I really don't care when I get it on PC, as long as it is not a year later, or worst case scenario, not at all! There are plenty of other great games hitting shelves around the same period, so I really don't mind waiting.
@Toysoldier34 I tend to agree, but I still think it is a shame that they would treat PC gamers with such disdain! As I've said in other comments, it's almost a form of disrespect for the platform!
@obsequies The irritating part though is why they string the PC gamers along like this. It verges on the point of disrespect for them. I'm no PC fanboi as I have all the consoles, and game on all of them, but I still find if despicable. They can't blame piracy as, even if the game was pirated on PC by 80% of gamers, they will still have made a massive profit from the console sales. And I can assure anyone, while I don't have stats, I doubt it is more than 50% of PC gamers that would pirate the game anyway.
Well I'm not going to shoot down the idea of more DLC content. Some people are stating they are tired of the game now - well then don't buy the new DLC. Simple as that!?!?! Personally, I'm interested to see what the next DLC will be like! Gearbox haven't really disappointed yet with their DLC, so hopefully they won't start now.
Unless they do a stellar job of integrating the control scheme of a PC into the game, this may be a terrible PC title to use with a mouse and keyboard. Has anybody ever tried to play Binary Domain or Darksiders II on PC with a mouse and keyboard! Terrible!?!?!?! Eventually I bought a 360 controller for the PC to enjoy the games, and what a difference it made to the playability of the titles!
@Davhut Um...I wouldn't want to spend hours playing as a dog: the constant low point-of-view would drive me mad, and I wouldn't be able to play with all the arsenal that is available to a human character. Plus, how the hell would I relate to a dog! I've never been a dog and never will be a dog, so I am not interested in the least about the emotional up and downs of a quadruped!
WiredDreemz's comments