@DramacydalN3D @WiteLite @Pirate700 "Microsoft does not charge a platform fee to retailers, publishers, or consumers for enabling transfer of these games.” Taken at face value, this means that publishers like Electronic Arts and Ubisoft will be allowed to make a decision on a case by case basis about whether used game sales will be allowed for a given game. Publishers could also set up fees for this transfer, but Microsoft claims it will take no part of those fees. "
@berserker66666 i hope Sony says they will link the vita with the ps4. Just like they said the psp would link with ps2, then ps3, then the vita would link with ps3, now we can have the same promise with 0 results again......YEAH!!!!
@Micooliscool @Pirate700 technical issues that last longer than 24 hours...the only time this has happened to me was when we were hit with a hurricane. And i had other concerns than playing a game after that.
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