so if i buy 8400 will i play all the newest games with 9800 gtx for 3 years from now;;so i will not buy quade core am i right;;please;;help me please;to do the step to buy 8400;;
if i buy 9540 and i will not overclock will i play all the games like 8400;;8400 is 3 hz and qx9450 is 2 6hz i will i see diference in pc games;;\\can you help me please;;
i have read a lot of articles about these 2 cards but i dont know which is the best finanllywhich card of these 2 is the best for pc games movies music;;can you tell me pleaase;;i am very confused i dont know which i will buy;;can you help me please;;
now i made my decesioni will go to buy 4 giga ddr2780 sli9800 gtxbut the last thing i want to ask before i buy the processor isif i buy qx9450 or buy 8400;;will i see big diference in games;;this is my last question and i the topic will be closed ..9450 or 8400;; will i see big diference in pc games;
so if i buy 4 giga ddr2 i will be ok for 3 years am i right;so i will and one 780 sli and i will be ok am i right;;and one more thingif i buy 9450 will i be ok with all the newest games for 3 years;;can you help me please;;
but prelude now has all the latest drivers for dolby souround am i right;;you are saying that asus is better than prelude in games movies and all;;\can you help me please;;i have read reviews that saying that prelude is better than asus can you help me please;do you have links to give me new links if you have that is better than prelude;;
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