Hows about... Evenstar.
WeskerTeam's forum posts
Mad Moxxi. Taken right from Borderlands but I think it sounds awesome.
Probably already taken though. As a matter of fact, most names suggested here will probably be taken.
- Tomb Raider
- Far Cry 3
- The Witcher 2
- Gears of War 1-3
- Gears of War Judgement
- L4D2
- Resident Evil CVX
- Resident Evil 4
- Resident Evil 5
- Resident Evil 6
- Resident Evil Revelations
- Halo AnniversaryÂ
- Halo 4
- Metal Gear HD collection
- Dragonball Z Budokai HD collection
- Silent Hill HD collection
- Metal Gear PW
- Fable 3
- Crackdown
- UMVC 3
- Kameo
- Assassin's Creed 3
- Bayonetta
- Ninja Gaiden 2
- Dead Space 2
- Dead Space 3
- Max Payne 3
- Dead or Alive 5
- Doom 3 BFG
- Black Ops 2
- Forza Motorsport 4
- Final Fantasy 11
- Skyrim
- Fallout 3
- Fallout New Vegas
- Sonic Generations
- Bioshock
- Bioshock Infinite
I also have 56 arcade titles.
It is about the games which is why I am not even thinking about next gen for another year. Â It just seems logical.
[QUOTE="Evdne971"]I'm keeping my 360. I feel like there are still good fun to be had on that boxShoTTyMcNaDeSOutside of GTA V, there is absolutely no reason to hang on to your 360! All of the other big games that are coming are also on the X1 and will be better...i.e. BF4, CoD Ghosts, Watchdogs, Project Spark, Destiny, Titanfall and so on. Why play inferior versions?? I'm betting the vast majority of you who are not getting an XBOX ONE on or near launch are not because Mommy and Daddy have already scoffed at the $500 price tag.
You seem to have ignored the fact that 360 arcade games will not work on the X1. You are also an idiot for assuming people aren't getting X1 at launch because they are children.
I'm excited for DR2. It will be the first game in which I haven't played already.
I think they choose DR2 to help promote DR3 when it releases. I'm glad they did.
Are you 100% sure you downloaded the game using your current profile?
I had lost a few downloaded games when I bought my new xbox because I forgot they were downloaded using my friend's profile.
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