I guess I'm really looking for spaceship stuff. Like EVE Online only single player. I would rather that than control a person or a bunch of people. Also, I really like exploration, so I don't know if that changes anything
Williwaw87's forum posts
Is Mass effect 2 space ship combat or person combat?
Also, can someone tell me the advantages and disadvantages of the game? I think most of the games ohave been reviewed on Gamespot, but some haven't.
Thanks, I'm getting a lot of good ideas. I'm kind of leaning towards Sins, Mass Effect 2 and Warhammer Dawn of War II.
Hi. I'm kind of new to the genre, but i'm really interested in futuristic space RPG's. I want decent graphics. Also, I don't want to play an MMO. I want a good storyline, and few glitches if any. I'm mainly looking for more recent games (2007 and on). Also, I'm looking for a Space RTS. Would Starcraft II be the choice? Thanks.
Also, I might want one casual dungeon crawler along with a full blown story oriented RPG, so recommendations for both are greatly appreciated.
For me, the reason why I tend to want to make my own character is if the premade one doesn't feel right. I am happy to play a premade character if it looks relatively normal and has some skill choice.
Hi, I am currently looking for a Fantasy or Steampunk RPG for PC. Graphics are relatively important. I want a game with 3D graphics that are not cartoony. I do not like MMO's. I enjoy both story driven games and fast paced hack and slash. I have a laptop with Windows 7, so I can run most games. Games with character/gender/class customization are preferred. Skill based games are fine as well.
Are there any good games based on gymnastics? I've been able to find about 10 for every other sport.
Some of my favorite games have to include Diablo and Warcraft. As much of a cliche as it is, I like Dragon Age a lot.
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