Thank fucking god. I hated how I was unable to pass torture sequences on the harder difficulties because I can't mash the button quick enough. So even if I could do everything else on extreme. I could never beat it and forced myself to the easier difficulties. Thank god I don't have to mash Triangle this time and enjoy a difficult play through.
@SirApathetic005 @Wula_ At first I was disappointed as well with no random cave generation. But the more I played it the more I loved the fact of how much detail they put into the overworld instead. And besides if it was just a clear cut copy paste of 2. Then why would you bother buying and playing 3? At least all 3 games have many differences and because of that each game in the series stands out.
Glad I am part of that statistic for Pikmin 3. It was a very enjoyable game and I loved a good 90+% of it. Hopefully they continue to make more great Wii U titles.
Also another thing that I am hoping that steam will allow us to do is donate our game library to a children's hospital of our choice when we die. As I am already on planning on doing that with my physical game collection when I die.
I loved butcher bay and feel bad pirating it as a kid. So when I heard a remake was coming out. I had my wallet ready. Then that TAGES DRM shit got added. And I never bought or played it :c I just hope they don't screw it up with shitty DRM this time :/
The only problem i got with this video was him saying the stuff about 16 players being limited to hardware tech. Last time I checked MAG supported 250 players >.>
@Grenadeh @kungfuj0 Obviously people don't understand that game publishers are corporations. And *gasp* this might be a shocker. But corporations are about making the most amount of money with the least amount spent! Very few big companies actually care about their consumers. And when they do you should be grateful for it. Besides nowadays the most heart seen in most products are usually made by the smaller guy. So stop looking to big names thinking that they will respect you. Because you are only setting yourself up for disappointment.
So wait a Pc gaming service that came after steam is getting ready to retire before steam? damn at least it was an amazing service for its time. I will sure miss GFWL when it is fully retired.
Wula_'s comments