So, the average user score represents not only the game on ALL platforms, but that along with the DLCs ? That is just great. And I can not rate a DLC without writing a review ? I'm not sure if that's really the case or I'm just no looking carefully.
Yeah the half-point scores is better, more diverse, accurate and fair. Neither the 7.5 nor the 8.4 games deserve be 8. and a lot of games that would normally get 8.5 will now get 8 because of the too-high value of the 9.
I like how they talk as if they are the good guys who are doing their best for us, but the evil game won't let them. however, they won't give up and will continue fighting till they find a way to defeat the evil game code and make it playable offline. Oh and they will try to make it so our humble PCs be able to do the "complicated" calculations that could be done only on the servers
Just like the always-online xbox connection and how it was "designed" based on these features blah blah blah.
The original assassin's creed games you are talking about was AMAZING. AC 2 was a masterpiece and Brotherhood got even better .. the first time to fire your pistol was Insane and when you first got your bow it felt great and then recruiting assassin's and calling them for aid was cool .. all that was just great experiences.
and then there was revelations which I was forcing myself to keep playing it to be done with this part of the series. firing your pistol got boring and so is the bow. climbing those stupid view points became tedious and annoying and the series needed to die and I guess it did die. and a new game raised from the ashes :D .
I did not try AC 3 yet but we have been starving for a good pirate game for along time. no pirate game was good enough .. no one made it right but from the reviews I can see that AC 3 finally did something right which is a good thing and black flag is gonna be even more pirate-ish and evolved. I'm really looking forward to playing AC 3 and then may be black flag later. and I'm glad to see the legendary-once AC formula finally changes to something more fresh.
I'm a fan of SP games myself and as much as I hate to see a once-single-player game turn into an MMO or some kind of multiplayer-only game, I don't blame the publishers for doing so.
I mean these publishers are big corporations that develop games as investments. Their main objective is to make money and that their games be sold to as much people as possible. and this kind of games is what those"much people" want and love to play these days it seems.
So I guess this is something we have to accept and deal with. If you like a game get it and if you don't then just ignore it and get another game you like instead of hating and raging about the other game.
Wistful_Gamer's comments