Because the game itself got a 7 here on GameSpot, I was expecting this low score to be due to a poor port quality. If you didn't like the game you could've taken "another take" on the original version of the game like GameSpot did with some previous games.
Reviewing a PC port of a game that came out about a year ago should be focused on the port itself, because ,you know, it's not a new game.
I guess the PC version should've been reviewed by the same reviewer of the original game, his opinion about the game still stands, while giving us additional information about the quality of the port.
Side missions have always been a drag in all Spider-Man games. They just toss in some boring activities to fill the game with some content. And these games just keep coming out, I dunno would buy an average Spider-Man game in 2014, I mean, The series has more than 10 games non of which are good and they just keep coming out.
@DIGN @Wistful_Gamer I tried Google Chrome but didn't like it. No problem, though. A quick search through add-ons will get me something to deal with this, I'm sure. Either by muting the sound on gamespot, or blocking the videos altogether.
Oh, BTW, the video on the top would have been better without sound, or a still screenshot instead. I'm using Firefox and it stutters after every loop, which is about 5 seconds. Kinda annoying.
The PC version is a complete mess. The FPS is hard-locked at 30 and guess what happens when you try to unlock that cap? The actual speed of the game increases with the fps increase meaning that 60 FPS will make the game run at 200% speed. You choose the missions on that map by moving a circle cursor to the desired stage but guess what? there is no mouse support so yeah you move that cursor with the arrows which is just great.
Wistful_Gamer's comments