Woe2spread's forum posts
ikachan is a good fish story for only five bucks. its somewhat in 3d I guess. there is a bunch of old zeldas to play on eshop too. most for five bucks. all first five megaman will be there shortly too. only got one and two so far tho. the 3ds is actually one of the most enjoyable experiances on any handheld I have with every game I play . monster hunter 3 ultimate looks fantastic on it. bar none. that comes next march 19. really easy for the first 25 hours but after that you fight tougher monsters with different abilities. but it eases you into the game and there is over literally 1000 hours if not more if you are new to the series. I can get at least 100 hours out of the first 25. and I will cus I like to farm lol. even the Mario tennis game looks like fun. fire emblem better then ff tactics on psp. great game and graphics. cool story too. and all the first gen games are actually hella decent. like just decent enough to play and cheap enough to get on cartridge. this is my 2 cents and yes all the Mario games are ok. and luigi if you get that and mansion game: you can get a free game if you sign up for Nintendo and use the bar codes to join. you will get a free game out of five decent games. look up Nintendo.com for more info on it. enjoy! get the xl. red one cus the red xl can be sold back to amazon for 177$. idk why thats the only one that is at that price but ya. incase you dont like the 3ds or something.
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