maybe someone new and talented they should be looking for._____________________________Video Games Glitches
@IJONOI tobey maguire, i guess i didn't know Watch Dogs is romance genre LOL_______________________________Watch Dogs
i will not buy the game unless the soundtrack includes Eminem, Lil Wayne, Kim Kardashain Wait .... i must be trippin_______________________________Video Games Glitches
@Popsickle117 ask jess out, than say, i need your shirt. then go to her apt and the rest we all know $#*k #4##k aaaaaahhh.___________________________________Video Games
i will not play it, because i am scared of the dark Lmao___________________________Borderlands 2 Orange Weapons
good i never played the first one, so not be waiting for the sequel either.______________________________Borderlands 2
WilliamChase's comments