Wii360boy's forum posts
I hope they dont. Because i hate those people that said wii was going so horrible went it first came out, and now they want one. No Way! Everyone just wants one because of the great games like ssbb, mariokart wii, and etc. They always brag about PS3 and X360 but now Wii is #1. Not to say that x360 and ps3 are bad.... they are great i own both and wii. If they really want one, they should have to wait and search around for it like the rest of everyone else. I know it seems mean and harsh but sorry its the truth. So i really hope they wont be plentiful march 9th. Nintendo needs to keep slowly sending more wii's. The way they are distributing right ow is just fine.Wii360boy
i have mine reserved but im still going to be there at 10.
[QUOTE="JackAtta12732"]Not really, considering that many of those, if not the majority are in Japan. I've been able to play on-line for a good while now since Nintendo finally opened up the servers in North America allowing for random matches. Other than that, I was only able to play against some friends from Japan.Ya i work at an eb games and we got the shipment in so everyone at the store who has a wii has it now. apparently about 400 ppl are online on average 4 days before launch, surprising.
Also, unless the NA version has more than the Japanese version, then pretty much all of us know all the characters, my self included, since I've already unlocked them all.
Actually he's right the people that work at eb games and gamestop do have the game already. i dont work at either store but I have seen the boxes sitting in the back and asked one of the empolyees if that was ssbb snd he said yes. he said they had to have them there earlier because so many people are going to buy the game, so each store has to make sure they have enough to sell and give to the people that reserved them.
[QUOTE="m_machine024"][QUOTE="Haziqonfire"]Games Rader ReviewAnother perfect score... what a surprise. Reminds me of Galaxy all over again.
Awesome to the max. 10/10.Haziqonfire
Indeed. Nintendo has created some of the finest titles in the last couple of years, all on the Wii.
Ah. Indeed
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