What is with all of the hate aimed at RuneScape? I have been playing for atleast 7 years now, and yes, Jagex pissed me off a lot too, but how can you hate on it? It is way more popular then Halo is at the moment. And it was at times, better then CoD! sO WHAT THE HELL?? >:[
With the recent downage of the Playstation networks, Xbox Live has certainly seen a quite obviouse rise in active players. Take for instance, the recent bbomn of players on Black Ops. The average amount of players went from 370,000 (active/minute), to 532,000 (active/minute). I believe that this is happening not only because of some PS3 players completely selling their PS3s (not advised, just wait for it to come back up, as the prices buyers are willing to pay for them is pretty low), but for those who invest all their money on consoles, and happen to have two consoles; a Xbox AND a Playstation. At the moment, Xbox is better. Xbox is getting all of the releases on time, while PSN users are playing CoD Campaigns, or just going to GTA IV instead. When PSN does eventually come back up, I will not be surprised to see the sales in Playstation game rise, as Xbox games stay level.
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