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WhiteCloud954 Blog

Scarface Anyone?

scarface is one of my favorite movies of all time so i was really eager to do this sig. i like the overall outcome. what do you think?

Devil May Cry 4

yeah so i havent done a sig in a month now and i dont know why but i felt like doin one today. please excuse the suckyness of the sig cause im a little rusty. comments appreciated. :D

Q and A questions

well it seems like you guys would like a q and a so i will deliver. just write your questions below and i will answer them to the best of my ability. also just want to thank everyone who watched the video and left feedback, appreciate it.

Discovering a New Style

Yeah, so I havent made myself a sig in about 2 weeks now and I think that time off was necessary for me to regroup and take a step at getting better. Now usually I do game sigs, but I think in order to get better I need to explore sig in a more artistic way. This one here took about 4 hours.........................yes my eyes are bleeding and I will get medical attention when im done writing this. Hope you guys like this one and feedback is always appreciated.