There's lots of examples of such lies on display on the False Witness Union at present, and I just got the same list passed on to me in a private message, so I think it's about time that I address -- again -- some of the things said. It pains me that some Christians would feel it necessary to resort to telling lies about their brothers and sisters in Christ, but fortunately their lies wither under some cursory examination.
Here are some examples of [unbiblical Catholic] thinking. Perhaps, rather than criticize others for using Scripture, he should worry about the unbiblical and even wicked past history of the popes.
"Pope Gregory VII (1073-85) :
"The pope cannot make a mistake."
Okay, where to start? First, after half an hour on Google, I can't find any official source for this statement (the only known quotation from a "Catholic" source is from The Benedictine Network*). Indeed, the majority of sites I can find that quote this statement are anti-Catholic sites. Now, I don't necessarily doubt that the quote is legitimate, but I might point out that in the finest tradition of Uncle Screwtape, the problem is not that the quote itself is a lie. The problem is that the quote hides a lie behind a truth by betraying a probable context.
Popes rarely say anything with brevity, especially when making official statements. This would certainly have been true of Pope Gregory VII, given that he presided over a rather hectic time in the Church's history -- when dealing with heretics and anti-Popes, one should speak clearly and with detail. Which means that the quote above almost certainly has been excerpted from a larger document, and has probably been taken out of context.
What do I mean by that?
Consider this article for a moment. In the middle of it, this passage appears: "This does not mean that the Pope cannot make a mistake or commit a sin or that he can teach on any subject which strikes his fancy or that he is inspired by God. It does mean that under certain conditions the Pope is preserved from error..." It would be easy enough to pick out "the Pope cannot make a mistake" from that statement and cite it as "proof" of something, but of course to do so would betray context horribly, and would in fact completely reverse the meaning of the statement. And therein is the lie behind the truth.
Is that what has happened here? Hard to say -- where is the source text from which this quote was excerpted?
It should also be noted that Gregory VII was something of an early reformer in the Church. He decreed, among other things, that clerics who had obtained any grade or office of sacred orders by payment should cease to minister in the Church, that no one who had purchased any church should retain it, and that no one for the future should be permitted to buy or sell ecclesiastical rights, that all who were guilty of incontinence should cease to exercise their sacred ministry, and that the people should reject the ministrations of clerics who failed to obey these injunctions.
Let's move on to another statement from the False Witness Union.
Pope Paschal II: (1099-1118 )
"Whoever does not agree with the Apostolic See is without doubt a heretic."
The problem that most non-Catholics have with this statement (it is true) is that they don't understand what heresy is. Only a baptized Catholic can be a Catholic heretic, because a heretic is one who rejects a core teaching of his or her religious denomination. To flip it around, I -- being Catholic -- am not a heretic to Islam, because I have never been a Muslim. Obviously, I disagree with many core teachings of Islam, but since I was never a Muslim, my disagreements are not heresies in their own right.
Now, it might also do well to point out that Paschal II also presided over some rather troublesome times in the Church's history; when dealing with severe problems in times when tensions are running high enough to lead to bloodshed, one needs to take a hard line...the same way a parent with squabbling children needs to be somewhat more of an absolutist than a parent with children who are playing together agreeably.
The point is, it's not actually unbiblical to say that someone who disagrees with a doctrine is a heretic. It's simply a proper understanding and use of the term. And to speak in such a truthful manner is, I think, rather biblical...wouldn't the Reader agree?
Pope Innocent IV (1243-54):
described himself as "the bodily presence of Christ."( presumably by a kind of transubstantiation at his election)
Again, I can't find a source for this statement apart from the Benedictine Network (not a trustworthy source, see *) and several anti-Catholic sites. It is possible that there is some confusion here between the Catholic notion of alter Christus and what Innocent IV said, but absent the official source document for this statement, there is little to go on.
It is telling, though, that only those who already dispute the authority of the Pope are the only source for this statement, and in much the same way as the first quoted statement, one suspects that the real truth of the statement hides a sinister lie.
Pope Boniface VIII (1294-1303)
"Every human being must do as the pope tells him."
Now here is the first example of a statement which has more evidence for it. The source of this statement is a papal bull, Unam Sanctam, which was a statement on papal supremacy.
"The Bull lays down dogmatic propositions on the unity of the Church, the necessity of belonging to it for eternal salvation, the position of the pope as supreme head of the Church, and the duty thence arising of submission to the pope in order to belong to the Church and thus to attain salvation. The pope further emphasizes the higher position of the spiritual in comparison with the secular order. From these premises he then draws conclusions concerning the relation between the spiritual power of the Church and secular authority. The main propositions of the Bull are the following: First, the unity of the Church and its necessity for salvation are declared and established by various passages from the Bible and by reference to the one Ark of the Flood, and to the seamless garment of Christ. The pope then affirms that, as the unity of the body of the Church so is the unity of its head established in Peter and his successors. Consequently, all who wish to belong to the fold of Christ are placed under the dominion of Peter and his successors. When, therefore, the Greeks and others say they are not subject to the authority of Peter and his successors, they thus acknowledge that they do not belong to Christ's sheep. "
Now, how unbiblical does that sound? There is some expansion available on the above statement; let's take a look at it:
"- Under the control of the Church are two swords, that is two powers, the expression referring to the medieval theory of the two swords, the spiritual and the secular. This is substantiated by the customary reference to the swords of the Apostles at the arrest of Christ (Luke 22:38; Matthew 26:52).
- Both swords are in the power of the Church; the spiritual is wielded in the Church by the hand of the clergy; the secular is to be employed for the Church by the hand of the civil authority, but under the direction of the spiritual power.
- The one sword must be subordinate to the other: the earthly power must submit to the spiritual authority, as this has precedence of the secular on account of its greatness and sublimity; for the spiritual power has the right to establish and guide the secular power, and also to judge it when it does not act rightly. When, however, the earthly power goes astray, it is judged by the spiritual power; a lower spiritual power is judged by a higher, the highest spiritual power is judged by God.
- This authority, although granted to man, and exercised by man, is not a human authority, but rather a Divine one, granted to Peter by Divine commission and confirmed in him and his successors. Consequently, whoever opposes this power ordained of God opposes the law of God and seems, like a Manichaean, to accept two principles."
The declaration, then, that it is necessary for salvation to be subject to the Roman pontiff stems from the belief that the authority given to Peter was of divine origin, and that this divine authority is conferred on each successor to Peter as the head of the Church. To stand in opposition to this is to stand in opposition of the divine mandate imposed by Christ, and in a sense is to put worldly concerns over the concerns of faith**.
Is this unbiblical teaching? Peter was the rock on which Christ founded the Church, the Church that the gates of hell cannot prevail against. Christ commissioned Peter to feed His lambs, tend His flock, and feed His sheep. Catholicism follows in apostolic succession (see: the Nicene Creed) from Peter, and the Catholic pontiff is charged with no less a responsibility than was Peter. How can this be disputed, without disputing the very commission Christ gave to Peter, and thus disputing the Bible itself***?
What else has been said in the False Witness Union?
Pope Leo XIII (1878-1903): "We hold upon this earth the place of God Almighty." PRAECLARA GRATULATIONIS PUBLICAE, ( Encyclical Letter, June 20, 1894 p.304 )
Here again we see that Uncle Screwtape is at work, for this is indeed a most grevious example of ripping a quote clean out of its context and turning a truth into a vehicle for a lie. It is for saying things like this that I rightly label the CWU as the False Witness Union.
Here is the complete text of PRAECLARA GRATULATIONIS PUBLICAE (The Reunion of Christendom), one of many encyclical letters published by Pope Leo XIII. And here is the proper context of the quoted text above:
"A great deal, however, has been wanting to the entire fullness of that consolation. Amidst these very manifestations of public joy and Reverence Our thoughts went out towards the immense multitude of those who are strangers to the gladness that filled all Catholic hearts: some because they lie in absolute ignorance of the Gospel; others because they dissent from the Catholic belief, though they bear the name of Christians.
This thought has been, and is, a source of deep concern to Us; for it is impossible to think of such a large portion of mankind deviating, as it were, from the right path, as they move away from Us, and not experience a sentiment of innermost grief.
But since We hold upon this earth the place of God Almighty, Who will have all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the Truth, and now that Our advanced age and the bitterness of anxious cares urge Us on towards the end common to every mortal, We feel drawn to follow the example of Our Redeemer and Master, Jesus Christ, Who, when about to return to Heaven, implored of God, His Father, in earnest Prayer, that His Disciples and followers should be of one mind and of one heart: I pray . . . that they all may be one, as Thou Father in Me, and I in Thee: that they also may be one in Us. And as this Divine Prayer and Supplication does not include only the souls who then believed in Jesus Christ, but also every one of those who were henceforth to believe in Him, this Prayer holds out to Us no indifferent reason for confidently expressing Our hopes, and for making all possible endeavors in order that the men of every race and clime should be called and moved to embrace the Unity of Divine Faith."
The statement "we hold upon this Earth the place of God Almighty" is a confession of the Church's mission to spread the Gospel and Truth of Christ, its mandate of evangelism, and its desire that all might come to know Christ and be saved through Him. It is not a statement declaring that the Church usurps the authority of Christ, but rather an acknowledgement that, as humanity was made stewards of Creation, so too has the Church been made the steward of Christ's Truth in the world. Her mission is to see that all might be saved and know whatsoever is True, and her desire is unity with all her fellow Christians in Christ Jesus, to be an unblemished bride and a seamless cloak for the Lord.
This is what the False Witness Union calls "unbiblical", then. What else do they similarly call unbiblical about Catholicism?
Pope Pius XI stated on April 30, 1922
"You know that I am the Holy Father, the representative of God on earth, the Vicar of Christ, which means that I am God on the earth."
This statement is highly dubious; the only recorded source for it that I can find online is the website of "a former Catholic priest" who is now an ardent anti-Papist. Such entities are a dime a dozen on the Internet, and I note that this one does not cite any sources for his wild claims about what various Popes have taught.
To be fair, the first three parts of the statement are all true -- it is only the conclusion which is false. Of course, to this, we must ask whether this statement was uttered infallibly or not, and if not then it is of no particular concern: the Pope is not immune from error in his normal speaking, nor even in his encyclicals (which are not statements of doctrine).
And that a human can be in error is not unbiblical -- indeed, it is a part of the reason the Bible exists!
What else have the False Witnesses to say?
"God himself is obliged to abide by the judgment of His priests, and either not to pardon or to pardon, according as they refuse or give absolution…
The sentence of the priest precedes, and God ascribes to it."
"I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." Christ gave His authority to the disciples, who have passed that authority on to their successors through the tradition of apostolic succession. The above teachings are actually very Biblical, especially in light of a certain teaching in John 20:
[21] Jesus said to them again, "Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I send you."
[22] And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and said to them, "Receive the Holy Spirit.
[23] If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained."
Here, Christ is explicitly commissioning his apostles (and, by extension, those who follow in the authority of the apostles) to forgive sin, to lead His Church on Earth. If the apostles retain any sin of any person, Christ obligated Himself to consider that sin retained, because it is by His power that the sin is retained. Likewise, if the apostles forgive the sin of any person, Christ obligated Himself to consider that sin forgiven, because it is by His power that it is forgiven.
It is odd that supposedly biblical Christians failed to notice that the parallelism of the first sentence above, especially, follows directly the parallelism of Christ's own speaking. The concept itself is biblical, and in this case the speaker made it really easy to pinpoint the exact Scriptural origin for the teaching. But some people are too blinded in their hatred to remember the truth.
"The Pope has the power to change times, to abrogate Laws, and to dispense with all things, even the precepts Of Christ."
Decretal De Translat, Episcopal Cap
The False Witness Union's top poster has thrown this one around a fair bit in the past, and I note that -- again -- the only online mentions of "Decretal De Translat" that I can find are from anti-Catholic sites. I cannot find the source document itself in any form, and so cannot adequately analyze the context of the quote. This should give the Reader pause, of course, as to the validity of the statement as a condemnation of Catholicism as unbiblical.
Of course, it's also probable that the author of this statement was simply in error; the above is certainly not a statement of Catholic doctrine, and so is irrelevant to the issue of whether or not Catholicism is unbiblical.
Should a sinful Pope be obeyed?
"A sinful pope . . . remains a member of the (visible) church and is to be treated as a sinful, unjust ruler for whom we must pray, but from whom we may not withdraw our obedience,"
The Pope is the Vicar of Christ (vicar meaning "anyone acting "in the person of" or agent for a superior" -- in essence, an appointed servant), and carries the authority of Peter in his office. At the same time, the Pope is human, and all human beings are sinners at various times. St. Peter was likewise a sinner, as was St. Paul, and yet both men were treated as authorities within the Church. The simple fact that a man is a sinner does not strip away his commission from Christ; it merely re-affirms his need for Christ.
Not exactly an unbiblical concept, is it?
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