While purchasing this game on the 14th-Nov, I haven't stopped playing this game at all, it's truly one of the games that got me hooked from the minute I played it.
The new hero, Ezio,is someone who you can actually connect too as a person, unlike Altair "which means the Flyer in arabic and sounds dumb, being an arab that is" who has no sense in what he's saying half the time, poor Desmond is dragged again to play the dumb hero, this time with his own free will,with his supposedly love-interest Lucy "have you noticed how she has really ENORMOUS mouth, weird" being next to him and telling him how this time it's to help him out "LIES I SAY" figure what's going on.
Only thing i got hooked on this time is the Hookers! can't count how many times i ran away from the guards just by hiring them, now that's a huge plus in my books, haven't tried sticking to a game this much and trying to get all the Medals, sad part is i'm stuck on a couple and i'm hoping of getting the 100% Medal this time "seeing how i never go for that anymore" without changing games until then.
I got to stop playing ACII and open GoW: Collection so i can get a crack at the new HD graphics, I did promise myself however that I won't do that until i obtain every Medal for ACII before i play any other games.
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