@tachsniper @SeptuagintXXX but according to David Cage, he hasnt hit any limitations yet. This isnt a debate. This is from his mouth. True it might not be able to do dx11, but he still hasnt been limited. Other devs maybe. But not David Cage
@SeptuagintXXX @tachsniper No but I think making any games qualifies him as being relevant. Especially after just releasing a tech demo with a new engine.An opinion is different then being relevant. He hasn't encountered any limitations yet in making games, so therefor he can still make improvements. Disliking things has nothing to do with making improvements even if you hated/loved his games.So yes you can have an opinion, but that doesn't matter towards what I was implying in my original comment.
I remember playing JFK Reloaded way back in the day. My friends and I spent a whole night competing to see who could reenact it the closest to the original. I think the highest score was somewhere around low 600
Exclusive DLC for 30 days huh? I don't get it. Next thing it will be games. "Max Payne 3 Exclusive on 360 for 30 days!" Why not work on getting actual exclusives that will actually give people a reason to choose one console vs the other, or a reason to get both? Until then I can wait "30 days" and keep my PS3
@evilweav while I like your list, I must say Dark Souls was not very innovative. I mean it is fundamentally the same as Demons Souls which came out only a few years earlier.
Personally I support Helper's ideas and opinions. If one of a games best points is its story, why shouldn't you have the option to skip non-story related events? Its not like you would HAVE to skip them. They would be optional, if you don't like it then don't do it. Also I think BioWare's general manager did nothing wrong, if someone isn't willing to be civil then imo there is no reason to be civil back.
The Last of Us, Fortnite, and The New Rainbow 6 caught the most of my attention. I was already looking forward to M.E.3 and D3 so the trailers didn't do too much for me. Transformers caught my eye as well, and I think my interest in Rising actually went down a little :(.
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