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Will47 Blog

20 Things About Me

Ohno_Kateh told 20 things about herself and said all her friends had to do the same....so here it goes.

1. I don't want to do this

2. I'm homeschooled

3. I live out in the country (but don't think I like live on a farm...it's not that kind of country)

5. Because I live in the country AND am homeschooled I end up not haveing many real life friends.

6. I have MANY more GS friends then I have other friends

7. I just told you why you all mean so much to me.

8. I love Moutain Dew

9. I REALY love Mountain Dew

10. Cheeze-Its are the best snack (don't remember the last time I had them though)

11. I'mover 5ft 11in, so I should be 6ft soon.

12. I'm built heavy (that doesn't mean I fat...cuz I'm not)

13. I LOVE Mountain Dew

14. My first friend on GS was a guy named lee7373....don't remember him much.

15 The person I have known the longest on GS (and kept up with) is BrunoBRS.

16. Me and Nero have known eachother since I joined the Gamerz Nation, when it went down hill we moved on a made a union together.

17. I belive that the DS is nintendos best creation.

18. I love my DS lite as if it where my own son.

19. I have my own laptop, it's a Dell Inspiron 1525...I love it to.

20. I want all my friends to do this to, I won't suffer alone :twisted:

Complete Profile Makeover (agian)

It's Bleach this time, no that does not mean I like Bleach more than Fullmetal Alchemist :P I made it all with in the last two...three...four hours (how time fly's :P ).I started by trying to make something for adesigningcontest I'm in. Then I got caried away and made one of everything (exept for the blog header but you don't NEED one of those) Here's the sig:

Tell me what you think.

New Emblem and Zelda Spirit Tracks.

Ya I got the GDC 09 emblem for being virtualy there. I just logged in to if for a little bit, and seamingly logged out right before the showed the trailer for the new Zelda Spirit Tracks...I hate them...or my lousy timeing...still not sure. Not like there was much to see in the trailer but the feeling of being there when it happend would have been cool.

It's another game I will be getting first day :P. What other options do I have? It's a Zelda game for the best system on earth.

I got Pokemon Platinum!!!

It's awesome...just going to say that up front. Just when you think you know what's going to happen it's different, they really changed they game (for the better of course). I have got about 2 hours of game play already and there should be more by tonight :twisted:. I also really like the new feel of the whole land, there is snow here and there, and the new outfit fits right in.

The Wi Fi plaza is really cool to, a little smaller then I had in mind...but cool none the less. I also found out that not all plaza rooms are the same. You have a chance of entering a blue room or a red room, that that much different but oh well :P The games offer quite a bit of fun, as simple as they may be there are rather addicting. Each plaza room is only open for a sertain amount of time, then you and the other 15 or so people get to watch some fireworks and join a parade...then it's all over...

So if any of you get it tell me your friend code so we can hang out some time.

Till then!!!


Well I have had a high fever all night long, I was up three times hallucinating...which I sometimes do when I have fever but never three times in one night :x. Last night around 9:00 I was sick of lieing down so I booted up my computer and started Gimping here's what I came up with:

Not bad for haveing a fever :lol: who knows next I may be Gimping in my sleep :lol:

Feel free to coment on the pic :P

Complete Makeover!

So as you can probibly see I have changed out EVERYTHING. I made all of it myself and like it much more then the last (wether that is because I like it more or because I was sick of the other stuff :P I had the stuff forever). Well I tried to keep a commen theme of black and white with only slight colors and I believe it turned out rather well.

Since the sig is the only thing you cant see from my profile, I will post it here for you.

Well tell me what you think.

Level 25!

Well I got to level 25! I'm still not sure when that happend, but I am glad all the same. Acording to my profile I joined Aug 11, 2007. That's quite some time ago, so this is to all the friends I have made on Gamespot *raises glass*

When you can expect me back.

I know I haven't been around...at all...this last week, sorry about that guys. I have got behind in school and am trying to fix that right now, I swear I haven't left my desk for the last few days:x. But I should have this all fixed by this weekend. So you can expect to see me around Sunday.

Can't wait to chat with you all then :) !!!

I'm a uncle again(pictures)!!!

Her name is Arwen Elizabeth Smith, she is the cutest little thing. Here see for you self, I know it's not the best picture of the baby but the camera was more focused on me :P

Yep so I'm pround as can be :)

Birthday, MP3 player, internet.

Well today is my Sister-in-Laws birthday, so we had a party for that. Right now she is like 8 months pregnat, I just can't wait to have another little niece!!!

On a completely different note I just got a new MP3 player. For those of you who didn't read a few blogs back I tried to get a MP3 player and made the stupid mistake of getting something from China (I mean SHIPPED to me from China) and that all went bad and now Iam out $90. But I got this from Wal-Mart.com so I should be safe. I got the Zen 4GB and I totally love it. As the advertizements for it say "Now you have found your Zen" :lol: I think it might be true :P.

Also this last point kinda conserns you (yes you, as in the person reading this). My dad downgraded the internet. What does this mean and how does it apply to you? Well I means my dad is saving $20 a month but I have to work with internet that is about (and I did the math) 6.25 times slower than I used to have. It applys to you because I won't be able to do (or have the patience) to do as much as I used to. You might have noticed that I haven't been around as much latly, well that is do to the fact that I got the downgrade 1-2 weeks ago. But don't think I am leaving, you guys are some of my best friends so I there is no way I just quite and abandon you all, I'll still be here everyday just maybe not acomplishing as much in a day that I used to.

Well now you all know whats up with me!

P.S there is one more thing..........I'm hungry :shock: