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Xanatos11 Blog

Why Wii play games

YEEAAHH!!! or sorry... WIIIIIIII!!!!!!

The dates and prices are here at last. I cant wait to get one. Im gonna reserve one ASAP and make sure I get one on day 1. Alright Nintendo!

Oh, and I got Lego Star Wars II last night, but havent oplayed it mch yet. The 1st level was awesome though.

Total Access Baby!

Sop just a few minutes ago I completed the stuff needed for TOTAL ACCESS!!! (bum bum bum). Its not showing it yet... I wonder why.


Oh, and I learned annew little acronym today: FOAD. Ive never heard it before and my stepdad just made it up on the go, it stands for F**k off and die.

EDIT: Ok, Total Access workds now, must've just been a delay.

On the Spot

I forgot to mention it a few days ago (beacuse I was so extatic about it) but they mentioned me in on the spot. Or atleast I asked  question and they answered.

Its the 9/7/06 show. I asked the question "Will there be any changes to the cinematic camera to make it more exciting?" When the LucasArts rep was showing off Star Wars Empire at War: Forces of Corruption. Its 18:54 on the timecode.

It made me so happy. I know its not really a big achievement or anything, but I was just so overjoyed when I heard my name and question being spoken by Rich, and answered by a profesional from one of my favorite game studios ever.

So yeah. Thanks Rich and everyone else from the show, and thanks everyone at gamespot. You guys are #1.

My Video Game Contact Card

Zachary Jones – Video Game Contact Card

Xbox Live                                        XanatostheBrute

Metroid Prime Hunters                   4725-1430-4043

Mario Kart DS                                 4467-3641-2398

StarFox Command                            5123-9619-1860

Animal Crossing Wild World            1718-5994-3450

                                                            Name - Zachary

                                                            World - Zanzibar

Ta da, feel free to drop me a message, friend request or hello. If you really to want any way. I dont play Metroid Prime Hunters too much though, nor Mario Kart but if you tell me ahead of time I'll be happy to play.

New Games

So yeah. I got a couple of new games today.Which is a hard thing to do because the nearest place where I can get games (Target) is about 4 miles away over the freeway, and I have to ride my bike to get there. So anyway, what was I saying... OH YEAH! Two new games: StarFox Command and LocoRoco. SFC is awesome, nuff said. I really want to try out the multiplayer, Ill probably do it after I type this. LocoRoco is fun too, but Ive really only played it for the first 2 levels, but I loved the demo, it was one of my most played things over the summer.

Blog 2.0

Alright, so Im going through a few changes on all my forums and profiles and such. So everything Ive got going is probably gonnna change in format. In other words, Im making things pretty. Including my blog. Im gonna try and actually update and do stuff with it, though Im gonna try top keep it game related.

As if anyone really reads this... I must be paranoid or something...

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