has been going on in my life.  Today seems as good a chance as any to talk about it. 

Are we sitting comfortably?  (Make sure you have a nice spot picked out, as you'll wanna sit down at some point during this one, people)  Then I'll begin...

As many of you know, I have been seeing a young lady by the name of Anna for some time now.  We met back in February of this year, just after I broke up with Kate.  The timing of this was not real good, so nothing happened at that time, until a few months later, when we caught up again.  Things went well, and since then, we've been a couple.  Anna is part of the reason why I haven't been as active here in Gamespot-Land for the past couple of months.

Anna and I have spent a LOT of time together these past few months, and for a while there were bouncing from one house to the other - which got a lil' tiring after a while.  So a few weeks back, we decided it would be best if we lived in the one house, rather than trying to share our lives between two.  Since then, I've been moving bits and pieces across from my place to hers - the house I should now start calling "Home". 

I've got all the important stuff here now - clothes, my stereo system, my DVD/VCR, and my Consoles and Games.  Still moving across foodstuffs, CDs, my DVD and Video collections, and other assorted bits of furniture.  Some of my older stuff has been donated to good homes - my Dad has inherited my West Wing DVD Box sets, my Alias Box sets, and my Babylon 5 video collection (don't panic, Znuggles - I have them all on DVD now.  :))  My parents also have my old TV, and I'm sure other things will move around as I gradually move in here.

One piece of bad news about moving in with Anna - she has crappy Broadband.  I'm having to get used to a slow speed again.  At my place, my ADSL2+ kicks along at around 20 MBps, which is kinda kewl.  Anna's runs at about 256K, which is kinda snail-like by comparison.  I'm working on upgrading it, but not sure how that's gonna go.

So there WAS a good reason for me moving, and for not being as active here, wasn't there?  Not just making noises and being cryptic for the sake of it, was I?  :D

One bit of news out of the way, still one more to go.  While I've got you all sitting down, might as well drop this one on you as well...

Anna and I are engaged to be married.  :)

Yeah, I know - shoulda given you more warning on that one.  Sorry about that.  Still, it's actually some really good news, and something that makes me very happy.  We've tentatively set a date for the 1st of March 2008, but since we don't have a church nailed down just yet, that date might be a lil' fluid.  We'll see how things go...

Already gone and visited her parents - to ask for their blessing - and told my family and friends.  Got a Bridal party sorted out, and some ideas about what we wanna do on the big day, but it's still really early days at this point.  As time goes on, I will update you all (should you be interested) in how things are going, K?

NEhow, I have some stuff to move around here, and then I have Kingdom Hearts 2 waiting for me.  I'll CYA all another day, and we can all make some more noise at each other - sound fair?  In the meantime, don't forget to...


Devils in the Machine?

Well, it's time for another one of those Gaming Update thingies.  You can tell that it's one of those due to the Category I've selected for this Journal entry - it says "Games", right down the bottom there, see?  :)

NEhow, in recent times I haven't managed to play many Games, but I've managed to pick up a couple.  One that I've been waiting a little while for, and one for which I've been waiting a long while...

The SPECIAL Edition...The first one is (as per usual) one that the rest of the world has had for a lil' while now.  Yes, it's the latest installment of that crazy cool Devil Hunter, Dante.  In fact, it's his prequel Game and the Special Edition version to boot!  My other version of this Game - the non Special Edition - went to a good home at my mate's place.  Hopefully he enjoys carving up evil monstrosities with a sword and pistols as much as I have in the past.  Now all I gotta do is find five minutes when I'm home and not doing other stuff to play the Game! 

Shin Megami Tensei, awesome Japanese Horror RPGs...The second one is one that caught me off guard.  Some of you might recall me mentioning how the first Shin Megami Tensei Game I purchased (Lucifer's Call) just appeared on the shelves at my local Game store one day, so I snapped it up before it vanished.  Well, the exact same thing has happened with the next one.  Yes, Digital Devil Saga is out in Australia, so of course I had to get my hot and sweaty hands on a copy.  Haven't put it in the PS2 yet, but I will when the time is right.  Until then I'm enjoying reading through the manual and finding out what's different between the two Games.

As per normal, my collection has grown but my play time hasn't.  Soon I'll have to start making time to play Games again, but life keeps getting in the way for the meantime.  I'll get there, just don't know when...

NEhow, I have some domestic stuff to do, so I must be away.  In the meantime, make sure you all continue to...


THE Sequel...

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen - how are you all on this fine and sunny day?  I'm doing GREAT myself - for a number of reasons - mainly because I'm back in Adelaide now and recovering after my weekend away.

One of the main reasons I'm doing so well is because I now own a copy of the sequel to one of the BEST Games of all time.  Yes, I'm talking about Kingdom Hearts 2!  Managed to acquire my copy a couple of days before the "official" release date, but haven't had a whole lot of time to play it yet...

Only the follow up to one of the best Games EVER!Now I know for all of you American and Japanese people out there who have owned the Game since the beginning of the year, this isn't such a big deal.  I mean, most of you have completed the Game several times, achieving 100% of everything, and unlocking all the special features, including the "Hot Coffee" video of Sora, Kairi and Rikku.  But for those of here in Australia, it's all a bit new - and quite exciting too, I might add.  *grin*

*Spoilers Ahead*

Now personally, I've only managed to play the Game for a couple of hours since I got it.  As such, I haven't really gotten too far into it at all...

From what I have seen, I've already decided to go back and finish up Chain of Memories - to see what happened to Sora between Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts 2.  Well worth checking out, from what I've seen of the "Dreams" that Roxas has.  Actually, prolly go back and play all of Kingdom Hearts again as well.  In due course - might finish KH2 first.  :)

From my point of view, I've only just finished up Roxas' story in Twilight Town, and Sora has just woken up.  So I think I'm really not very far into the actual plot at all - although it has been kinda interesting to see some more about Organisation XIII and the Dude in Red (who seems to be called "Diz" as far as I can tell...)  Actually, on him - I always thought that he was Ansem, so it was a bit of a surprise to find out he wasn't.

Gameplay wise, I've kinda enjoyed using some of the God of War-esque action commands in some of the Boss Fights (y'know, the ones where you hit the right button at the right section of the fight to unleash some powerful attack combo, or whatever...).  Fighting with TWO Keyblades as kinda special as well, so I'm looking forward to doing some more of that when I can.  :)

Seeing the Deep Dive video from the "other side" (so to speak) has also proved enlightening, although I'm sure there's still more to learn as I play through the Game.  Looking forward to seeing if there's another secret Video at the end of KH2, but only time will tell on that one.

*End Spoilers*

I'll give you all another update on how things are going for me in this kewl Game when I have achieved some more, K?  In the meantime people, I've got more stuff to move around and some more washing to do on my day off, so I'd better get back to it.

Until next time, don't forget to...

GAME ON!  :)

Hey, Lookit here... I'm WRITING stuff! :)

Firstly, an apology.  To all of my friends here at Gamespot, I've been neglecting you.  In recent months, I have had a few other things happening in my life that have kept me away from the fun and Games here in Gamespot Land, and as such I have been slack in my Journalling duties...  :(

I'm sorry guys.  Forgive me?

Now on several occasions, I have said I would make an effort to try and catch up on commenting in all of your Journals (as you have done for me), and I've just plain not managed to do it.  This isn't nice, and I should have made more of an effort.

However in recent weeks, things have been settling down in my life - things have been a lil' less crazy.  So I've been making an effort to catch up on some comments, and where I've had something to say, I've put it in.  Now, I'll be honest here - I'm commenting through people's Journals in reverse order.  What I mean by that is I'm checking out those of you who haven't made entries recently, and writing in those Journals first.  Weird, I know, but it works for me.  :)

As such, I have now "caught up" on a few of you, so some shout outs to those I've managed.  So a big hello to the following Gamespotters, who like myself haven't been active in a lil' while, but still deserve some noise in their Journals...

What_Me_Worry, vastb005, JackalJnr23, Seele13, Jamesinclair, tinoshke, Southy787, and Catamy.

(Feel free to check 'em out, say Hi and drop them a line.  They're all kewl people, y'hear?  :D)

That puts me to the end of August.  I start commenting on the September Journals soon - Cantius, you're next.  Watch for some noises over the next few days. *grin*  One day, I will catch up.  One day...

NEhow, I need to pack for Angaston.  Going away over the long weekend for our annual Cadet Camp, so I better get down to business.  I've got some more entries to make over the next day or so (before I head off), so I'll try to get them done and update you on what's what for Mr. Matt, K?

Take it easy, people - and don't forget to...


Must... Eat... BRAINS!

Well, it's time for another Gaming Update, I think.  As per normal, it's been a couple of weeks since I've made noise here, but I AM still alive...  :)

Zombies zombies everywhere...Most recently, I've managed to get my hot, sweaty lil' hands on a copy of Dead Rising.  After playing the Demo a bit, a recommendation from Mr. Znuggles, and having a read of the review here at Gamespot, I decided it would be worth my while to run around and smash some evil Zombies for a bit.

And what fun I've been having already!  In a short space of time, I managed to take a BUNCH of pictures of Zombies and (brief) Survivors, and smashed a bunch of evil undead with Flower Pots, CD Cases, a severed arm, a soccer ball (gotta love those ricochets...  :)), and even managed to dress some of them up with some novelty masks...

I've managed to unlock a few achievements, save a couple of hapless individuals, and even explore the mall a bit.  One complaint though - why do the subtitles have to be so SMALL?  And how come you can't make them bigger, for those of us without big screen, HD TVs?  That's a minor gripe though, as the gameplay has been pretty good so far.

On the downside though, my Wireless Gaming Adapter seems to be on the blink for some reason.  I've unplugged it and fiddled around with it a bit, but I'm not sure what's wrong.  My 360 doesn't seem to recognise that its plugged in, even though power is definitely getting through to it.  Weird.  I'm sure I'll figure it out, but it's frustrating not to be able to access X-Box Live.

Gotta get back into some online Gaming as well.  Have been a bit slack in that area recently (having only spent one night in my bed in the last week and a half), so I gotta work on that some in the coming weeks.  We'll see how I go, eh?

NEhow, gotta go home briefly and sort out some clothes and other things for the next couple of days.  Things to do, people to see.  :)

Hope you're all doing well out there in Gamespot Land, and that you're playing plenty of Games, my friends.  In the meantime, don't forget to...