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Medal of Honor: Airborne



Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends
Rise of Legends is not quite as addictive as Rise of Nations, but it's okay!
Rise of Nations was one of the most addictive games I've ever played, so I had exceptionally high hopes for Rise of Legends. What could be better than Rise of Nations with a fantasy twist? Nothing! Guess I was wrong! My ... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic
There is only one positive thing to say about Dark Messiah of Might and Magic...
...and that is that the graphics are pretty damn hot. Aside from that, the game sucks big time through and through! The biggest complaint for me is that I practically didn't even finish the game because I got exceptional... Read Full Review
3 of 15 users found the following review helpful
Unreal Tournament III
So what can one say about the newest installment of the classic Unreal Tournament?!?!
Not much really, aside from the fact that there are two new game types, and the graphics are brilliant. As things stand ATM, the two new game types are Vehicle Capture The Flag and Warfare. There are a couple of tweak... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
The Settlers: Rise of an Empire
It's a decent game that can become a bit addictive.
I wouldn't call it a AAA title though in the same vein as other similar games. It's fun and can become a bit addictive, but not to the point of keeping you up until all hours of the morning. It's a very simple game with ... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
Crysis is so gorgeus graphically, it'll make you cry! This is a game that sits on top of the pile of FPSs, next to HL2!
Crysis has every thing you could want in a game. A certain amount of replayability, gorgeous graphics that will bring any gaming behemoth crumbling to its knees, and gameplay that is truly indulging. You actually feel gu... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
Half-Life 2: The Black Box (Episode Two)
You can't get much better than Half-Life 2: Episode Two. It the the quintessence of FPS.
Episode Two has everything a true HL2 fan would want, plus more. It is a package that exudes quality. Graphics are brilliant, gameplay perfect, storyline engrossing, sound top shelf, and everything else. Get it or miss o... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
Age of Empires III: The WarChiefs
The game has the typical characteristics of most AOE games, just that little bit extra. Promising. More of the same....
...but still well worth the investment just for the fact that it is AOE3. Pity we have to be subjected to American history. Not everyone is overly interested in America's past. If anything, that is the only shortfall of ... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
Its charm lies in the fact that it is a pretty unique game concept that it executed with a certain amount of flair.
I've been keeping track of this game for quite a while, and when I finally popped it into my drive and gave it a whirl, I was hooked! It is not the perfect game, but it is no where near mediocre or bad. The graphics a... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
1701 A.D.
When I cracked open the package over a year ago, I have never looked back on the investment.
Anno1701 (as the EU versio is known as) is a wonderful and addictive game. It may not be a perfect title, and who cares about perfection when entertainment takes centre stage. In simple terms Anno1701 is a city buildi... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
Devil May Cry 4
A console game on PC! What more needs to be said about it.
DMC 4 hit the PC with a bit of a bang, but due to its console nature, it did not take it by storm. There is not much you can say about the game that is negative. The graphics is absolutely amazing, the soundtrack is ... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
Mass Effect
Well, right off the bat, this is the only game that really choked me up a bit in the part!
So already that's a big thing in my book! (WARNING: SPOILER) You find out all the backgrounds to characters until they practically become family, and then you choose which one will have to die! On top of that, you might ... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
Risen is not exactly the an award-winning RPG, but it definitely has its charm that will keep any RPG gamer occupied.
While Risen is no Oblivion, it has its own charm and offering. It's not going to reinvent the genre by any means but it is a worthy investment if you are an RPG gamer. Right off the bat, the element that will no doubt... Read Full Review
4 of 5 users found the following review helpful
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