Two over rated games, and Skyrim is the worst ES's on console. Anyways, I bought Watch Dogs last night... I will play it today, but from everything I have SEEN it will feel more real than Los Santos... GTA games are "a jack of all trades and master of none" experiences.. at least Watch Dogs tried to master a couple things. Articles like this make me sick... comparing a dry turd to Skyrim is like comparing a dry turd to a wet turd. If this game is worse than a wet turd then that sucks for me.... anyways tough... lol.. carry on with the chlorophyll.
I was thinking the same thing... why in the hell does a site like this even need video ads that randomly start playing like this is somebodies personal blog site or something... what a joke.
A 4 huh...? I will need to play it.. but come on. A 4? This sites reviews are laughable these days. Average 7.2 user score says it all. Not every game has a HUGE budget to buy reviews like Titanfall... that over rated game got a 9 here by the way,
They can go low enough to drive traffic to the site directed from metacritic.... a lot of 15-20 point discrepancies recently... coincidence? Could be... Is it though? I would highly doubt it...
It should, but probably wont. After playing the beta it is nothing special. However with as much money as MS has been throwing at people lets just say.... I guess we will see.
WitIsWisdom's comments