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#1 Working_Stiff
Member since 2004 • 2253 Posts

My thoughts on this are similar to my thoughts on the re-releasing of gaming related things in general, such as software or systems:

On the one hand its great, more people get to experience things from the past they may have missed out on or replace defective things in their collection.

On the other hand, it does kinda take away from the collections people have built over the years. I have almost every original megaman for the NES (except #1 ,errrrr), but then they come out with the anniversary collection, with a built in save function. It marginalizes what the collection I have built over the years. Of course the compilation isnt the same as playing the games on the NES, but it sure is close enough. - but I guess I should just get over this.

The new NES clone is different. It is a legal (even though non-endorsed) replica of a popular system that is 20ish years old, however no new cartriges are being released. It seems like it would have a fairly small market; between people who's NES broke and people who want a NES for the first time and will ebay the games. Plus with the Wii coming out and the "talks" of the 5-10-15 price structure ($5 for all NES, $10 for all SNES, $15 for all N64), it seems that the market for one of these would be even smaller, only including people who already own the games.

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#2 Working_Stiff
Member since 2004 • 2253 Posts

Slightly off topic, but given the tone of the thread I thought Id share this:

I still shudder at the fact that I used to keep EVERY NES/SNES box I had for my games for years. Right before I went to college ('99) I threw them out because I needed the drawer they were in to take to school. Now I hate myself on a regular basis for this travesty. I had probably 30 NES boxes, such as the original LOZ, and 15 SNES boxes. SHAME ON ME.

Anyways, for GBA games I just use some cheap plastic holders I bought from gamestop. It really annoyed me that the games didnt come with the cases like GB games did.

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#3 Working_Stiff
Member since 2004 • 2253 Posts

i can't i don't have a tape player :-( amorphe

Man, that post just made me feel old

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#4 Working_Stiff
Member since 2004 • 2253 Posts

I already knew about the payroll issues, stealing, cheating and other crap.....

GAmestop creates FALSE RARITY! games like Cubivore, Gitarooman, Breath of Fire IV, Rez, Rhapsody, Persona 2, Saiyuki and more the disapear seemingly in the masses and become high priced items.... just the ones I have listed alone have all shown up as we near the end of this generation of consoles, NO they were not traded in. they were shipped to EVERY store directly from the corporete warehouse.... and to make it worse, they still had the seal on them, heck some still had shrink wrap, but marked as used..... my thoughts lead me to believe Gamestop baoght these games in the masses kept them hidden from the public and made money off them on perpose! false rarity is and will be a serious issue unless something is done.......

First the payroll issue: it may not sound appealing, but I dont see anyting inherintly wrong or illegal with it. When EB starts converting to GS, they start having their pay system mirror GS's. The employees were told to sell the warrentees, plus their were too many employees (assumed) in an area due to GS/EB closings. So who are they going to keep? the people that make them the most money. I hate that type of mentality personally, but thats corporate America for you. When companies downsize they keep the employees who help the bottom line the most (however I do also agree that those warrentees are BS).

And I dont understand the false rarity issue. If they want to sell a used game for more, whynot just jack up the price? Price fixing is illegal so they can charge whatever they want for the items (some exceptions apply). I understand there are probably some formulas that say if a game is X yrs old and we hav Y copies and Z copies are sold on average a month we will charge: $___. However thats just a corporate policy. If anything they are stupid for holding back quantity and should just jack the prices up with the full quantity of the item at each store.

To me, the quantity issue sounds like probably a few stores had a large stockpile of a certain game based on trade ins and lack of sales, but the rest of the company stores didnt, and with the merger (and closing of stores, which also increases the supply available to the remaining stores) they decided to redistribute the merchandise. A GREAT IDEA - I mean, do you know how frustrating it is to see the EB down the street as having 0 copies of the game you want in stock but the EB 10 miles away has 4+ (I do love the online game locator)

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#5 Working_Stiff
Member since 2004 • 2253 Posts
This controller is worth every cent it costs